Hyrule Warriors (Wii U): News, Reviews, Videos & Screens

Hyrule Warriors is a Brawler game developed by Omega Force for the Wii U video game console. Get the latest news, reviews, videos and screenshots for Hyrule Warriors.


Omega Force







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (5 Votes)

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Reviews for Hyrule Warriors Wii U

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Join the Hyrulean forces and play as characters other than Link in this crossover between The Legend of Zelda and Dynasty Warriors! - By SirLink

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Previews for Hyrule Warriors Wii U

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

As a spin-off game, does Hyrule Warriors maintain that high-level of quality that players expect from The Legend of Zelda? - By Jorge Ba-oh

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Articles & Features for Hyrule Warriors Wii U

Title Date Comments
Dynasty Warriors Gets Belated Birthday03.01.20160
Hyrule Warriors Gets Classic Link Outfit17.06.20153
Hyrule Warriors Brought Freshness to Dynasty Warriors Series10.03.20150
Surprise Secret Character Uncovered in Hyrule Warriors Boss Pack26.02.20153
Final Hyrule Warriors DLC Announced17.02.20151
US eShop: Hyrule Warriors, Dig Dug, Kirby05.02.20150
Hyrule Warriors Ships One Million Copies and New Wallpapers Are Released to Celebrate27.01.20156
EU eShop: Hyrule Warriors DLC, Metroid Prime Trilogy26.01.20151
Could there be a Pokémon Warriors Crossover?22.01.20152
New Details for Hyrule Warriors Majora's Mask Pack16.01.20150

Screenshots and Artwork for Hyrule Warriors Wii U

Gameplay Videos & Trailers for Hyrule Warriors Wii U

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