Disney Epic Mickey is a 3D Platformer game developed by Junction Point for the Wii video game console. Get the latest news, reviews, videos and screenshots for Disney Epic Mickey.
9/10 (18 Votes)
With such a name, you would expect big things from Disney Epic Mickey. Does it live up to its title? - By
Read more 12 CommentsDisney’s Mickey Mouse starring in high quality games may seem like a thing of the past, but Epic Mickey for Wii looks set to change all that. - By Karn Spydar Lee Bianco
Read more 7 CommentsTitle | Date | |
E3 2012 | Disney's Epic Mickey Planned as a Tetralogy | 26.05.2012 | 1 |
Disney Newsletter Confirmed Epic Mickey 2 Existence | 01.01.2012 | 7 |
Rumour: Epic Mickey 2 May Exist | 29.08.2011 | 3 |
E311 | Nintendo Publishing Epic Mickey in Japan | 09.06.2011 | 0 |
The Making of Epic Mickey Trailer | 17.12.2010 | 4 |
Epic Mickey: Epic Score Trailer | 30.10.2010 | 4 |
Junction Point on Epic Mickey Story | 07.10.2010 | 2 |
Two New Epic Mickey Wii Videos | 28.09.2010 | 2 |
Epic Mickey Wii Opening Cinematic: Part2 | 06.09.2010 | 0 |
Epic Mickey's Cinematic Opening Video | 17.08.2010 | 11 |
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