Aonuma on Tecmo Koei and Nintendo's Hyrule Warriors Collaboration

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.05.2014 3

Aonuma on Tecmo Koei and Nintendo

In an interview with Famisu magazine, Tecmo Koei and Nintendo talked about how Hyrule Warriors came together.

The new Wii U release will boast a range of different playable characters, sticking close to the formula that worked for the Warriors series so far. There were some surprising ones that made Nintendo say "why did you pick this one?!", according to Legend of Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma. Nintendo didn't have any specific requests for the roster, so Tecmo Koei had their main say in the selection.

The game will also feature all characters opening treasure chests - it's "actually a very valuable scene", Aonuma believes.

Image for Aonuma on Tecmo Koei and Nintendo

Beyond the regular combat, boss battles will take on a more Warriors feel, rather than traditional 3D Zelda fights. General producer Hisashi Koinuma believes that Tecmo Koei wouldn't "stand a chance" if trying to emulate Zelda bosses.

Hayashi and producer Yosuke Hayashi confirmed that the game will be shown and playable at E3, with new details and character reveals in the run-up to launch.

Aonuma believes that "it's safe to say that this title was born as one of the answers from thinking of a new The Legend of Zelda game." The main reason for the shift in direction for a more Warriors feel was that he "wanted Tecmo Koei to make a Zelda game" that he "couldn't make."

Image for Aonuma on Tecmo Koei and Nintendo

Do you think Hyrule Warriors can live up to The Legend of Zelda name?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors

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I'd love to see Ganondorf's facial expression when opening a treasure chest xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Are the warriors games any good?

Ifrit XXII said:
Are the warriors games any good?

You can play 2 or 3 & still get excited about them, but if after you've played them for awhile it gets old. One button action game where you destroy legions of enemies I said cool at first then gradually gets dull.

Give the Wii U Dynasty Warrior's game a try first since it has nice bonuses like playing as Team Ninja characters like Kasumi, Ayane, Ryu & Momiji.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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