Hyrule Warriors Won't Feature Full Voice Acting

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.05.2014 8

Hyrule Warriors Won

Hyrule Warriors will not feature any major voice acting, the studio confirmed in a tweet last week.

Given the change in development team to a third party, Team Ninja and Tecmo Koei, some fans were curious if the upcoming Wii U release would break convention by including voice acting, characters with full scenes and intense monologues.

"Each character's voice is modeled after the Zelda universe," posted the game's official Twitter account on Sunday."It will have that 'Hey! Listen!' kind of feeling."

Should the Legend of Zelda series introduce voice acting?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors

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I think the Zelda series does a good job at making up for a lack of voice acting with its character expressions and animations. Some may bemoan that, but with loads of other games having voice acting nowadays, it's nice to have one that can present its characters without it.

So it's official: Wii U is not powerful enough to handle voice acting! 

Cheesing it up said:
So it's official: Wii U is not powerful enough to handle voice acting! 

Hahaaa nice, but in all seriousness who didn't see this coming? I'm glad Tecmo Koei can respect Nintendo's way of running their franchises.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Excellent, leaving the way for Zelda U's unveiling to make even more of an impact with its own full voice acting (keeping Link as a mute hopefully).

( Edited 28.05.2014 10:33 by Phoenom )

Phoenom said:
Excellent, leaving the way for Zelda U's unveiling to make even more of an impact with its own full voice acting (keeping Link as a mute hopefully).
Yeah, I wouldn't mind that too much as long as Link never talks. It really depends on what Aonuma and the Zelda team have in mind going forward, but should they introduce proper voice acting, it definitely would have to be in a main installment first.

Phoenom said:
Excellent, leaving the way for Zelda U's unveiling to make even more of an impact with its own full voice acting (keeping Link as a mute hopefully).

Agreed! They really need to make the Zelda reveal blow everyone out of the water, and full voice acting would be one way to do that.

Honestly, I have never had a problem with having text only dialogue, but if they can implement voice acting that is well done, I wouldn't be disappointed. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Giving Samus a voice didn't work out so well so this may be for the best. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
Giving Samus a voice didn't work out so well so this may be for the best. Smilie

Samus having a voice & speaking clearly wasn't the problem, it was the way she spoke & the choice of her words that destroyed her in Other M. Unfortunately Japanese writing tends to suffer from cliche's & far too deeply symbolic that make it boarder on the ridiculous. I think Samus can have a voice, but her attitude needs to be a better balance between jaded bounty hunter & an emotionally damaged woman who's trying to make her way in the universe. I also believe that fans perceive her as more of a "Han Solo", "Boba Fett" or "Batman" in terms of her no nonsense confident attitude which I agree with.

When Nintendo tried to show her human side it was far too whiny than we wanted & her feminine charm was that of a little girl throwing a temper tantrum or crying for mommy. They just didn't have a very good idea of what fans viewed her as, coupled with again the cheesey style of writing that prevents anime from becoming a truly enjoyed medium world wide.

( Edited 29.05.2014 04:55 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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