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Shame that my currently second most anticipated Vita title (out of 2) is also port of a game I already own. Tearaway on the other hand looks and sounds great.

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Yes, out at the end of the month in Japan.


The Phantom Pain looks like it's going to be PS3 and PS4 exclusive (Fox Engine). It will be shown at this years GDC.

Linkyshinks said:

Yes, out at the end of the month in Japan.


The Phantom Pain looks like it's going to be PS3 and PS4 exclusive (Fox Engine). It will be shown at this years GDC.

The Moby Dick Studios Official Site listed PS3 and 360 when it first went live earlier this year. I just thought that was worth a mention.

EDIT: Actually it's still there;

Image for

So definitely doesn't seem exclusive to me.

( Edited 16.03.2013 12:12 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yea, my mistake Fox Engine runs on 360, it was designed to. It's MGS4 engine which doesn't


Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
Pro Evolution Soccer 14
The Phantom Pain

Even Pro Evo is using it...I guess that means no credible version of Pro Evo is coming to Wii U next year. It looks like all the consoles bar Nintendo platforms are going to get Phantom Pain.

( Edited 16.03.2013 13:33 by Linkyshinks )

I don't believe it's been confirmed anywhere that Fox Engine won't be running on WiiU, nor is it on-topic.

Honestly Phantom Pain appears to be an 8thGen game, visually, but I don't know why the site would show the PS3 and 360 logos if that were the case. Phantom Pain is probably the best planned "reveal" I've seen in the game industry for a very long time, there's a reason for every move.

And it just seems.. strange, for a mainseries Metal Gear Solid game to be released across so many systems. So for now I'm thinking it'll be a 7th Gen game.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
I don't believe it's been confirmed anywhere that Fox Engine won't be running on WiiU, nor is it on-topic.

Honestly Phantom Pain appears to be an 8thGen game, visually, but I don't know why the site would show the PS3 and 360 logos if that were the case. Phantom Pain is probably the best planned "reveal" I've seen in the game industry for a very long time, there's a reason for every move.

And it just seems.. strange, for a mainseries Metal Gear Solid game to be released across so many systems. So for now I'm thinking it'll be a 7th Gen game.

Nor has there been any mention of PES '14 even coming to Wii U. Absolutely nothing.

Kojima then spoke about the Fox Engine, and compatibility with the Wii U.

"I don't want any misconceptions that [the Fox Engine] is specific to a certain hardware platform, because it's not,"


EA have said FIFA Wii U will use their impact engine in the next installment, but even that may not be enough. I expect FIFA '14 will use the very latest animation system that will be shown at GDC this year in BF4, and it's very unlikely that Wii U will be able to support that, whatever it is.

Bioshock Infinite


JoJo Bizarre Adventure ASB


Got the Dreamcast fighter from Capcom...

( Edited 16.03.2013 13:45 by Linkyshinks )

Capcom VP on why Vita's not getting Revelations, despite the Wii U versions Off-TV-Play, and also while some reps at the company actively laud being able to play it on a large HD screen.

Simple answer: because people asked for us to support the feature. (O-T-P)Shame on us for listening, I know, but we do sometimes. SmilieIf you're asking how is that different than supporting Vita? There's multiple orders of magnitude differences in cost in supporting a feature that's enabled by existing libraries on a single platform versus porting a game to an entirely new architecture, full QA passes, not to mention the costs of goods issues of adding another platform to the mix. It's an apples and oranges comparison even if the ultimate "form factor" ends up being similar.And I don't get the "fairness" issue you raise at the bottom. How is supporting a feature on a single platform that is only possible on that platform, in anyway unfair with regard to other platforms?

If the PS4 gets a DL release of the game, hopefully Vita will be able to run it via RemotePlay, from what I gather Sony are looking to make everything playable via Vita.

Linkyshinks said:
If the PS4 gets a DL release of the game, hopefully Vita will be able to run it via RemotePlay, from what I gather Sony are looking to make everything playable via Vita.

The official word is that Sony want every PS4 game streamable to Vita by PS4's launch, so basically as a standard feature.

