Official Wii U Discussion Thread

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I'm seeing all these conflicting reports and people making a big fuss over the Virtual Console release and the big patch, people wondering when it's going to be released, and apparently it's now being ~rumoured~ to come out on Thursday.

Why.. didn't everyone just assume that from point one? That's when the eShop usually updates, come on people it's like common sense 101 here. 8l

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Sony and Microsoft reps must be very happy at this news... 


In the past we invited reporters, investors and analysts, industry partners, such as software publishers, and distributors who attended E3 to our large-scale presentations. We also used them as a communication tool in which we broadcast our presentations on the Internet to reach out to video game fans around the globe. I believe that many are expecting us to host a similar event this year.First, we decided not to host a large-scale presentation targeted at everyone in the international audience where we announce new information as we did in the past.Instead, at the E3 show this year, we are planning to host a few smaller events that are specifically focused on our software lineup for the U.S. market. There will be one closed event for American distributors, and we will hold another closed hands-on experience event, for mainly the Western gaming media. Also, I did not speak at last year's presentation, and I am not planning to speak at these events at the E3 show this year either. Apart from these exclusive events for visitors, we are continuing to investigate ways to deliver information about our games directly to our home audience around the time of E3. We will share more information about them once they have officially been decided.During the E3 period, we will utilize our direct communication tools, such as Nintendo Direct, to deliver information to our Japanese audience, including those who are at this financial briefing, mainly focusing on the software that we are going to launch in Japan, and we will take the same approach outside Japan for the overseas fans as well.

-Nintendo President Satoru Iwata

With the exception of Nintendo's big titles, the majority of focus will be on the new consoles and the type of software only they can support.

Iwata telling Investors what they know already...

"Regarding Wii U, the release intervals of first-party key titles have been so much longer than we expected at the Corporate Management Policy Briefing in January that we have not successfully maintained the momentum of the platform [was there any momentum to start with?].

In addition, we have not been able to solidly communicate the product value of Wii U to our consumers yet, which has been a grand challenge for us. Some have the misunderstanding that Wii U is just Wii with a pad for games, and others even consider Wii U GamePad as a peripheral device connectable to Wii [O'really, what a surprise!].

We feel deeply responsible for not having tried hard enough to have consumers understand the product [not deep enough to step down...].

Wii U might still have no such captivating game title as "Wii Sports" for Wii, with which people immediately comprehended its product value [lol], but it surely has a lot of factors appreciated by users. We would like to take time to work thoroughly for its penetration, by making various efforts to have many people understand its product value as well as enriching the software lineup.

-Nintendo President Satoru Iwata

What, was there ANY momentum to start off with?. News to me.

Owners still left waiting on a release date, for a game that was repeatedly touted as a launch window title.

I still see no games I want to play on Wii U, apart from first-party, and the odd DL game which I can get on other platforms.

People think it's a weakly Wii with a bulky tablet controller, o'really, now there a surprise!, haha.

People know it's value when they see far better products on the market, like the many high powered gaming tablets with their i7 CPU's and traditional controls, that allow games like this to be played with 100% portability:

It's crudity and been comunicated very well, that's very much part of Nintendo's problem.

Not sorry enough to step down though lol. They understand the thing perfectly, they just don't understand how poorly Nintendo continue to sell it.

So, Wii U now needs a Wii Sports saviour, some casual BS to incent families. Wasn't Nintendo Land meant to do that?.

A far larger bulk of the audience now recognises what quality is, a Wii Sports rip off was never going to wash now.

Shambolic strategy.

