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I haven't heard confirmation of N64 VC on WiiU, could you provide a source? I've been worried about it.

Tried to Rayman app for a bit today while taking a break from work, it's good fun!
and uh, well..

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I topped the leaderboard for daily challenge! I must be pretty good! Smilie
Unfortunately I dropped to 2nd within minutes, but them's the breaks! Still can't believe I made it that high at all.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
I haven't heard confirmation of N64 VC on WiiU, could you provide a source? I've been worried about it.

I'm sure I saw a quote from Nintendo somewhere, or something like that. Can't remember where though and I had no luck when trying to find it again...

If I come across it again, I'll link it here or something.

How the hell did you get 18 seconds in that challenge? I could only get like 21 or so. Smilie

EDIT: Here you go, SuperLink. Full press release here.

Basically, the most important part is:

A library of quality classic games is planned for the Virtual Console on Wii U, with favorites such as Balloon Fight, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Excitebike, F-Zero, Ice Climber, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby Super Star, Mario Bros., Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream, Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario World, Super Metroid and Yoshi on the way soon. Game Boy Advance and Nintendo 64 games are scheduled to be added in the future.

( Edited 26.04.2013 22:55 by Mush )

Our member of the week

HD N64 games is what has me the most excited about (or at least I suspect they'll up the res, like they did on Wii, otherwise they'll look like shit, and that's already why they did it for Wii so, I don't see why not in this case).

Game Boy Advance, I can live without to be honest, If I wanted to play GBA games, I would do it on the actual console, because some of these game are so low in resolution that they won't look very pretty when stretched accross a massive HD screen.

Seeing how they're so slow in bringing even N64, I'm nt getting my hopes up for GC though :/...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

What are the top 5 current must have Wii U games? 
What games are you excited about  that are yet to be released in 2013?

My DS code for 42 classic games is 5026 2806 4140. Looking for people to play Rummy with. Feel free to PM your code. Also, anyone can add my Wii code if they like, PM me with yours too.

Linkyshinks said:

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Hahah, that surely can't be right! Instances like that make Nintendo look like a laughing stock.

Genuine question here, but if you already have the Wii VC game of say Super Mario Bros (NES) and then pay the £1 to upgrade it to the Wii U version then do you get to keep both? As in play in 50hz and 60hz (PAL and NTSC) ???

I see a lot of people have been playing the rayman challenge app! It's actually really fun and I've been playing it a lot to try and beat everyones times Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
Our member of the week

Haven't played it very extensively myself. Will try when i get the chance

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

This week, Pac-Man and Mega Man are coming out on WiiU VC in Europe. No mention on if they're 50 or 60Hz.. I seriously hope they are 60, since some people will probably like to play true MegaMan on TV and Gamepad.

Even so, one week later and WiiU VC is still a joke.
Here's a little illuminating article from Emily Rogers that puts it into context a little, if she's right it could be worse than we thought.

And here's a funny post from Miiverse which is relevant.

Not feeling good about WiiU VC now, thank god for Wii mode for all those still wanting a large selection of games, but it's just not good enough in this inconvenient situation. I pray Nintendo find an easier way to "rom dump" than what they're doing now.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Fortunately I've never bought a single VC game on the Wii. I pretty much own every retro game I want on cartridge.
On the Wii U I've only bought the 30ct games so far. They're too good to pass up for that price.

So am I bothered by the terribly small amount of games on the VC? No, I won't buy them anyway.

Tons of people are, and for good reason.

Virtual Console, in theory, sounds like the best feature on any system ever. A comprehensive library of games from a wide variety of legacy consoles? How could you say no? All those games people missed out on can finally be played! It's just a shame that it's so... neutered. A potentially jaw-droppingly good service ruined by ridiculous prices, lack of thorough support and prices again.

But heck, complaining on a forum probably isn't going to make a difference anyway, I seriously hope Miiverse does. It's been good to us so far.