However what about the Vita getting its own games? If the Vita was destined to be just a PS4 accessory it wouldn't be so bloody expensive.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Final Fantasy XHD to come with Final Fantasy X-2HD?

Oh sweet jesus let this be true. :O

( Edited 20.03.2013 19:11 by Ifrit XXII )

It's true.

Image for


FFX-2 is one of my fave games in the series. This is great news. Smilie

Smilie ,PSN what a childish name from stupid people who work for SONY, I don't see anything worth mentioning from Sony, Its the same old console from 7 years ago no updates no cross game chat, no dedicated servers to ban you little shits the list goes on! I hardly use the PSN anymore its a waste of money DLC is shit to me! It sucks up your HD and its just and simple stupid also you can't play your music in your games as of yet very disappointing! On XBL you can PSN no you can't! There stupid way is so outdated... Yes there is some games worth mentioning Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider all support Custom Sound Tracks Thank you Square Enix!/& Crystal Dynamics heck at least there listening to what the HARDCORE fans want! Smilie But PS4 look for 6-jobs! That sucker will be $530.98 I looked it up thats ridiculous! And the games you asked? $99.00! Screw that lol Bankrupt SONY!

I just puked in my mouth a little.

I'm a bit tizzed that FFX and X-2 are gonna be sold separately on Vita; I originally wanted FFXHD on Vita but now I'm rethinking that. Cmon Square do you want me to stop supporting the Vita or what?

C- said:
Smilie ,PSN what a childish name from stupid people who work for SONY, I don't see anything worth mentioning from Sony, Its the same old console from 7 years ago no updates no cross game chat, no dedicated servers to ban you little shits the list goes on! I hardly use the PSN anymore its a waste of money DLC is shit to me! It sucks up your HD and its just and simple stupid also you can't play your music in your games as of yet very disappointing! On XBL you can PSN no you can't! There stupid way is so outdated... Yes there is some games worth mentioning Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider all support Custom Sound Tracks Thank you Square Enix!/& Crystal Dynamics heck at least there listening to what the HARDCORE fans want! Smilie But PS4 look for 6-jobs! That sucker will be $530.98 I looked it up thats ridiculous! And the games you asked? $99.00! Screw that lol Bankrupt SONY!

If that's how you feel about Sony dude, no one is going to be successful in persuading you otherwise (anytime soon) and I would very heavily recommend staying off this thread altogether.

Otherwise I hope you enjoy the forum Smilie please try to be respectful to others, interact and enjoy!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This is how this gen is going to work for me.

A multiplatform title released across 720, PS4 & Wii U: I will probably buy the PS4 version, but if the Wii U version has exclusive content, i will get that one

Wii U exclusive: I'll get it on Wii U (Well derp!)

PS4 exclusive: Get it on PS4 (Double derp!)

720 exclusive: These exist?

PS4/720 Title: I'll get it for PS4

Mod Edit:

C- said:
Smilie ,PSN what a childish name from stupid people who work for SONY, I don't see anything worth mentioning from Sony, Its the same old console from 7 years ago no updates no cross game chat, no dedicated servers to ban you little shits the list goes on! I hardly use the PSN anymore its a waste of money DLC is shit to me! It sucks up your HD and its just and simple stupid also you can't play your music in your games as of yet very disappointing! On XBL you can PSN no you can't! There stupid way is so outdated... Yes there is some games worth mentioning Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider all support Custom Sound Tracks Thank you Square Enix!/& Crystal Dynamics heck at least there listening to what the HARDCORE fans want! Smilie But PS4 look for 6-jobs! That sucker will be $530.98 I looked it up thats ridiculous! And the games you asked? $99.00! Screw that lol Bankrupt SONY!

Da fuq?

( Edited 21.03.2013 15:37 by SuperLink )

SuperLink said:

C- said:
Smilie ,PSN what a childish name from stupid people who work for SONY, I don't see anything worth mentioning from Sony, Its the same old console from 7 years ago no updates no cross game chat, no dedicated servers to ban you little shits the list goes on! I hardly use the PSN anymore its a waste of money DLC is shit to me! It sucks up your HD and its just and simple stupid also you can't play your music in your games as of yet very disappointing! On XBL you can PSN no you can't! There stupid way is so outdated... Yes there is some games worth mentioning Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider all support Custom Sound Tracks Thank you Square Enix!/& Crystal Dynamics heck at least there listening to what the HARDCORE fans want! Smilie But PS4 look for 6-jobs! That sucker will be $530.98 I looked it up thats ridiculous! And the games you asked? $99.00! Screw that lol Bankrupt SONY!

