Ganondorf, Zant and Ghirahim are Playable in Hyrule Warriors

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.08.2014 11

Ganondorf, Zant and Ghirahim are Playable in Hyrule Warriors on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo confirmed various new details in today's Hyrule Warriors presentation, including playable baddies.

Joining the bumper line-up of faces from the land of Hyrule, including Link, Impa, Sheik, Princess Ruto, Midna, Darunia, Agitha, Lana and Fi come three powerful baddies: Ghirahim, Zant and the evil king himself, Ganondorf.

Zant wields the Scimitar, Ghirahim swings the Demon Blade and Ganondorf gets rather angry with two swords; as if Cervantes from Soul Calibur dyed his hair red and went on a demented rampage.

Those who register their copy of Hyrule Warriors within the first four weeks of launch will receive alternative Ganondorf costumes as free in-game content.


What do you think of the inclusion of the baddies in Hyrule Warriors?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors

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This is the kind of Ganondorf I'd want playable in Super Smash Bros. 4 - needs to have those swords!

Looking forward to trying out Ghirahim too.

That Twilight Realm (I presume) theme is my fave so far, I think.

( Edited 05.08.2014 07:52 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Pah! I lol'd at the end. Looks good...but I certainly hope these three aren't the last to make up the list!

This is my favourite Ganondorf design ever, absolutely love it! Smilie

Azuardo said:
Pah! I lol'd at the end. Looks good...but I certainly hope these three aren't the last to make up the list!

I'm thinking we'll get Cia, Wizro and Valvga and that'll be it. Doesn't really look like we'll be getting anymore past characters which is a shame but I could be wrong.
Marzy said:
This is my favourite Ganondorf design ever, absolutely love it! Smilie

Agreed he looks absolutely insane!

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Oh yeah, I forgot about that Valvga guy. Hmm, that gives me an inkling of hope. Evil Malon for villains >: )

Oh look, I totally called this happening on the Lana news post. Smilie Zant and Ghirahim announced as playable alongside Ganondorf.

He looks freaking insane here, totally with jb that THIS is how Ganondorf should be represented in Smash, not as a slower Captain Falcon. Always thought dual-wielding really fit his character and none of the other swordsmen in Smash do it.

SirLink said:
He looks freaking insane here, totally with jb that THIS is how Ganondorf should be represented in Smash, not as a slower Captain Falcon. Always thought dual-wielding really fit his character and none of the other swordsmen in Smash do it.

Lol I bet Bamco will include Cervantes and reskin him Ganondorf, or vice-versa. 

Some Smashers may say too many swords-people, but you can't beat a good slash!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Marzy said:
This is my favourite Ganondorf design ever, absolutely love it! Smilie

I still think Demise from SS looks more intense. Still this is a great combination of OOT & TP Gannondorf. I hope they put forth more effort in the story....I don't just want some pallet swap for Gannon so let's hope we get to fight the Hyrule forces & all their heroes!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Rich (guest) 06.08.2014#9

Super slash bros.? ... no that just sounds wrong...

YES FINALLY !!!! This is the Gannon we needed in SMASH BROS hese not a clone of Captain Falcon he is original. Plus most importantly HE HAS A SWORD !!!! In every Zelda Literiation I can remember he had a sword. Two infact this time which has never been done before for Gannon. I feel now Gannon will finaly be worthy to take on Link with his BLADES If he is Uleashed on SMASH  BROTHERS !!!! 

( Edited 07.08.2014 18:37 by curtiscdragon )

Too much Gannon-banned in this comments section.

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