Disney Interactive Studios have released a new trailer featuring the making of Epic Mickey. Throughout the presentation, you’re treated to a host of Junction Point employees (including Warren Spector) speaking about the game and the work that’s gone into the project.
Highlights from the trailer are the talked about story elements, which was said to be one of the most important parts of the games process. Having access to the Disney archives also played a big part within the story elements, with Warren Spector claiming they had so much material, it with a difficult process to choose which characters and ideas would make it into the game.
The inclusion of Walt Disney’s original superstar character, Oswald, is also talked about. Gamers will have the opportunity to experience the character for the first time since the 1920s. Warren Spector also shared his love with the character.
Animation was also an important aspect and Junction Point studied the original Mickey Mouse cartoons, to make sure they got Mickey’s animation as perfect as they could. Along with gameplay animation, the cutscenes are also talked about, with a variety of different animation styles making it into the game.
Finishing up, the team talked about the details in the game and hope that players will be able to connect with the environments and characters throughout the experience, especially with Disney fans.