North America is at last confirmed to be getting the same Limited Edition pack of Hyrule Warriors that Europe is getting, but it will only be available at the Nintendo World Store in New York.
Announced through the Nintendo World Store twitter page, the Limited Edition bundle contains the retail version of Hyrule Warriors and a scarf based on the one Link wears in the game.
However, this will not be available to purchase online or pre-order anywhere. Simply put, North Americans interested in getting this Limited Edition must make their way to New York and line-up early at the Nintendo World Store on launch day. Considering Europeans can order this online from many retailers across the continent, it has naturally caused unrest amongst a lot of North American fans who wanted to get hold of it without having to make a trip to New York.
1/2 It's time to fight! On 9/26 this exclusive [a href=""]#HyruleWarriors bundle goes on sale at 8am only at #NintendoWorld!
— Nintendo World Store (@Nintendo_World) [a href=""]September 9, 2014