I love the WiiU and 3DS as hardware, but the Virtual Console service is something I so badly want to be amazing and it's not. Smilie

( Edited 29.04.2013 11:38 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wii U Hacked

Flynnie said:
Genuine question here, but if you already have the Wii VC game of say Super Mario Bros (NES) and then pay the £1 to upgrade it to the Wii U version then do you get to keep both? As in play in 50hz and 60hz (PAL and NTSC) ???

No, it updates the present version.

( Edited 30.04.2013 22:59 by Linkyshinks )

Saw that earlier, but Nintendo have already made a comment about it, apparently it hasn't happened at all.

Nintendo is aware that a hacking group claims to have compromised Wii U security. However, we have no reports of illegal Wii U games nor unauthorized applications playable on the system while in Wii U mode. Nintendo continuously monitors all threats to its products' security and will use technology and will take the necessary legal steps to prevent the facilitation of piracy.

So that's a mystery for now. If the hackers' story is true, I imagine it won't be long before we hear more from them.. and probably Nintendo too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

No, it updates the present version.

When I asked about this at Gamefaqs, people were adamant that you keep both games. That is, you keep the original game you download on Wii Mode, but you also get the Wii U version, able to play on your Gamepad. In fact, I got a bloody weird response from someone who went fucking mental at me for not knowing this information, the crazy bastard.

Azuardo said:
In fact, I got a bloody weird response from someone who went fucking mental at me for not knowing this information, the crazy bastard.

GameFAQs man.

But personally I'm not surprised, nothing you do in WiIU mode seems to affect anything you do in Wii Mode so I didn't think this would either.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That's one of the reasons I left. BTW, who were you on Gamefaqs? I was ColorfulColors.

Oh, I know all about the people there. Been on it for over a decade now. Crocomire's my main account, but don't post there like I used to. Very handy for quick answers and info, though. There's a lot of good and knowledgeable people there, but yeah, lots of weirdos, too. That one guy snapped like I'd pissed in his coffee or something. Thankfully, many others that replied were freaked out by him, too, and answered me kindly.

So you do have two versions of the game, one will be in the old style Wii menu and the other in the Wii U menu. 

I am probably going to wait until all my games are on the Wii U that might be sometime!

Guys i have 250 Club Nintendo (Europe) points here that are expiring on the 20/05/2013, it is for New Super Mario Bros (Wii) , i would be grateful if someone could give me a trade as i had already registered this game (when i previously had it and then re-bought it).Would be epically grateful if we could trade codes for a game i haven't got! pleeeease!

I already registered that game! So no can do here... but I would have if I could.

Our member of the week

I wasn't even aware registration codes had an expiration date o_O...

EDIT: Sorry I have no unused code at the moment. I gave away one to Az' a while back, if you had asked at that time, I would have swapped with you.

( Edited 01.05.2013 22:17 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

OK, the entire internet is going ape shit about Madden not coming to Wii U. Everybody is screaming NINTENDO DOOOOOOOOOOMED over and over again.

People, I don't think the "Origin" thing is a rumor anymore. It is basically confirmed. There could be no other reason for someone to drop support over a big franchise other than being butthurt because you couldn't get your way.

It's a big loss for Nintendo, that's for sure, it's the first time it hasn't been on a Nintendo home system since 1991, and it's a hugely popular game in America. (the rest of the world's audiences doesn't care but still)

However I'm fairly sure that EA are to blame, or their relationship with Nintendo on some capacity. It's probably Nintendo's job to sort the shit out, it's very concerning that EA and Nintendo are still behaving like friends who fell out on a playground :/

EDIT: Mega Man and PacMan are 60Hz according to Miiverse users, good to see Capcom and Namco are on board there.

Also people complaining on Miiverse about PacMan's price or the fact you need to buy games again on 3DS/WiiU, it certainly is ridiculous at this day and age. Nintendo should really let publishers/developers set their own prices for VC releases. If you want to make a difference, I suggest giving those posts popularity or making your own Miiverse posts about prices, maybe it'll cause Nintendo to consider it.

