What I want:
- 4 times more powerful than the current gen.
- Exceptional online capabilities (DLC, Multiplayer, Social Networking, IM, video chat, web browser, online store)
- A multimedia device (Blu ray, DVD, MP3, etc).
- Controller: Built in HD screen, haptic force feedback, vitality sensor, front-facing camera.
What I'll get:
- Console that is "a bit more powerful" than current gen.
- Mediocre online (Will be ok but won't be anything special, slightly less impressive than what we currently have on current HD consoles)
- No multimedia device, might play MP3's.
- Controller: Almost identical to what is above excluding the haptic force feedback.
I'm sure Nintendo would like to incorporate haptic force feedback into the controller but the media would have a field day with it, Daily Mail: "Controller throws young toddler across living room".
People seem to think that since the Wii was a console aimed at casual gamers that Nintendo is now a casual games company, people couldn't be more wrong. There was a market there five years ago that no company had really tapped into. Nintendo saw an opportunity and took the leap and it paid off. Five years later and the market is saturated with cheap casual games and expensive peripherals. If Nintendo continue down the causal route they will definitely lose their hardcore audience and will eventually have to compete with such devices like the iPhone and iPad. They know that's a battle they cannot win, Apple is one of the biggest multimedia device manufacturers in the world with huge brand loyalty and recognition. It's better to fight the enemy you do know (Sony & Microsoft) than the enemy you don't (Apple).
GreythaGreat said:
If the tablet controller
It's not a "tablet controller" it's a controller with a screen, there is a very big difference. If anything it resembles a DS or a new age Game Boy.
Marzy said:
The new games they will reveal at E3.
What games are you expecting? The Wii has run it's course, if your expecting some triple A Wii games at E3 you'll be severely disappointed. I'm expecting two titles at the very most, titles being games of actual quality.
Something to chew on:
( Edited 18.04.2011 16:55 by Birdo Is A Tranny )