Love Too Easily (Nintendo Switch) Review

By Az Elias 14.02.2025

Review for Love Too Easily on Nintendo Switch

Everyone wants a little love in their life, and it's no different for college student Yeonwoo Lee. After a fun night drinking with friends, but also making a bit of a fool of herself, she wakes up worse for wear, the wrong phone in her hands, and with smudged lipstick on her face. She kissed someone! Who was it, though? Desperate for answers, Yeonwoo goes detective and attempts to resolve the mystery in Love Too Easily.

FMV games have had a slight boost in popularity in recent years, mostly due to Wales Interactive reigniting the flame that used to burn so brightly during the 1990s. On this side of the world, though, it isn't often that an interactive Korean romantic comedy gets localised. Monster Guide's lighthearted adventure is an amusing distraction for a couple of hours, with multiple choice dialogue delivering different endings.

The surprising thing about Love Too Easily is the various minigames that are interspersed between segments of the story. From a nonogram puzzle to dolling up the main character with makeup, and point-and-click segments to running around town as a chibi avatar, these breaks in scenes offer a sometimes fun, but often pointless, diversion in an attempt to tailor Love Too Easily as more than just an interactive movie.

Screenshot for Love Too Easily on Nintendo Switch

Minigames can be replayed and, thankfully, skipped if preferred, so that focus can be put into the actual narrative, and it is easy enough to jump back to decision making moments that allow players to go down another path towards a new ending. With how quickly things can be progressed, and with the variety in outcomes, it is often worth trying to attain each one, particularly because the characters are charming and the dialogue is cheesy, but mildly entertaining.

Despite the broken English and issues with image quality at times, there are humorous moments that ensure it is worth sticking through Love Too Easily. It is possible to see the effort gone into crafting this, and the extra behind-the-scenes videos and interviews with the actors are most welcome. It lacks a lot of depth, but for a short, playful interactive romcom, there are worse options than this.

Screenshot for Love Too Easily on Nintendo Switch

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 6 out of 10


Love Too Easily is a Korean romcom with its heart in the right place. Its various flaws, whether it is the low image quality at the beginning of scenes or the broken English, can somewhat be overlooked by the lighthearted story at play. A playful distraction for an hour or two if looking for a humorous FMV game, despite the lack of depth.


Monster Guide







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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