( Edited 02.05.2013 18:46 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Madden has always been on nintendo consoles. This is confirmation of the EA rumours and I'm so glad.

Amongst all the negativity ablaze on the internet my quiet voice is unheard but I trust nintendo on something like F2P/microtransactions/free online gaming.

I will never pay a subscription for a games console (to microsoft of all companies!)

I've been around for a while now and so I get it, I won't put some wall of text justifying my trust.

Ninty has had ceaseless and furious criticism from all quarters (informed or not) ever since they existed far more than their competitors and when it comes to the kids and treating consumers fairly they've been getting it right by me for years now.

The wii U is not a fleecing attempt. It is not old tech it's a fat GPU 3/4 times the size of PS360 and half the price of it's soon to be competitors.

The only reason it's been so expensive is the retailers have been creaming £100 off the top with their media created disparaging attitude (CEX is selling 2nd hand basics for 200 while asdas got them new for 150!)

it's all a fucking joke but we've been around long enough now, long enough to now when MHtri came out that we should buy it: the minority.

The power of media agenda and marketing and the extent to which they are in bed with each other is scary and the willingness of the masses (even in this internet era) to believe what they're told and be swayed by the majority opinion is depressing.

It's a real vindication for nintendo and, I feel, for me and my trust and fandom for EA to drop support for ninty.

With COD:ghosts looking like it's not coming to wii U that could be activision too.

All the clowns on the internet will look real stupid when EA and activision have officially dropped support for ninty.

The idea that I could be wrong with my ninty fandom because I'm missing out on EA/activision.

Well that would be a splendid turn of events.

With THQ gone now and lovely ubisoft giving all their (actually good) games... I would love to see a future where ps360 fanboys are continuously pointing out the lack of fifa or COD and gripping on to EA and activision as their exclusive realm.

Honestly, I'd like to see nintendo go harder on the EA and activision and publicly denounce them but that won't happen. (and buy platinum and level 5 and from software)

For now all I want is capcom (yes, capcom, since I was a little boy!) by which I mean more MH, SF, RE and maybe a little DD

Continued shinji mikami lovin' from platinum

and Ubi for some WD, BG+E2 and a little AssCreed.

And Namco for a little DS2 lovin' or maybe a GOTY ni no kuni

Some of more that crossover magic eg project X zone/ SFvsTekken etc.

And X, yummy X.

I don't see why I even need another console with that. All this negativity and what people don't seem to see is just how brilliant wii U could be if nintendo made the right choices.

Right choice: straight dirty port of X&Y up-rezzed to 1080p with save file and online cross compatibility with 3DS X/Y (akin to smash bros and MH3)


MH+PKMN+SB all dual 3ds/wii U

With platinum, capcom, namco and ubi?

Missing EA and Activision?

For 150 squid?

I'm drooling.

But poor.... Smilie

That would be the jap gaming comeback that nintendo was born to create and lead. This could be the console that does it: that presents jap gaming as the foil to microsoft's directX/unreal3 fueled land grab.

People in the west hardly realise that SF4, for example, is jap.

The more western support ninty loses and the more eastern support it recruits the better the average joe will, finally, be able to see COD. He will see COD and he will remember SF2 (the coolest thing that happened in the 90s) and gaming will be back on track.


Madden! lol!

Casual gaming was invented by sony and is a word originally used for all that fifa shit

Casual/hardcore has nothing to do with so called: "mature/kiddy"

Which is a separate dichotomy. Everyone on the internet is wrong and stupid and probably younger than us we win the debate even as a minority.

everything said on the internet about games is wrong unless it is by us.

Nintendo FTW4life innit blud? YeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaH!lolololollol!!!!!!!111!!!!!11!!!111!1!11111!!1

Hahaha muthafuckeeeerrrrrs! PKMN gets you laid, fifa doesn't!