( Edited 25.04.2013 08:06 by Linkyshinks )

Jesus Christ LS you act as if Nintendo kicked your dog. After ~3 years of terrible Microsoft conferences, one weaker Nintendo E3 is all if takes for them to be the worst company ever? Please. I know you're disappointed that the WiiU isn't as powerful as its competitors and that's the kind of games you're excited for, but the WiiU clearly isn't your system, don't take it out on others who actually thoroughly enjoy it and want to remain optimistic (because we all know that pessimism is extremely fun and actually makes worthwhile changes to what we're complaining about, right? Smilie )

Nintendo will be doing sales and finance conferences for the press and industry, demos for the journalists, and NDirects for the fans tuning in; every time fans tune in and see boring numbers they consider the E3 a failure in their eyes. It's the same with other conferences too; but unfortunately the business is also a necessary part of E3. If it doesn't go well? They'll just do differently next year, which is more than MS of recent years can say, last year they talked about practically everything but Xbox, despite the negative fan and press reception of years past.

For example, I personally think that the recent NDirects have been even better than some of Nintendo's past E3s, the whole show, because sometimes the show is crap, endless hype but eventually only one or two reveals that have been eclipsed by the two recent NDirects alone. I'm sure there are people who agree with me too. There will be extensive site coverage on Nintendo too and press will be shown what they usually see, if Nintendo have a game blowout, they don't need a huge audience to get attention.

Whatever you think is smart LS, having an hour-2 hour conference to show nothing but 5-6 new games is going to get Nintendo far more bad press than good press, especially with fans this different strategy is worth a shot.

Who else is excited for it? If all we want is new games, I'm not really seeing the issue, that's exactly what we're getting. And if you're not excited, what would you suggest take place instead?

In lighter news, Rayman has been brought forward to August, yay?

( Edited 25.04.2013 13:20 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Every individual Nintendo Direct thus far has been better than their last two E3 conferences, so I welcome this news with open arms. Whiners can keep whining.

As I expected, Nintendo announcing they won't have a gigantic E3 conference has people everywhere screaming DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. I for one, don't care. I just want some games announced.

Good read.

Nintendo Forgot Marketing 101

^That I do agree with.

I don't claim to be a budding marketer or anything but I do understand demography and jesus sometimes the marketing in this industry makes me facepalm at how dumb it is? I could market Cornish pasties better than these paid professionals can market exciting fun machinery.

Unrelated, I know I said before that I expected the WiiU update would be out today... it's not, that's a little concerning. Smilie Speaking of which, I wish I had the time to try Rayman.

( Edited 25.04.2013 17:37 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

So where's the patch? Smilie Thursday is almost over here in Europe...

They said it'd be released this week, but didn't state when. I'm guessing right at the end of the week. Smilie So if not later today, tomorrow/early hours of the morning.

I did assume Thursday along with the regular eShop update, but perhaps I was wrong. Either way, I hope Virtual Console updates become regular and aren't just slow trickles. I know I keep saying that but I do worry. Smilie

(Until then, you can try out the Rayman Demo I guess)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That demo app is pretty good. 1311-ish in the Distance challenge. Smilie

SuperLink said:
Who else is excited for it? If all we want is new games, I'm not really seeing the issue, that's exactly what we're getting. And if you're not excited, what would you suggest take place instead?

In lighter news, Rayman has been brought forward to August, yay?

Yeah I mean I love the hype for e3 and all that but if I'm gonna be honest I love the idea of them just showing the new games in a nintendo direct. As long as I get something smash bros related then I'm good. Also pretty happy that Rayman got moved forward.

( Edited 25.04.2013 20:23 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

SuperLink said:
^That I do agree with.

I don't claim to be a budding marketer or anything but I do understand demography and jesus sometimes the marketing in this industry makes me facepalm at how dumb it is? I could market Cornish pasties better than these paid professionals can market exciting fun machinery.

Unrelated, I know I said before that I expected the WiiU update would be out today... it's not, that's a little concerning. Smilie Speaking of which, I wish I had the time to try Rayman.

I agree with elements of that article too, I've said it before and this article says it too...there is a lack of quality content at the moment that really appeals to the masses other than what they have already marketed. I will be greatly disappointed if they refuse to market the machine when the AAA titles are out. Somehow i think we will be waiting until Wii Fit U...which I really doubt will work this time. The fad has been and gone and appealing to 20-50 year old women isn't going to work this time.

