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Linkyshinks said:
Yeh thats what i'm thinking, 10 or 9.8
mage_mccloud said:
sounds so good, assuming IGN gave it 9.5, whats everyones thoughts on their expected score for gears 2?
They gave it a 9.5 as well.
Well i just watched some trailers for Level 5's White Knight Chronicles and i'm in love. Hopefully the western release date gets pushed up so i can order over play asia earlier
The game will hit the PlayStation 3 on November 25, a full day earlier than the Xbox 360 version. It'll run $14.99 on the PS3. Since this info was revealed on the Sony blog, they didn't post what it'll cost on Xbox Live Arcade, but 15 bones translates to 1,200 Microsoft bits. Also, it's confirmed that the game won't have trophy support at launch.
A Tuesday release for a PlayStation Network game is pretty out of the ordinary. Normally this stuff gets posted on Thursdays, but I'd imagine no one wanted to come in on Thanksgiving and flip the MAKE GAME GO switch. Still, posting stuff ahead of Microsoft is a pretty good look for Sony. Maybe they should stick to Tuesdays going forward?
In addition to the game, the PlayStation Network will also receive a free, exclusive soundtrack download. This "Street Fighter Underground Remix Soundtrack" is apparently comprised of original songs that were inspired by the Street Fighter series. Artists on the soundtrack include Redman, Hieroglyphics, DJ Qbert, DJ Toure, Zion I, Mistah F.A.B. and Oh No. That already sounds like a great idea.
[Over on the 360 side of things, there will be a Street Fighter themed deck download for Uno. I envision a world where draw four cards are accompanied by dragon punch noises. The deck will be released on December 10.]
BioShock PS3 Challenge Rooms add on uptoday just got it and u get newgame+ so u can start of with all your guns and stuff powered up
the 3 Challenge Rooms are fun and not like the game they set up some nice challenges
The pricing on the store is pretty ridiculous now. They\'ve been climbing up recently.
£6.39 for a PS1 game (£4 is the most I would (and have) pay unless it was hard to find in shops). Even worse that the game is Sim City 2000. Not really many games there worth it except for the Crash Bandicoot games and Syphon Filter. Meanwhile America has way more, including Wild Arms which would be awesome to get
£2.59 for a costume (£3.99 for a LBP costue when that first came out).
To my knowledge, Microsoft and Nintendo haven't been increasing prices in this manner
Lrrr said:
To my knowledge, Microsoft and Nintendo haven't been increasing prices in this manner
they use points more easy to hide it lol
Not really, points are the same price now, and they can still buy things for the price they were when the console came out
Plus the pound isn't really that weak, it's still the strongest currency in the world.
I want a PS3, but I don't know why I want one.
I haven't noticed any change in aussie. The Motorstorm LBP pack came out for 2.95, then the animal pack came out for 4.95, and just today i downloaded the loco roco pack for 4.95. Those prices seem fine to me, but the prices on some of the games are a bit much, sim city is 12.95 on aussie psn compared to crash 3 which is 8.45. Probably developmental costs who knows.
based on conversion rates, you australians are actually pay less than us. The £6.39 for Sim City equates to $15 Australian. And £6.39 is too much for a PS1 game that is 12 years old. Especially considering that the rest of the games were £3.49 up until about a month ago
Lrrr said:
based on conversion rates, you australians are actually pay less than us. The £6.39 for Sim City equates to $15 Australian. And £6.39 is too much for a PS1 game that is 12 years old. Especially considering that the rest of the games were £3.49 up until about a month ago
most are crap anyway, i only got the crash series and left the rest to die. Rather spend my money on PJ monsters and the sorts.
Back on the subject of LBP for a minute...I got it a few days ago and traded it in earlier today. Why you may ask, well i'll tell you.
Dont get me wrong, I think its an absolutly fantastic game, very fun to play, creation is great, sackboy customisation has keep me entertained for HOURS just by itself and the levels are very fun and, at times, quite challenging. However! Im at uni now so I have no way of connecting my ps3 to the internet, so without online I think once the main storyline is complete is quite a pointless game with very little replay value and its an absolute shame I dont have online because thats the main reason most people will be buying this great little(big) game.
LBP - Offline 3/5 Online 5/5
Could I also draw your attention to Mirror's Edge...for those of you who dont know you play a "Runner" called Faith set in a totalitarian city in the future, your job is to get messages around the city by the best means...jumping accross buildings and such. I dont wana spoil the main plor for you all so i'll shush now.
It's a very very fun game, the free running aspect does keep you entertained...at first. Within the first couple of hour's you'll find yourself getting more and more infuriated with little glitches or mistimes jumps and having to start again, and this is without meantioning the incresingly differant combat of the game in which the only weapons you get you must steal from your enemies and you have only the ammo in the weapon at the time...very annoying when your faced with 5 or 6 cops and your getting shot to hell with only your fists to protect you.
Worst thing about this game...its really short. It's 8 chapters will take you no more than 5 or 6 hours to complete, I guess the bonus' would be that there are hidden items, "runner packs," that you can find through the chapters, along with a time trial mode where you race across set courses for set times and medals. This little touch does add a little life span to the game...but once again there is very little replay value, and the tiem trials will only take you an hour to complete.
Mirror's Edge - 4/5
i still dont know if to get Mirror's Edge yet
as for lbp i cant stop playing it online is how to get full of the game maybe pick it back up when u get web back
Mirror's Edge is great, don't expect much from the story, fairly weak, but the gameplay and online part with gohsts and time trials is really good. Out of the 6 games i've got going it is probably the second most played.
My lists of currently playing:
Mirror's Edge
Siren: Blood Curse
Valkyria Chronicles
Eternal Sonata
This week's LBP DLC will be Street Fighter Costumes as shown in the following post on the Playstation Blog
I've been downloading costumes even though I haven't got the game. I want it so much.
kick ass XD i hope they a free contest winner one as well
Did anyone pick up the Chimera costume a couple of weeks back?
Today we announced that PlayStation Home will enter into open beta, and will be available to everyone tomorrow. This milestone represents the very beginning of a long journey together, as PlayStation Home is an ever evolving, always changing, organic experience — full of new friends to meet, new events to enjoy, and new content to explore.
They've said it will never be complete as it would grow constantly, so the Open Beta is the release. Sweet
Wow, they're finally releasing it. Well i can't wait to play with remote controlled boats XD
Have any of you got FARCRY 2... if not.. stop whatever you are doing and go and buy that game, spiggin feckin awsome fun game!
Btw I have another question... Do any of you own Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty??? If you do did you complete in less than 5 hours... or was it just my copy!?!? :-? WTF happened to this game... the ones on PS2 were fantastic this one wasn't that great and 5 hours of gameplay is terrible... although I shouldn't complain I got it for free!!