(I'm a idiot about to click on the submit post button while laughing at my own jokes)

2509 2156 5486

Well for what it's worth, CoD Ghosts is all but confirmed to be coming to WiiU (no idea about dlc tho)

As for Platinum, Shinji Mikami left Platinum a little while ago, he's working under Bethesda now. There are exclusives on other systems that aren't by EA or Activision so it's not exactly a good thing to be missing out on those.. but I think Activision and Nintendo aren't that bad relations-wise.

EA is a worry though, because they have tons of sales no matter which console they support. The WiiU missing out on those will hurt it.. but it's probably only a matter of time til EA returns to supporting the WiiU, whatever daft reason they have.

Nintendo really do need to sort out better relations with western third parties.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

No SL I have to disagree.

When you say nintendo need to have better relations with western publishers.

That is something I might have said a year or two ago.

I might also have said nintendo are invincible but the truth is they're not.

They're in a little hot water and I'm sure it'll clear up.

Gaming is only gna get bigger

You're preaching establishment wisdom and i see that, but I'm not interested in establishment thinking any more when it comes to wii U.

I don't want it to do a wii I want it to do a dreamcast.

I don't mean I want it to fail (it would be an unforgivable mark on gamers if they let both sega and ninty fail)

I want wii U to be a little more niche like the GC.

I think it has tremendous potential. Potential as a GC-alike semi-failed console. To shut the haters up.

It should be japan box. I want a clear dividing line. I think ninty could destroy if it collected up all the japanese games and cast aside the two monolithic evil monopoly western publisher ea and activision.

Platinum, level5, Fromsoftware

I want nintendo to basically do what i want them to do:

Secure BG+E2, DS2, buy platinum and level 5, maintain those ubi, capcom, square and namco links

SF support is an essential for me.

And, genuinely: tell everyone else to fuck off.

It would be brilliant. It would be like a dream come true. It would finally teach the idiots who are wrong and not ninty fanboys like me about the controllers they've got their greasy pizza fingers all over.

The public opinion would swing again (too late for the console like with GC but it won't matter)

Fifa and COD fans would be left stranded by the historical revisionism and then when it is fully established that the wii U was a fabulous console that the wise gamer bought (in his small number)

That's when ninty fits the the whole wii U into the controller with an hdmi port for the telly with a 3d screen and the 3DS and wiiU3dmini take over the world as they should.

Fucking PS360. What a load of shite for wankers and dicks (just gna go finish skyrim quickly bai!)

it took hindsight for me to be right about the GC, I wasn't so happy with the wii as I was with snes/n64/GC.

I wanna be right in hindsight again with wii U its much more satisfying being right in hindsight.

there is only one word for being right in advance for some piece of crap like the last of us thats not called being right thats called being a gullible idiot.

Ninty have been making better games than naughty dog since like 1986 anyone who doesn't know that or agree with that hasn't been around very long and doesn't know their games (can't tell their mario sunshine from their gex the gecko)

Seriously everything "solid" (as I like to call it) in naughty dog games has been solid in ninty games since the GC days. They produce ps3 graphics with a wii in the case of mario galaxy.

They don't need the power. They are better at it. Better at making games than the competition.

I'm playing system shock 2 right now btw great game should have played it years ago, came out around the same time as ocarina.

Remember ocarina? The game that made the competition look amateur. these westeners with their silly graphics cards and all that bullshit are amateurs and wouldn't know what a vecor coordinate was if it slapped them in the face.

The japanese studios don't need shit like directx and frostbite. That's for amateurs. The jap studios have been doing this with more money for longer. They are a proper industry and have been since the early 90s. Western gaming is only just shedding its amateur. It's always been behind with all it's resolutions and it's RAM and anti aliasing and all that shite.

Lol! PC gamers. LOL! trilinear filtering. LOL! bump-mapping! LOL!

Fuck the west ninty unify japan. The fifa goons will end up biting the dust and madden, lol, will be a long forgotten memory of the days when the two biggest games publishers in the world (EA+acti)  were run by people who seemingly didn't even play games because they were too busy getting their dick sucked on their fancy yacht.

Fuck them, I can't say it any harder and I've typed too much already.


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