To sell 9 million units this fiscal year will be a feat, but considering a new Zelda, Mario , Mario Kart and Pikmin I guess they might manager 6/7 million units. The article rightly states that investors will love the fact that Nintendo returned to profit, considering they are selling the Wii U at a loss i am guessing this has come from 3DS sales but nonetheless they are still doing good business and that is what matters!


Lmao. The sooner the fucker is fired the quicker Nintendo will get back to it's very best.

Was gonna put something to the effect of 'pity for any gullible dumbass thinking Iwata is bad for Nintendo', then realized I'd be wasting my breath. Carry on.

If this guy's gonna try to make a guy commit suicide, he should at least get the guy's name right. It's Iwata, not IAWATA.

Not sure why some random video maker is the harbinger of truth when compared with all the facts and figures I've presented in the other thread + my blog, but you keep on thinkin' what you're thinkin' LS. The old proud Nintendo with its mistreatment of developers and constant censorship wouldn't survive in this modern industry.

( Edited 26.04.2013 11:46 by SuperLink )

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Image for

WiiU Virtual Console lineup for Europe announced:

  • Super Mario World US Version
  • Ice Climber US Version
  • Mario's Super Picross JP Version
  • Donkey Kong Jr US Version
  • Excitebike US Version
  • Punch-Out!! US Version
  • F-Zero US Version

Not great, but not awful, possibly a bit better than US' selection. Still worse than the original Wii selection, which is retrospect was pretty decent compared to this and 3DS' offerings (well apart from 50Hzness).

Mostly because these are all 60Hz, for a lot of these games it's the first time EU gamers will get the true experience (unless of course they've emulated them) Nintendo are making an active effort here it seems. Really hope Super Metroid and all future games gets the same treatment, I admit I was worried after Kirby launched.

( Edited 26.04.2013 13:57 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
WiiU Virtual Console lineup for Europe announced:

  • Super Mario World US Version
  • Ice Climber US Version
  • Mario's Super Picross JP Version
  • Donkey Kong Jr US Version
  • Excitebike US Version
  • Punch-Out!! US Version
  • F-Zero US Version

Not great, but not awful, possibly a bit better than US' selection. Still worse than the original Wii selection, which is retrospect was pretty decent compared to this and 3DS' offerings (well apart from 50Hzness).

Mostly because these are all 60Hz, for a lot of these games it's the first time EU gamers will get the true experience (unless of course they've emulated them) Nintendo are making an active effort here it seems. Really hope Super Metroid and all future games gets the same treatment, I admit I was worried after Kirby launched.

Lack of any megaman game disturbs me >.>

( Edited 26.04.2013 14:55 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

LKR000 said:

Lack of any megaman game disturbs me >.>

Well luckily MM was shown in the sizzle reel so it's incoming, hopefully not too long in the future.

Plus MM4 came out on 3DS yesterday and that'd be in 60Hz too. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Am glad to see all the games will be 60Hz, a good step forward. Might get Super Mario World.

Not saying this justifies the somewhat weak lineup, but I did glaze over the fact that each game would need its own singular Miiverse community. Getting all 300+ games in one go might have killed the Miiverse servers for a number of weeks. Smilie

As long as the trickle of games isn't as bad as it was on the Wii (and we actually get new stuff as opposed to just everything on Wii's VC) then I'll be okay with it.

All I want are some damn N64 and Gamecube games on VC. Those things were my childhood man. :-x

( Edited 26.04.2013 18:27 by CrystalMushroom )

CrystalMushroom said:
All I want are some damn N64 and Gamecube games on VC. Those things were my childhood man. :-x
N64 games are already confirmed for VC, it's just a matter of when. As for GC games, I'm sure I heard something about them a while ago, so again it's a matter of when. Hopefully by the time the Summer update is out, we'll have quite a few different platforms on there, rather than just NES and SNES.

I wonder how Saturn emulation is coming along. Id love to see that and Dreamcast hit the VC eventually, though seeing as how Sega have gone quiet on the Game Gear front I'll not put too much faith into it.

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