Official Wii U Discussion Thread

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Irfy said:
What has the Wii got left apart from the New Zelda which will eventually make its way towards the new console like they did with Twligiht Princess...

There are countless Japanese Wii games Nintendo could easily localise in the meantime, like what they're doing with the original DS, and what they've already begun with Xenoblade and The Last Story. Plus whatever gets announced at E3, like Marzy said.

Irfy said:
I have a feeling Nintendo is going to kick the door down on Microsoft and Sony and all the critics who think Nintendo have gone soft. All these rumors about how the next console will be HD and so and so is plausible as we all anticipated this to happen and it most likely will. Nintendo have realised they lost mature and hardcore audience with the Wii to the competitors, they HAVE to gain that back because if they produce another Wii console with just better resolution then I think they might aswell call it a day.

That flies totally in the face of logic. The Wii has been Nintendo's best selling console for years, and will probably have outsold the Cube by at least 5-1 by the time the next gen comes out. Sure, if Nintendo could win back some hardcore gamers whilst keeping their current audience that would be nice, but this generation they've beaten the opposition selling an inferior product to casual gamers. Why would they go back on that?

I still think it'll be 2013 by the time the next-gen consoles go on sale, but Nintendo will probably want to get in there early, especially if there console doesn't hold up graphically.

They wouldn't be going back on it per se - they'd be overtaking the power of PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but in turn PlayStation 4 / Xbox 720 will hop over N6. Even if they went for a chipset from a few years ago, it'd still pan the current HD consoles and be inexpensive, then leaving the system in a PS2 situation when the other next-gen systems come out. Not nearly as far behind as Wii, still able to get ports, etc..

IMO if it gets shown properly at E3, it'll come out early 2012, giving 3DS one Christmas / Thanksgiving to itself. If it only gets teased at E3, it'll come out for Christmas 2012.

If the tablet controller is true, I expect it'll be used for menus, minigames, etc. But I also think it'll have a concept like this: a console-on-the-go-like-concept.

Let's say your having trouble on a Mario level. You could save that 1 particular level in the controller and bring it to your friends house or at school and show everyone, maybe have a friend beat it for you, etc.

I also expect it to have a camera for like video chat (Pkmn: B &W), as well as a microphone integrated.

Tilt as well.


I think it's called Project Cafe because you could bring your "tablet-like" controller on the go with you. Similar to how people go to coffee shops and write novels.

They might also utilize a StreetPass like concept to it.

This is all just my theory.

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

GreythaGreat said:
Huge theory

You have some really awesome ideas right thar. Have a star. Smilie Smilie

Mini console/screen in the controller thing makes no sense to me. Too expensive, clashes with the 3DS and would involve a more traditional style pad which would backpedal too much from the Wii's controllers.

Simply a strong push to integrate the 3DS would be more realistic.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

"'Cafe' will have a built in 6" touch screen on the controller, with the setup sounding very much like the DreamCast Controller"

Ehwut, the VMU had a crappy lil pixelated screen, not the controller.

The controllers sound pricy, and Nintendo are going to have to push the boat out to come out with something mind blowingly awesome.
If they want to capture the hardcore market they are going to have to come up with mindblowing games, and sort out the motion sensing controller business.


Raff said:
Bizarrely, video game rumours on the internet almost always turn out to be true.

Word on the street is that Nintendo is working on virtual reality...matrix stuff man! You plug in, and you enter a fictional world! You didn't hear it from me, though.

( Edited 18.04.2011 00:18 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

As much as I'd love for this console to be a powerhouse that rivals the next generation Microsoft and Sony systems - the difference this time round will not be as bad. The Wii was an eye-sore by comparison because it didn't support HD and developers rarely put effort into how their games looked because they knew they could get away with it. This on the other hand, has to be HD, which improves matters vastly. The fact their forced to work within that means they'll put much more resources into graphical quality - and can you honestly say Galaxy 2 in HD couldn't be something running off a 360?

Unless there's some sort of huge change in the composition of chips on the next gen systems of MS and Sony - so long as the new Nintendo console is HD, it'll have third party games translated onto it far more often and I don't see it suffering anywhere near as much as the Wii.

Edit: but lets hope for a powerhouse.

( Edited 18.04.2011 00:48 by Soundworks )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

My guess: The console uses a new form of 3D projection technology which uses camera's based in the controller to track the movement of the eyes. Just a guess Smilie

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

What I want:

- 4 times more powerful than the current gen.
- Exceptional online capabilities (DLC, Multiplayer, Social Networking, IM, video chat, web browser, online store)
- A multimedia device (Blu ray, DVD, MP3, etc).
- Controller: Built in HD screen, haptic force feedback, vitality sensor, front-facing camera.

What I'll get:

- Console that is "a bit more powerful" than current gen.
- Mediocre online (Will be ok but won't be anything special, slightly less impressive than what we currently have on current HD consoles)
- No multimedia device, might play MP3's.
- Controller: Almost identical to what is above excluding the haptic force feedback.

