Hyrule Warriors Legacy Costume Sets Trailer

By Az Elias 05.08.2014 21

Hyrule Warriors Legacy Costume Sets Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has uploaded a new trailer for Hyrule Warriors featuring the Legacy Costume Sets that will be appearing as additional content.

It shows the characters of Link, Zelda and Ganondorf in attire from games including Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.

Nintendo will announce how fans can obtain each set in the near future.

Hyrule Warriors releases on Wii U on September 19th in Europe, and September 26th in North America.

Box art for Hyrule Warriors

Omega Force







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The music sounds so good lol.

Gah, I really hope they give us a LTTP Zelda design. My fave Zelda dress. So much detail and beauty.

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Wonder if we'll also get an OOT sheik costume to complete the costumes Smilie

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There's something about Zelda in this one - especially the new HW look. She is quite something! I guess it's just nice to see her without that frowny/stoic face.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Azuardo said:
The music sounds so good lol.

Gah, I really hope they give us a LTTP Zelda design. My fave Zelda dress. So much detail and beauty.

Lack of any proper rep from 2D Zeldas is really rustling my jimmies with this game. I expected it from the day it was announced, but my worries being proven right is just annoying.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah, it's really put a downer on the whole thing personally. Not sure why they haven't been repping for those of us that grew up on the oldies and love handheld Zelda too. There's some great possibilities with Agahnim, Link's Uncle, Vaati, Oracle characters, etc. I truthfully didn't see it coming - I really thought this would be a love letter to the fans repping the entire series' characters, even if just a minority from old/2D Zelda. Find the whole focus on OOT, TP and SS very strange. I am very grateful this game's getting made, but it's hard not to question this disregard for older/2D Zelda.

Got to leave something for the sequel, right? Smilie (lol)

I lay awake every night, daydreaming of a world where Nintendo actively acknowledge and reference the 2D Zeldas. Especially Capcom's. Because they were so good and had interesting characters with nice memorable designs. I dream every night, of seeing the Oracles Nayru, Din or Farore, in a new Zelda game, or referenced some way. This is my reality. This is my curse. To be bound by these (completely reasonable) desires 'til the day I die. I am haunted by this (completely reasonable) wish...!

I hope Nintendo are listening because this looks like it was written by Edgar Allan Poe it's probably really important.

Heck you Nintendo.

EDIT: On a more serious note they probably are leaving things for the sequel. Which irks me in a different way but ultimately makes me feel better.. I think.

( Edited 05.08.2014 22:59 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SirLink said:
Got to leave something for the sequel, right? Smilie (lol)
Well that's right. It'll be a bunch of new characters for the Ultimate Edition. I can see it happening only because of the series it is, but I can't say it rubs me the right way in the slightest. I wonder if this is how all Warriors fans feel when they want to buy the next new entry lol

Leaving things for a sequel (which I can see happening more than an Ultimate edition, depends on sales and reception though) isn't that bad as long as the first game isn't short on content. Monster Hunter has ultimate versions that release before a completely new generation, but the original games already had tons of content and the expanded editions add a whole lot more to it. It's a bit hard to judge Hyrule Warriors in that aspect without having played it, but a simple roster comparison was always going to look very unfavourable considering how much time other Warriors games had to build upon their roster.

I don't have problems with number of characters really. I didn't expect this many at all tbh, but it's more the fact that it's so heavily OOT/TP/SS reliant. I mean, there are no doubt Zelda fans who greatly prefer the older/2D compared to these more recent 3D ones, so I just expected it to be more balanced across the series. I think it's just because the more time's gone on, and the more characters we've got, I expected at least some rep for older/2D. I mean I can't believe Fi is a god damn character. Soulless blue doll who was a dire sidekick. How am I gonna feel any attachment to her when she's just some blue plastic doll? Feels like a waste of a good character.

But if it's true they could actually still do more with a sequel with still as much, if not more, stuff as in HW1, then I'll take it if it means other games get a lot more rep next time.

( Edited 06.08.2014 14:18 by Azuardo )

I don't think Hyrule Warriors will get an Ultimate edition, usually only Dynasty Warriors games get those, Samurai Warriors, Pirate Warriors and Gundam Warriors just got sequels.

SirLink said:
a simple roster comparison was always going to look very unfavourable considering how much time other Warriors games had to build upon their roster.

Believe me, I expected under 10 characters from the moment the game was revealed because Pirate Warriors had a small roster and I know that making a game from scratch is harder than adding to already existing assets.

The roster count is far from the problem, there are actually more playable characters than I expected and I didn't expect playable villains.

What rustles my jimmies and grinds my gears and makes me salty is the game favouritism. There's no rule that "oh we had to put in Agitha because Cia said only characters from those 3 games are in the game!" the developers made that rule. They consciously chose to put Agitha in while actively ignoring the rest of the series' rich history.

You can say the game favouritism is understandable, and maybe it is, but that's not going to make fans who are reasonably annoyed about it suddenly happy with a game that would rather include random_NPC_from_overrated_3d_zelda over any single one important unique lovely main character from any single 2D Zelda game.

I'm going to buy and enjoy Hyrule Warriors and probably even recommend it to friends and Zelda fans, but one of its key elements, the fanservice, has a real dampener over it with this frankly unnecessary favouritism. They could have appealed to old and new Zelda fans AND otaku by using a wide variety of characters and places from a wide variety of games. Rather than just FF7 8 and 10.

