Could there be a Pokémon Warriors Crossover?

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.01.2015 2

Could there be a Pokémon Warriors Crossover? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a recent interview with Pokémon producer Junichi Masuda, he was asked about a crossover with Musou.

The Musou series, known to most as Warriors in the West, includes the likes of Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors and more recently Hyrule Warriors. With Nintendo letting The Legend of Zelda off the reins for Hyrule Warriors, could there be other spin-offs?

For Pokémon, Masuda noted how if it wasn't too violent, like players throwing out "a lot of Pokéballs," he would be open to a hypothetical "Pokémon Warriors." He did feel, though, that a new form of gameplay would be needed to ensure it's not too familiar.

Do you think such collaboration could work?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors

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I do honestly not know how it could be made in a way that it was still recognizable as a Warriors title, yet, still being able to take place in the Pokéverse.

It would be really cool though if done well though. Would be really cool playing as our favorite Pokémons and fight of other Pokémons in a Warriors styled gameplay.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

If you could some how load pokemon from Pokemon bank and use the ones you have caught from the games that would be cool. There should really be more used of Pokemon bank if they are going to charge a yearly subscription fee. 

I'd rather there be Metroid Warriors instead Smilie I like what Bandai Namco are doing with Pokken instead. 

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