If that's how you feel about Sony dude, no one is going to be successful in persuading you otherwise (anytime soon) and I would very heavily recommend staying off this thread altogether.

Otherwise I hope you enjoy the forum Smilie please try to be respectful to others, interact and enjoy!

Lol, i haven't heard "interact and enjoy!" for quite some time!

Bioshock infinite IGN Review 360/PS3 - 94 /PC - 95

Getting it on PC next week.

( Edited 22.03.2013 08:56 by Linkyshinks )

Linkyshinks said:
Bioshock infinite IGN Review 360/PS3 - 94 /PC - 95

Getting it on PC next week.

I preordered it on Steam last night because I wanted the copy of XCOM too Smilie 

Got my copy of Bioshock Infinite Smilie

Linkyshinks said:
Got my copy of Bioshock Infinite Smilie

Shame it will be locked until midnight! 

Yea, I'll be staying up to play it tonight, can't wait, the reviews are making me very excited.The Konami Code unlocks "1999 Mode" in Bioshock Infinite: On the Play Game screen: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, (Cancel), (Confirm)edit:One of the best introductions to a gameworld ever.Amazing maxed out on PC, the lighting and shadows looks amazing,  easily some of the best I've seen.Loving it so far Smilie


Posting this here cause it covers relevant platforms (and because 360 thread is dead)

Sleeping Dogs, Hitman, and Tomb Raider were "failures"

Of all things, Square is blaming these multimillion selling "AAA" titles for its major losses this year, uh, Square, aren't you forgetting the fact that your demographic has increasing hatred for you for your cheap-ass treatment of Final Fantasy or your other major Japanese franchises? I refuse to believe that those games aren't a portion of the blame too; maybe S-E just want to blame Eidos rather than themselves.

I digress, either way Sterling puts it very interestingly;

The publisher's report is yet more evidence of the so-called "AAA" market's downward spiral, where you can't even be considered a success in the face of selling millions of copies. This, along with Resident Evil 6 "failing" in spite of nearly five million sales and Dead Space 3 needing "five million" to survive, points to a market that's crashing and burning. 

Weren't people saying that modern AAA games "weren't that expensive to develop"? Oh boy. Unless the PS4 is significantly cheaper to develop for than the PS3 or 360, this isn't going to stop anytime soon. Capcom, EA and Square are all struggling, THQ went completely down

Mainstream videogames have officially gone wrong

Indies are the future, tbh, some of my best memories of original and interesting ideas in the past gen have been from indies, and luckily Vita is starting to get much better indie support too. It's bizarre and very humbling how these indies find more "success" in their genuinely unique ideas and original games than huge companies find in extremely expensive games that manage to sell millions and millions of units. Insane.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Posting this here cause it covers relevant platforms (and because 360 thread is dead)

Sleeping Dogs, Hitman, and Tomb Raider were "failures"

Of all things, Square is blaming these multimillion selling "AAA" titles for its major losses this year, uh, Square, aren't you forgetting the fact that your demographic has increasing hatred for you for your cheap-ass treatment of Final Fantasy or your other major Japanese franchises? I refuse to believe that those games aren't a portion of the blame too; maybe S-E just want to blame Eidos rather than themselves.

I digress, either way Sterling puts it very interestingly;

The publisher's report is yet more evidence of the so-called "AAA" market's downward spiral, where you can't even be considered a success in the face of selling millions of copies. This, along with Resident Evil 6 "failing" in spite of nearly five million sales and Dead Space 3 needing "five million" to survive, points to a market that's crashing and burning. 

