Epic Mickey to be Unveiled Soon?

By Adam Riley 14.09.2009 6

Epic Mickey to be Unveiled Soon? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new scan has appeared that seems to indicate that the much vaunted Epic Mickey project is indeed a reality. According to the scan (as seen below - click to enlarge), "Next month Game Informer unleashes a storm of epic proportions with its new design and website relaunch, and the star of the show is someone you just might know..." On the opposite page is what looks considerably like Mickey Mouse and even has a Disney copyright logo on it. The logical leap would be that the Epic Mickey project that has been mentioned many times over the past year is due to be unveiled in the next issue, the October edition.

Looking at the dripping paint style, it looks like the following unconfirmed information could indeed be true:

We've since been told that it's a Wii-exclusive where you paint your way through levels using the Wii Remote. This 'painting your way' involves you drawing, etching and erasing whole or parts of levels as you go. Capcom's Okami immediately springs to mind but we've not got enough info to go on to make any kind of informed judgement.

As for the story, we've also been told that it'll be based around very old and/or forgotten Disney characters who are out to get their revenge on Mickey, presumably because they're jealous of all his fame and fortune. We Googled 'early Disney characters' and found that Oswald the Lucky Rabbit returned a lot of hits.

What would you like to see from Epic Mickey?

Box art for Disney Epic Mickey

Junction Point




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (18 Votes)

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Lots of people think that an old forgotten Mickey villain called "The Blot" could have a large role in the game.

Mainly remembered due to all the creepy monstrosities revealed so far, not to mention that "blot of ink" teaser there.

Surprisingly excited about this. Smilie

( Edited 30.12.2012 19:57 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Being a 2D animation student and huge Nintendo fan, I\'m all ears for this one. It sounds amazing so far but still waiting to see gameplay to actually give a real oppinion, but no matter what I\'m getting this. Oh and i could explain all about Oswald to you, but in this short comment box, all i can say is an evil version of him would fit this game to a T.

( Edited 14.09.2009 22:55 by welshwuff )

And you are sure this ist coming to Nintendo's consoles? The artworks are hinting more towards PS3 and Xthingy. Unfortunately.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
And you are sure this ist coming to Nintendo's consoles? The artworks are hinting more towards PS3 and Xthingy. Unfortunately.
When the artwork was shown, they said that it's for the Wii. And if done right, this game could be awesome.

SuperLink said:
Lots of people think that an old forgotten Mickey villain called "The Blot" could have a large role in the game.

The Blot makes since as he has been used in the old Disney Comics and recent cartoons. On Wikipedia you can search for "Phantom Blot" for more information. Here is a clip from YouTube:


I think Oswald would be a strange character to make a villain out of. However, that rabbit had one hell of a temper... Even worse than Mickey.

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