Hyrule Warriors Brought Freshness to Dynasty Warriors Series

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.03.2015

Hyrule Warriors Brought Freshness to Dynasty Warriors Series on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Koei Tecmo producer Akihiro Suzuki recently spoke about keeping the Dynasty Warriors series fresh through each installment.

Speaking to industry site MCV this week, Suzuki admitted that "over the years we've seen a sales decline," noting how the team really needed something to give the franchise a "second wind." The collaborations, for example working with Nintendo with The Legend of Zelda, have drawn in new fans that may have never given Dynasty Warriors a chance.

With Hyrule Warriors giving "the series some freshness," Suzuki feels that the next step should be keeping these new players "happy now that they've had a chance to play."

What other franchises would you like to see collaborate with Koei Tecmo and Dynasty Warriors?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors

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