EDIT: Also Fi I don't mind considering she's like the most iconic Skyward Sword character. Also because I never got the hate for her. I mean at least unlike Agitha she's actually extremely important.

( Edited 05.08.2014 23:28 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

But you do know that we'll end up buying an "Ultimate Edition" anyway lol.

Girls: Hey, Mister, what's in the box?

Employee: Ot's the, uh, new talking Malibu Stacy.

Girls: Get him!

Employee: Help! Mr. Wise!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
But you do know that we'll end up buying an "Ultimate Edition" anyway lol.

Girls: Hey, Mister, what's in the box?

Employee: Ot's the, uh, new talking Malibu Stacy.

Girls: Get him!

Employee: Help! Mr. Wise!



SuperLink said:
I don't think Hyrule Warriors will get an Ultimate edition, usually only Dynasty Warriors games get those, Samurai Warriors, Pirate Warriors and Gundam Warriors just got sequels.

SirLink said:
a simple roster comparison was always going to look very unfavourable considering how much time other Warriors games had to build upon their roster.

Believe me, I expected under 10 characters from the moment the game was revealed because Pirate Warriors had a small roster and I know that making a game from scratch is harder than adding to already existing assets.

The roster count is far from the problem, there are actually more playable characters than I expected and I didn't expect playable villains.

What rustles my jimmies and grinds my gears and makes me salty is the game favouritism. There's no rule that "oh we had to put in Agitha because Cia said only characters from those 3 games are in the game!" the developers made that rule. They consciously chose to put Agitha in while actively ignoring the rest of the series' rich history.

You can say the game favouritism is understandable, and maybe it is, but that's not going to make fans who are reasonably annoyed about it suddenly happy with a game that would rather include random_NPC_from_overrated_3d_zelda over any single one important unique lovely main character from any single 2D Zelda game.

I'm going to buy and enjoy Hyrule Warriors and probably even recommend it to friends and Zelda fans, but one of its key elements, the fanservice, has a real dampener over it with this frankly unnecessary favouritism. They could have appealed to old and new Zelda fans AND otaku by using a wide variety of characters and places from a wide variety of games. Rather than just FF7 8 and 10.

EDIT: Also Fi I don't mind considering she's like the most iconic Skyward Sword character. Also because I never got the hate for her. I mean at least unlike Agitha she's actually extremely important.

What are you talking about, Agitha was one of the most important characters in Twilight Princess if you didn't want your wallet to be full every five seconds, forcing you to leave chests behind that had rupees in them. Smilie

Jokes aside, you already know my stance on this from our Twitter conversation. I can see why you're annoyed, though.

Agitha best TP character. Fi was ass. Might have liked her more if she had some expression and didn't tell you what to do every 5 minutes.

Don't get me wrong I genuinely like Agitha, but she wasn't important at all. Her getting in instead of Linebeck or Ezlo or Vaati or Nayru just rubs me in every wrong way possible.

It'd be like picking a carpenter from OoT and leaving out Midna.

It'd be like Square picking Johnny from FF7 and not including Terra.

( Edited 05.08.2014 23:46 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Don't get me wrong I genuinely like Agitha, but she wasn't important at all. Her getting in instead of Linebeck or Ezlo or Vaati or Nayru just rubs me in every wrong way possible.

It'd be like picking a carpenter from OoT and leaving out Midna.

It'd be like Square picking Johnny from FF7 and not including Terra.

You could pretend that Lana is secretly Nayru. Smilie

Had to look up Johnny from FF7, I'd give Agitha more credit than that lol.

SirLink said:
[You could pretend that Lana is secretly Nayru. Smilie

Had to look up Johnny from FF7, I'd give Agitha more credit than that lol.

I'm actually hoping Lana is Nayru but my hopes are wearing thin because there doesn't seem to be any Din or Farore equivalent.

And Johnny came to mind cause I like Johnny. But you get where I'm coming from on that aspect.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
SirLink said:
[You could pretend that Lana is secretly Nayru. Smilie

Had to look up Johnny from FF7, I'd give Agitha more credit than that lol.

I'm actually hoping Lana is Nayru but my hopes are wearing thin because there doesn't seem to be any Din or Farore equivalent.
There's some missed potential for a really good inside joke here. Just like how there were only two houses in Minish Cap to reference that there were only two Oracle games, they should have only put Farore in Hyrule Warriors for her to have her sweet revenge. Smilie

SirLink said:
here's some missed potential for a really good inside joke here. Just like how there were only two houses in Minish Cap to reference that there were only two Oracle games, they should have only put Farore in Hyrule Warriors for her to have her sweet revenge. Smilie

God that would be fantastic, I love it when things come full circle like that. Maybe if Capcom/Flagship were still around..

Maybe next time.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
SirLink said:
here's some missed potential for a really good inside joke here. Just like how there were only two houses in Minish Cap to reference that there were only two Oracle games, they should have only put Farore in Hyrule Warriors for her to have her sweet revenge.

God that would be fantastic, I love it when things come full circle like that. Maybe if Capcom/Flagship were still around..

Maybe next time.

When you say it like that, I can't help but think of this for all the characters that didn't make it into Hyrule Warriors. Smilie

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