Over 1 Million Sales Expected for Zelda Spin-off Hyrule Warriors

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.05.2014 9

Over 1 Million Sales Expected for Zelda Spin-off Hyrule Warriors on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Tecmo Koei is anticipating sales of over one million copies for Legend of Zelda spin-off, Hyrule Warriors.

The collaboration with Nintendo will see series protagonist Link cutting through hordes of relentless enemies including Moblins and Dodongos. Because of the appeal and popularity of The Legend of Zelda, Tecmo Koei president Yoichi Erikawa believes that "it will become a great new market" and that the studio is "aiming to sell more than one million copies worldwide."

Will you pick up a copy of Hyrule Warriors this year?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors

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That's very ambitious Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Maybe that's just me, but it seems odd for Tecmo Koei to talk sales when we've barely seen anything of the game so far. Still hoping to see online co-op/multiple playable characters before I get particularly interested in this! The potential for Zelda fanservice is near unlimited and it would be a shame if they barely took advantage of the opportunity.

If this had online/co-op, I'd actually be a little more interested in this.

( Edited 18.05.2014 15:36 by Marzy )

Definitely needs more playable characters as you guys say - online would be great too, definitely needs it.

Would love to play as Zelda too.

Just wish Nintendo were making this using the Zelda engine - just a bit weary that it just won't feel quite right.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

A million worldwide isn't that big a stretch, to be honest...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Adam Riley said:
A million worldwide isn't that big a stretch, to be honest...

But for a Wii U title which is a mesh of a game franchise that's typically not popular in the west and a franchise that's typically not super popular in Japan? Sounds like a bit of a risk to me..

of course it could have the opposite effect, but..

Also as it's a Warriors title I can't imagine it'll only have Link playable.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's only ambitious due to the fact that the Wii Us userbase is still quite small.
Only 6 WiiU titles so far have broken the 1 million barrier.

The opportunity, should it arise, to decimate wave after wave of Hyrulean baddy as fabulous frolicking fairy man Tingle would unify the masses and ensure one million units sold in minutes....

Admit it, you just Kooloo-Limpahed a little....shhh, it is okay I did too.

I hope there's more to this game than just hack and slash.

1m sales isn't impossible but it needs some serious thought put into the marketin as all it takes is 1 sloppy looking trailer to put people off, especially once the WiiU's first proper Zelda games is revealed next month.

( Edited 19.05.2014 20:01 by Ifrit XXII )

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