E310 | Epic Mickey and Tron Wii Accessories

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.06.2010 14

E310 | Epic Mickey and Tron Wii Accessories on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Epic Mickey is all about whipping out the paintbrush, so peripherals creators PDP will be bringing out a custom nunchuck and charger.

For the launch of both Epic Mickey and TRON: Evolution players will be able to look the part with new, optional peripherals at your disposal. TRON: Evolution comes with its own swanky Wii Remote, boasting glowing blue accents and comfortable rubber grips. Epic Mickey on the other hand dons a custom nunchuck paintbrush and gorgeous charging station.

Image for E310 | Epic Mickey and Tron Wii Accessories

Image for E310 | Epic Mickey and Tron Wii Accessories

Thanks to C3 reader Squidboy.

Box art for Disney Epic Mickey

Junction Point




3D Platformer



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I usually dislike those casing accessories for Wii-motes and Nunchucks, usually because they never look very nice, but those look fantastic. The Epic Mickey ones looks beautifully designed.

Depending on the pricing, I'd really love the Epic Mickey accessories.

they look so awsome, i want them both.

My Name Is Kizarny
hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead

Wow, that Tron-mote looks neato.

All look great! Love the Wii Remote mickey charger, refreshing change from the regular motes!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Holy... I want those now.
Especially the Epic Mickey Nunchuck, full of epicness.

( Edited 20.06.2010 11:10 by Mush123 )

It would have been better had the Wii Remote got the paintbrush shell considering that's what you use to paint stuff in the game, NOT the nunchuck. Smilie

The Tron remote looks cool.

Holy crap that TRON Wiimote looks awesome. And that's not just a sleeve or anything?

We finally have a new Wiimote that's not just black or white, and it looks effing insane!
Do really want.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Ifrit XXII said:
It would have been better had the Wii Remote got the paintbrush shell considering that's what you use to paint stuff in the game, NOT the nunchuck. Smilie

The Tron remote looks cool.

I agree with that, the Wiimote should get a paintbrush design.
Also, just saw the Tron remote (didn't load before) HOLY SHIT, I WANT ONE NOW.

John Hermandingle (guest) 20.06.2010#9

I love the torn wii remote but I only like the paintbrush for the art thing because the wii remote is just a regular remote with an (totally awesome) stand thing. But they both look sweet. Smilie for the tron one.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Our member of the week

Me want.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Is Mickey not slang for penis in the UK? Or am I just being immature laughing at all of these news stories?

Wow, these look fantastic!... but they're probably going to cost some serious $$$.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

No prices as far as the Mickey products, but the Tron branded Wii Remote will cost around $50 according to a PDP rep at the show.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

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