Madden has always been on nintendo consoles. This is confirmation of the EA rumours and I'm so glad.
Amongst all the negativity ablaze on the internet my quiet voice is unheard but I trust nintendo on something like F2P/microtransactions/free online gaming.
I will never pay a subscription for a games console (to microsoft of all companies!)
I've been around for a while now and so I get it, I won't put some wall of text justifying my trust.
Ninty has had ceaseless and furious criticism from all quarters (informed or not) ever since they existed far more than their competitors and when it comes to the kids and treating consumers fairly they've been getting it right by me for years now.
The wii U is not a fleecing attempt. It is not old tech it's a fat GPU 3/4 times the size of PS360 and half the price of it's soon to be competitors.
The only reason it's been so expensive is the retailers have been creaming £100 off the top with their media created disparaging attitude (CEX is selling 2nd hand basics for 200 while asdas got them new for 150!)
it's all a fucking joke but we've been around long enough now, long enough to now when MHtri came out that we should buy it: the minority.
The power of media agenda and marketing and the extent to which they are in bed with each other is scary and the willingness of the masses (even in this internet era) to believe what they're told and be swayed by the majority opinion is depressing.
It's a real vindication for nintendo and, I feel, for me and my trust and fandom for EA to drop support for ninty.
With COD:ghosts looking like it's not coming to wii U that could be activision too.
All the clowns on the internet will look real stupid when EA and activision have officially dropped support for ninty.
The idea that I could be wrong with my ninty fandom because I'm missing out on EA/activision.
Well that would be a splendid turn of events.
With THQ gone now and lovely ubisoft giving all their (actually good) games... I would love to see a future where ps360 fanboys are continuously pointing out the lack of fifa or COD and gripping on to EA and activision as their exclusive realm.
Honestly, I'd like to see nintendo go harder on the EA and activision and publicly denounce them but that won't happen. (and buy platinum and level 5 and from software)
For now all I want is capcom (yes, capcom, since I was a little boy!) by which I mean more MH, SF, RE and maybe a little DD
Continued shinji mikami lovin' from platinum
and Ubi for some WD, BG+E2 and a little AssCreed.
And Namco for a little DS2 lovin' or maybe a GOTY ni no kuni
Some of more that crossover magic eg project X zone/ SFvsTekken etc.
And X, yummy X.
I don't see why I even need another console with that. All this negativity and what people don't seem to see is just how brilliant wii U could be if nintendo made the right choices.
Right choice: straight dirty port of X&Y up-rezzed to 1080p with save file and online cross compatibility with 3DS X/Y (akin to smash bros and MH3)
MH+PKMN+SB all dual 3ds/wii U
With platinum, capcom, namco and ubi?
Missing EA and Activision?
For 150 squid?
I'm drooling.
But poor.... 
That would be the jap gaming comeback that nintendo was born to create and lead. This could be the console that does it: that presents jap gaming as the foil to microsoft's directX/unreal3 fueled land grab.
People in the west hardly realise that SF4, for example, is jap.
The more western support ninty loses and the more eastern support it recruits the better the average joe will, finally, be able to see COD. He will see COD and he will remember SF2 (the coolest thing that happened in the 90s) and gaming will be back on track.
Madden! lol!
Casual gaming was invented by sony and is a word originally used for all that fifa shit
Casual/hardcore has nothing to do with so called: "mature/kiddy"
Which is a separate dichotomy. Everyone on the internet is wrong and stupid and probably younger than us we win the debate even as a minority.
everything said on the internet about games is wrong unless it is by us.
Nintendo FTW4life innit blud? YeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaH!lolololollol!!!!!!!111!!!!!11!!!111!1!11111!!1
Hahaha muthafuckeeeerrrrrs! PKMN gets you laid, fifa doesn't!
(I'm a idiot about to click on the submit post button while laughing at my own jokes)