New Hyrule Warriors Screens, Gameplay Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.05.2014 8

New Hyrule Warriors Screens, Gameplay Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More details and a wide range of new screenshots of Hyrule Warriors have surfaced.

The game was featured in Japanese magazine Famitsu this week, with early details surrounding a new female witch antagonist and early storyline details.

Now an expanded translation details more aspects of the Hyrule Warriors preview, including a snippet of the storyline. Shia is a female witch who was in charge of protecting the balance of the Triforce, however she becomes jealous of Link's relationship with Princess Zelda. Together with her two minions Valga and Wizro, the trio send Hyrule into Chaos.

Image for New Hyrule Warriors Screens, Gameplay Details
Image for New Hyrule Warriors Screens, Gameplay Details
Image for New Hyrule Warriors Screens, Gameplay Details
Image for New Hyrule Warriors Screens, Gameplay Details

The article also confirmed a two-player mode (with one player on the GamePad), plus multiple characters like Impa. Alongside the different faces from the Legend of Zelda universe, there'll be new weapons to use, upgrades and projectiles to launch - like bombs.

Finally, the Z-targetting approach from the Legend of Zelda series will allow for smoother control and more focused combat/defense.

Now 70% complete, the game will be playable during E3 2014 next month.

Image for New Hyrule Warriors Screens, Gameplay Details
Image for New Hyrule Warriors Screens, Gameplay Details
Image for New Hyrule Warriors Screens, Gameplay Details
Image for New Hyrule Warriors Screens, Gameplay Details

More snaps can be found in the screenshots album below.

What do you think of the game so far?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors

Omega Force







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Definitely excited for this now - sounds like Nintendo have had a lot of say in the game, Z-targetting is a plus too. Plus multiple characters and, well, interesting looking enemies Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

We've actually seen Link use Z-targetting in the reveal trailer when he was fighting the Lizalfos and King Dodongo, it just didn't have any UI to make it obvious.

Really like what I'm seeing here, especially the art style. One great trailer at E3 and I'm definitely entering hype mode for this! Just hope we'll get it shortly after Japan, because I don't fancy dodging spoilers about it for weeks or even months.

because I don't fancy dodging spoilers about it for weeks or even months.

Tingle is the last boss. OOMPA LOOMPA.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:

Tingle is the last boss. OOMPA LOOMPA.

Now with 100% more man boobs.

Definitely showing more interest in this now, those screens look really cool. I'm excited to see more new info at E3!

So I read that the special edition (ie. the most expensive one Smilie) will have the following;
- Game
- Official book
- Triforce table clock
- Preorder bonus: costume set (3 costumes)
- Force costume set (2 costumes)
- Link's scarf
- Treasure box with sound

Yup. Gonna need that. Smilie

I am HYPED. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

More promising than I first thought it would be, glad there's a story though...I wonder how much Yuri accusations this game will get given the female antagonist is jelly of Link being so close to Zelda....I smell lesbian Doujins!! Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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