Two New Hyrule Warriors Wii U Gameplay Trailers

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.06.2014 3

Two New Hyrule Warriors Wii U Gameplay Trailers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Tecmo Koei have put together even more footage from the new Wii U brawler, Hyrule Warriors, including a more detailed look at Impa.

The new Wii U adventure features a range of characters, including Princess Zelda's aide, Impa, and the ruler of  Hyrule herself. The new footage shows off just what Impa can do, wielding a huge sword for a fair bit of range compared to the other characters. She can also summon an aerial rain of daggers to fend off a number of foes in one go.


The second video highlights one of Link's alternative weapons, the magical Fire Rod. Armed with the power of the flame, Link is able to pelt enemies with fireballs and summon scorching rocks for intense damage in one swoop.


The latest issue of Famitsu magazine this week revealed  two new characters - Agitha and Lana.

Which character will you use in Hyrule Warriors?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors

Omega Force







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When it said two new trailers I though it meant of the new characters that just got revealed. Awesome trailer none the less.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Yea strange to announce two new characters then not feature them in their new trailers.

While this looks great I have a feeling it will get extremely repetitive. One of the reasons I don't like to many hack and slash games like Bayonetta and Devil May Cry. I am hoping there will be more to Hyrule Warriors than just hoards of enemies.

Wow this game looks amazing I was wondering if nintendo relased any footage of the two player gameplay. Also I wanted to know how the mechanics work in the game. How do you progrees against a virtually endless army ???????

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