Sony and Microsoft reps must be very happy at this news...
In the past we invited reporters, investors and analysts, industry partners, such as software publishers, and distributors who attended E3 to our large-scale presentations. We also used them as a communication tool in which we broadcast our presentations on the Internet to reach out to video game fans around the globe. I believe that many are expecting us to host a similar event this year.First, we decided not to host a large-scale presentation targeted at everyone in the international audience where we announce new information as we did in the past.Instead, at the E3 show this year, we are planning to host a few smaller events that are specifically focused on our software lineup for the U.S. market. There will be one closed event for American distributors, and we will hold another closed hands-on experience event, for mainly the Western gaming media. Also, I did not speak at last year's presentation, and I am not planning to speak at these events at the E3 show this year either. Apart from these exclusive events for visitors, we are continuing to investigate ways to deliver information about our games directly to our home audience around the time of E3. We will share more information about them once they have officially been decided.During the E3 period, we will utilize our direct communication tools, such as Nintendo Direct, to deliver information to our Japanese audience, including those who are at this financial briefing, mainly focusing on the software that we are going to launch in Japan, and we will take the same approach outside Japan for the overseas fans as well.
-Nintendo President Satoru Iwata
With the exception of Nintendo's big titles, the majority of focus will be on the new consoles and the type of software only they can support.
Iwata telling Investors what they know already...
"Regarding Wii U, the release intervals of first-party key titles have been so much longer than we expected at the Corporate Management Policy Briefing in January that we have not successfully maintained the momentum of the platform [was there any momentum to start with?].
In addition, we have not been able to solidly communicate the product value of Wii U to our consumers yet, which has been a grand challenge for us. Some have the misunderstanding that Wii U is just Wii with a pad for games, and others even consider Wii U GamePad as a peripheral device connectable to Wii [O'really, what a surprise!].
We feel deeply responsible for not having tried hard enough to have consumers understand the product [not deep enough to step down...].
Wii U might still have no such captivating game title as "Wii Sports" for Wii, with which people immediately comprehended its product value [lol], but it surely has a lot of factors appreciated by users. We would like to take time to work thoroughly for its penetration, by making various efforts to have many people understand its product value as well as enriching the software lineup.
-Nintendo President Satoru Iwata
What, was there ANY momentum to start off with?. News to me.
Owners still left waiting on a release date, for a game that was repeatedly touted as a launch window title.
I still see no games I want to play on Wii U, apart from first-party, and the odd DL game which I can get on other platforms.
People think it's a weakly Wii with a bulky tablet controller, o'really, now there a surprise!, haha.
People know it's value when they see far better products on the market, like the many high powered gaming tablets with their i7 CPU's and traditional controls, that allow games like this to be played with 100% portability:
It's crudity and been comunicated very well, that's very much part of Nintendo's problem.
Not sorry enough to step down though lol. They understand the thing perfectly, they just don't understand how poorly Nintendo continue to sell it.
So, Wii U now needs a Wii Sports saviour, some casual BS to incent families. Wasn't Nintendo Land meant to do that?.
A far larger bulk of the audience now recognises what quality is, a Wii Sports rip off was never going to wash now.
Shambolic strategy.
( Edited 25.04.2013 08:06 by Linkyshinks )