Weren't people saying that modern AAA games "weren't that expensive to develop"? Oh boy. Unless the PS4 is significantly cheaper to develop for than the PS3 or 360, this isn't going to stop anytime soon. Capcom, EA and Square are all struggling, THQ went completely down

Mainstream videogames have officially gone wrong

Indies are the future, tbh, some of my best memories of original and interesting ideas in the past gen have been from indies, and luckily Vita is starting to get much better indie support too. It's bizarre and very humbling how these indies find more "success" in their genuinely unique ideas and original games than huge companies find in extremely expensive games that manage to sell millions and millions of units. Insane.

I thought CAPCOM pointed the finger at their marketing department for poor sales, i didn't think they faulted the game...although I am so out of the loop these days.

They are calling Tomb Raider a failure? Give it a chance, the game only just came out and with the Easter holiday just approaching if they gave it a bit of a push they might see a minor increase.

Interesting to see the juggernaughts struggling, I hope that micro-transactions don't become a bit more heavier. Imagine if you had to start buying more leagues leagues in FIFA...etc etc

It's making for a very "interesting" future, at least. Like I've mentioned elsewhere, Tomb Raider was a risky reboot that could have bombed hard, but it's sold 3.4million units in less than three weeks, Hitman did 3.6m and Sleeping Dogs was a brand new IP that could have gone to shit. How on earth these can all be classed as failures is incredible. It's been a long time coming for Wada to resign, and it should be for the best. The company needs a big shake up.

But like you mention about all the other devs and games being "failures" for not meeting insane targets, it tells the whole story about the way things are going. It's definitely not the end of losses and layoffs and resignations and bankruptcies. Nothing surprises me any more.

Indies are the way forward atm. I agree - many indies have given me some of the most enjoyment this gen. I'd already said before that Wii U could well be the indie platform of the next gen - Nintendo has really sorted itself out on that end. The support keeps on coming, even if the big games from publishers don't. But Sony is making huge strides, too, with all three PS platforms getting big support. Can't wait for Hotline Miami! So I think Wii U and PS4 will be seeing some awesome indie games in the future. We have a lot to look forward to there.

But yes, again, the way things are looking, we could so easily be seeing a crash pretty damn soon. I've always thought it could happen. I don't think MS will be helping things if their 720 rumours are true, either. Massive, massive risk. I don't think people are ready for digital only. I know I'm not.

I think we should just enjoy it while we can because who knows how long it'll last?

Flynnie said:

I thought CAPCOM pointed the finger at their marketing department for poor sales, i didn't think they faulted the game...although I am so out of the loop these days.

At first, but in recent months and weeks Capcom have done everything short of full on apologising for creating RE6 at all.

Interesting to see the juggernaughts struggling, I hope that micro-transactions don't become a bit more heavier. Imagine if you had to start buying more leagues leagues in FIFA...etc etc

I actually think microtransactions don't help; they're generating so much industry hate and unease, one of the main reasons EA are struggling is because people HATE them.

Azuardo said:

Indies are the way forward atm

I see what you did there Smilie Even if it wasn't intentional, it made me smile!

I'd already said before that Wii U could well be the indie platform of the next gen - Nintendo has really sorted itself out on that end. The support keeps on coming, even if the big games from publishers don't. But Sony is making huge strides, too, with all three PS platforms getting big support. Can't wait for Hotline Miami! So I think Wii U and PS4 will be seeing some awesome indie games in the future. We have a lot to look forward to there.

The biggest problem on this front is misconceptions, many many indies who are not actively researching are still under the impression that the Vita and eShops are a pain in the ass to develop for, if Sony and Nintendo can actively invite those indies and word spreads, we'll be seeing some bloody amazing ideas in the coming gen.

But yes, again, the way things are looking, we could so easily be seeing a crash pretty damn soon. I've always thought it could happen. I don't think MS will be helping things if their 720 rumours are true, either. Massive, massive risk. I don't think people are ready for digital only. I know I'm not.

I think we should just enjoy it while we can because who knows how long it'll last?

I've always thought the industry knew itself too well for another crash, honestly I can see it happening now, but I still can't believe it. Smilie And yeah if the 720 rumours are true it'll probably be the ultimate nail in the crash and burn coffin.

But, a lot of devs have come out to say it's just a particularly nasty transition period, so maybe it'll all be fine.

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