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Haha, you've got to admit, he is funny looking.
He does have some extremely funny looking facial poses!
He must have been doing some of those on purpose! Some of those are so weird that they cant possibly be natural.
*Tries to perform 'reggie facial expressions*
*Fails miserably*
Those are hilarious! So weird faces.
He is an animated guy, that's for sure. His eyes are a little freaky, but he has to look scary to beat the shit out of people and strike terror into the hearts of gamers everywhere.
is it me or does that guy look like the dwarf from LotR
Gimli you mean?
One of his eyes seems to almost close a lot for some reason...
He looks stoned.
Heh. Anyone can look like they're pulling funny faces if you examine a movie clip frame by frame like that. Although Reggie probably more often than most. :-p
That is one ugly dude.
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