Nintendo Announces Nintendo Switch 2 Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.01.2025 13

Nintendo Announces Nintendo Switch 2 Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After months of leaks, speculation and rumors, here is the first official look at the Nintendo Switch successor.

The "Super Switch", "Switch Attach", "Switch Pro" - the eagerly anticipated console had been attached to many potential names since the first inkling of a continuation of the successful hybrid hardware format.

Nintendo announced the new console via a succinct trailer that shows the existing hardware evolving into the newer, sleeker design. A snippet of what appears to be a next-generation Mario Kart entry also plays briefly.

Nintendo has confirmed a selection of hands-on events with the new hardware in various cities globally, plus a full Nintendo Direct presentation on 2nd April 2024.


What are your thoughts on the new hardware and branding?

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Nice to see the thing at last, although a bit of a wait to get more info. Will we have to wait till the November holiday season to buy it? Hopefully it's out sooner than that.

I'm a little disappointed it looks almost identical on the Joy-Con side of things just because I have issues with the lack of d-pad and the positions of the sticks, but of course we'll have a Pro controller option, so it will be okay.

In the end, it's about the games, and as long as there is a new Zelda, Metroid, 3D Mario and Mario Kart on it, that's all I need.

Very excited about this!

Interesting that Nintendo chose to use Mario Kart 8 in the video and Super Mario Bros. Wonder as the backwards compatibility title.

EDIT: HOLD THE PHONE... that is a NEW Mario Kart game, not just MK8!

( Edited 16.01.2025 16:23 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
Very excited about this!

Interesting that Nintendo chose to use Mario Kart 8 in the video and Super Mario Bros. Wonder as the backwards compatibility title.

EDIT: HOLD THE PHONE... that is a NEW Mario Kart game, not just MK8!

Yeah, with... 24 racers!? Part of me wonders if that would be a separate mode to have that many racers on a track at once, but who knows? F-Zero has 30, but this is going to be much more hectic with all of the items to incorporate, too.

I'm quite loving how the Joy-Con grips also allow the controllers to become like PC mice. That's going to open up a whole world of brilliance for certain genres.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
I'm quite loving how the Joy-Con grips also allow the controllers to become like PC mice. That's going to open up a whole world of brilliance for certain genres.

It is! RTS and FPS games, Pikmin, Mario Paint, point and clicks. Big potential.

The Switch 2 is a safe upgrade, but there's always something else in the bag with Nintendo, and I expect more that sets it apart from the first Switch as we go through its life cycle. For now, the mouse-cons (yes, I just made that up) could be a simple and key difference that I hope won't just be a gimmick.

I don't want them to just force needless uses of it in a playthrough of Zelda or Mario, for example. Like the annoying waggle in DKCR on Wii, or blowing into the mic in Zelda: Spirit Tracks. If they're going to use it, make sure it's for games fully designed around it that make sense. You can't go wrong with using it for RTS games, for example.

( Edited 16.01.2025 17:51 by Azuardo )

I hadn't noticed at first, but the MK models are spruced up. Mario looks more animated like in the movie and SMB Wonder, DK's eyes are a bit more like the movie character, as well. Also, Rosalina is in a funky vehicle with skies on!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I'm so used to the Rare DK design that it almost feels wrong to see him like that, but it's a good mix of the various DK designs over the years. He had a lot of personality in the movie, so hopefully they bring that out of him going forward too.

I'm curious about that MK track. It looks like it's one of those modern courses where the track changes with each lap, but that final part of the trailer shows a very long stretch of road that I wonder if it's even part of something more than a simple race. Not sure if I'm overthinking it. It's fun to speculate, though!

Im curious about (what I am assuming) are magnetic Joy Con things now. 

It looks interesting - maybe not the whole grade change was expecting though. Wish we didn't have to wait until April to get some more concrete details though!

Chris125 said:
Im curious about (what I am assuming) are magnetic Joy Con things now. 

It looks interesting - maybe not the whole grade change was expecting though. Wish we didn't have to wait until April to get some more concrete details though!

Yeah, the leaks specified a strong magnetic to click them in place and keep them held there. Under the shoulder buttons there appears to be some sort of 'release' button, which could help to prevent people from trying to yank controllers out of the system. Makes me think there's not just magnets, but some little mechanism that could hold them in place, as well.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Design-wise I love it.

I don't care if they don't add sth substantially new in terms of feautures, tbh - I would be happy if they just perfected/refined what begun with the wonderful OG Switch.

Now while I don't care much about big leaps on the hardware side of things, I'would like it to be powerful enough to not feel like a Switch 1.5

I'll wait quite some time to get it, but I'm pretty sure that I WILL get it
I don't think that there's a big NO-NO waiting for me in Nintendo's next big update (fingers crossed)

Can't a fella drink in peace?

Looks like I was correct about the 'eject' button.

As for power, well, it'll also have DLSS for games to boost visuals, on top of the expected general boost from it being stronger hardware than the 8-9 year-old Switch spec.

( Edited 20.01.2025 17:35 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

i hope it supports a wishlist

^ NS1 does, so I'd expect NS2 will!

agree it's going to be about the games, It always is! Switch is so old now and been so good I'm okay with it not being a crazy switch up, no pun intended. Just needs a performance boost and a smoother eshop. The mouse thing is cool also but I do wonder how that's going to work in practice and I kind of did want analogue triggers on the thing. Bottom line is though if it releases with Prime 4 they've got me captive

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