I'm sure Nintendo would like to incorporate haptic force feedback into the controller but the media would have a field day with it, Daily Mail: "Controller throws young toddler across living room".

People seem to think that since the Wii was a console aimed at casual gamers that Nintendo is now a casual games company, people couldn't be more wrong. There was a market there five years ago that no company had really tapped into. Nintendo saw an opportunity and took the leap and it paid off. Five years later and the market is saturated with cheap casual games and expensive peripherals. If Nintendo continue down the causal route they will definitely lose their hardcore audience and will eventually have to compete with such devices like the iPhone and iPad. They know that's a battle they cannot win, Apple is one of the biggest multimedia device manufacturers in the world with huge brand loyalty and recognition. It's better to fight the enemy you do know (Sony & Microsoft) than the enemy you don't (Apple).

GreythaGreat said:
If the tablet controller

It's not a "tablet controller" it's a controller with a screen, there is a very big difference. If anything it resembles a DS or a new age Game Boy.

Marzy said:

The new games they will reveal at E3.

What games are you expecting? The Wii has run it's course, if your expecting some triple A Wii games at E3 you'll be severely disappointed. I'm expecting two titles at the very most, titles being games of actual quality.

Something to chew on:

( Edited 18.04.2011 16:55 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
GreythaGreat said:
If the tablet controller

It's not a "tablet controller" it's a controller with a screen, there is a very big difference. If anything it resembles a DS or a new age Game Boy.

Don't think anybody can be sure of anything just yet. Could be a tablet, could not be. Could have absolutely nothing to do with a screen and all be a load of rubbish that has been leaked to throw people off the trail.

6 inch screen on the controller? no thank you.

What games are you expecting? The Wii has run it's course, if your expecting some triple A Wii games at E3 you'll be severely disappointed. I'm expecting two titles at the very most, titles being games of actual quality.

A new Starfox, Pikmin 3 and perhaps F-Zero? I don't really know what to expect, but I highly doubt Nintendo won't have some new Wii games to show at E3.

Who said I'm expecting some "triple A Wii games"? I'll just be happy with anyone of those titles I mentioned, but if not then there could till be something new from the company which would also be good anyway. Something original would be a breath of fresh air from Nintendo.

I'm also looking forward to the Skyward Sword presentation. We'll finally get to know more about story elements and I expect a much better trailer, with a more cinematic approach to it.

Marzy said:
A new Starfox, Pikmin 3 and perhaps F-Zero? I don't really know what to expect, but I highly doubt Nintendo won't have some new Wii games to show at E3.

Personally, I'd much rather wait for those games to be launch titles for the 'Wii 2' now. I obviously wouldn't complain if they were announced for the Wii, just so long as we get them on Wii 2 too. But for me, the appeal of HD and online versions of those games is massive. I'd rather have them release them for their next machine instead.

( Edited 18.04.2011 20:06 by Azuardo )

For those of you who just can't get enough rumours, here's a website by the same guy who runs the Nintendo 3DS blog. Quite some stuff is getting posted there regularly so you might want to check it out. I'm reading that stuff pretty much only for teh lulz now because I'm curious just how ridiculous this is going to get. Smilie

Thanks SirLink, I'll add that to the first page.

A new Starfox, Pikmin 3 and perhaps F-Zero? I don't really know what to expect, but I highly doubt Nintendo won't have some new Wii games to show at E3.

You'd be lucky getting Pikmin, forget about the other two.

I'm also looking forward to the Skyward Sword presentation. We'll finally get to know more about story elements and I expect a much better trailer, with a more cinematic approach to it.

I'm interested in seeing some more gameplay footage from real gamers play demos etc. They seem to be taking Zelda in a far better direction than previous Zelda titles

I think one game I would really love to see on Wii 2 is a new cel-Zelda. Wind Waker is one of the most beautiful games I've played. An all-new HD cel-Zelda on Wii 2 would be amazing.

id love a new wave race and 1080 for launch

CVG are jumping on the bandwagon with GTA V for the N6

And here's there version of the controller.

Image for

( Edited 19.04.2011 14:31 by Stulaw )

I doubt Pikmin 3 will be for Wii, the Wii has had it's fair share of Pikmin games, and it's high time the series was brought to life in HD.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Yeah it would be pretty stupid for Nintendo not to hold off on a lot of these much-desired franchises - they will no doubt be system sellers when the new system is out. Hope Skyward Sword isn't saved or ported over to the new system though - it's the one Zelda designed for the Wii and to have that moved onto another system would be kind of stupid.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I totally doubt this six inch screen rumour still. A small screen I can understand as part of the controller, but if there's a six inch screen it'd make more sense for it to be a tablet completely separate.

EDIT: Dunno why I put 'trailer'. 'Controller'.

( Edited 19.04.2011 23:11 by Mason )

I want to see the patent, from 2008 being used.


it's been 11 years since in phase as been studying the product, they did release a comercial version, and if Nintendo can release it, then it can help it, like how Sony did Blue ray.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

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