New Zelda Game for Wii U Announced: Hyrule Warriors

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.12.2013 14

New Zelda Game for Wii U Announced: Hyrule Warriors on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have announced an all new Legend of Zelda action to the Wii U.

Called Hyrule Warriors, the latest installment in the Legend of Zelda series is not the main-line entry that's currently in development, but a spin-off action game that draws influence from Dynasty Warriors, as the title is developed by Tecmo Koei. Play as Link and battle through hordes of familiar enemies from the Legend of Zelda universe, including those relentless Moblin monsters.

Image for New Zelda Game for Wii U Announced: Hyrule Warriors
Image for New Zelda Game for Wii U Announced: Hyrule Warriors

What are your thoughts on Hyrule Warriors?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors

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Not gonna lie, this looks insane and I want it xD

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Not sure I like it XD. Never been a fan of games like Samurai Warriors and I don't think that the zelda coating is going to make it any different Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah, this looks really boring and repetitive. Just looks like there's no substance to it at all, just constant hacking and slashing. Being based around Zelda is the only thing that makes it stand out, otherwise no one would even care about it (unless you're a fan of the Samurai Warrior games, of course!).

Personally thought it looked amazing and a very interesting spin for the Zelda franchise. 

ErenNarukami (guest) 18.12.2013#5

This is awesome!I dont care its a zelda game i want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm very interested, although I definitely need to see more for a proper opinion of the game as this looks like early footage (heck, it doesn't even have an official name yet). It's like a "What if.." game, what if Zelda was purely an action game focused on beating tons of enemies and giant bosses. Nintendo is also going to oversee this game since it's their treasured franchise, so I'd wager it'll be at least good if you're into the type of gameplay.

Definitely seems like a game to ease to wait for Zelda U, as I really can't see it coming out next year.

( Edited 18.12.2013 18:22 by SirLink )


A Zelda game, with only the combat, so a good idea for fans who love Zelda games, but cant be bothered to do the quests, exploration, talking, puzzles and thinking or remembering of the Nintendo developed Zelda games.
(comment not final)

I kinda feel like they've shown this too early. The fact that it's not even got a proper logo of some kind with the name being typed out on a black background shows how early it is. Not sure it''s for me sadly.

Ifrit XXII said:
I kinda feel like they've shown this too early. The fact that it's not even got a proper logo of some kind with the name being typed out on a black background shows how early it is. Not sure it''s for me sadly.

Recent events may have forced Nintendo's hand on another game announcement to get some word about the Wii U out there, similar to how they showed Yarn Yoshi and SMTxFE in January and that's all we've seen of them since.

Hopefully the gameplay is closer to Orochi Warriors than the mindless single button mashfest of Dynasty Warriors....& hopefully this patches up any bitterness between Team Ninja & Nintendo over the failure of Metroid Other M's narrative/lost exclusivity of NG3RE so we can get Samus in DOA & more Ninja Gaiden titles.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Ifrit XXII said:
I kinda feel like they've shown this too early. The fact that it's not even got a proper logo of some kind with the name being typed out on a black background shows how early it is. Not sure it''s for me sadly.

Maybe they are testing the water to see if it generates interest. Maybe with Capcom's experience with the DMC series and Zelda and Platinum's experience with MGSR then Nintendo might call out for further help??

Hmm - it looks okay, though I do wish Nintendo were creating it - I just feel it would become a bit tacky and repetitive. A Nintendo-created horde mode for a Zelda game might be the ticket imo.

There was this beta/fan-made 3D horde mode a while back, would love something like that - more mission driven/selected enemy approaches, rather than shit load of enemies on screen.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks pretty good, but as jb said it could become quite repetitive if Tecmo Koei doesn't breathe more life into it. They have some great source material, so I hope they utilise it well! I'm sure Nintendo will be watching closely over the development process of this one, especially since Zelda is one of their most treasured franchises.

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