Epic Mickey May Go Multiplatform

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.02.2010 38

Epic Mickey May Go Multiplatform on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Disney's Epic Mickey, currently a Wii exclusive, may head to other formats in the future in the advent of other motion controllers.

Warren Spector's unique take on the whole Mickey Mouse concept is being carefully painted for Nintendo's wide-audience control, the main reason being the Wii Remote's use to literally paint things in the game. It's "completely intuitive to people", said Disney's Graham Hopper in a discussion with Gamasutra, though if the studio had started later then they may have considered their options differently.

We have a very large audience base that has Wiis in their home. That's not to say that we won't go to other platforms [in the future].

On a related note, Hopper was quizzed on the constantly demanded Kingdom Hearts III, refusing to comment. He did acknowledge that the franchise as a whole is doing well, and that Disney are using lessons learnt from the success of the series to fuel Epic Mickey development.

Box art for Disney Epic Mickey

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I don't think this should happen. The fact of it being a Wii exclusive title will be good. A lot of the other consoles are getting the a lot of the same games released. This would have full control of the Wii remote and even if it is compatible Wii Motion Plus. Let the Wii have some more exclusive titles.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

My interpretation, from reading the full interview, was that the game would have been multiplatform had Natal and Arc been around when development started. But since that wasn't the case, the game will almost certainly remain Wii exclusive now.

Ryan Again (guest) 19.02.2010#3

Actually Super Sonic I really really hope it goes to the 360/PS3 or their download networks because it looks absolutely dire on the Wii, bland graphics, Mickey Looks a bit spasticated and it's all just bland and uninspired. I can smell fail from afar!

Ryan Again (guest) said:
Actually Super Sonic I really really hope it goes to the 360/PS3 or their download networks because it looks absolutely dire on the Wii, bland graphics, Mickey Looks a bit spasticated and it's all just bland and uninspired. I can smell fail from afar!

Be fair, we've only seen quite early versions. I think the cartoon style of the final game will look great.

I wouldn't like it to lose exclusivity, and I don't think it will. Disney have recently expressed their favour for the DS and Wii suiting their demographics too.

Not to mention Spector. He specifically chose to work on one system, the Wii. If Disney mess him around, he won't make any more games for them. it's as simple as that.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It won't come to any other platform any time soon, that's not ruling the PS3/360 out, it's just the article mentions that it could have been on other platforms if their motion sensing stuff came out sooner.

Personally, I don't see how it can really work on Natal, unless you ran around, jumped, and painted everything yourself, it would be a bit too complicated.

Compared to the model of Mickey in Kingdom Hearts 2, Spectors Mickey looks garbage, I don't think this'll be epic at all, should've called it Average Mickey.

Simez said:
Compared to the model of Mickey in Kingdom Hearts 2, Spectors Mickey looks garbage, I don't think this'll be epic at all, should've called it Average Mickey.

You're just jealous.
I think Spector is taking this pretty seriously. Also Kingdom Hearts is Japanese made, so of course Mickey looks better in that.

Seriously, come on. The stills didn't look great but the little clips we saw had the animation brilliantly done. It may not look much like the Modern Mickey we're all used to, but it's still very much cartoony.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

aka the ps wand not out yet and 360 eye toy not Smilie

If it starts out as a Wii exclusive then goes to other platforms later, that wouldn't be so bad. It'll bank all the money it can on the Wii, then open the door for more of the money train. But, I doubt they will even release it on other platforms, based upon the fact that it's Disney who focuses on the, errr... younger audience, which sadly the Wii is displayed to be.

Personally, I can't wait until this game comes out. This and Pokemon HG/SS will probably be the only games I'll get until I finish all my unbeaten games.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Actually, thinking about it, Disney did state that they'll be putting more Disney stuff on the Wii, and more Marvel Stuff on the 360/PS3 because thats where the audiences seem to lie.

Fuck another one?! Its getting redundant what console you have, and that isn't a good thing. If the wii isn't going to have SOME good exclusive, then what's the point of having a wii against the HD consoles that have not only superior versions of the games you want but other desent exclusive titles.... the wii is getting less and less to show in terms of worth while having.

One more decent exclusive lost and im getting a 360 tomorrow, buying original Dead Rising first, can't walk though the water my ass....

( Edited 19.02.2010 02:01 by welshwuff )

welshwuff said:
Fuck another one?! Its getting redundant what console you have, and that isn't a good thing. If the wii isn't going to have SOME good exclusive, then what's the point of having a wii against the HD consoles that have not only superior versions of the games you want but other desent exclusive titles.... the wii is getting less and less to show in terms of worth while having.

One more decent exclusive lost and im getting a 360 tomorrow, buying original Dead Rising first, can't walk though the water my ass....

Relax man. Epic Mickey isn't going anywhere. It is going to remain Wii exclusive. This is especially evident if you see the full interview.

Also, can you seriously not think of SOME good exclusives for Wii? There are soooo many.

Lyra said:
I wouldn't like it to lose exclusivity

Picking on you here, but a few people have shared similar mutterings. Why does anyone care what systems a game is available for so long as it's available for the machine they have? I don't get it. It seems like people want exclusive games just for playground brownie points.

Child 1 "My PlayStation has Exclusive Game X!"

Child 2 "Oh yeah? Well my Wii has Exclusive Game Y!"

It's beyond pathetic. If a game can be done on another format - it should be. Well, unless it's a bad game, then it should stay exclusive so that as few people as possible actually play it.

Sonic_13 said:
My interpretation, from reading the full interview, was that the game would have been multiplatform had Natal and Arc been around when development started. But since that wasn't the case, the game will almost certainly remain Wii exclusive now.

yeah that's what I thought

Martin_ said:

Picking on you here, but a few people have shared similar mutterings. Why does anyone care what systems a game is available for so long as it's available for the machine they have? I don't get it. It seems like people want exclusive games just for playground brownie points.

Child 1 "My PlayStation has Exclusive Game X!"

Child 2 "Oh yeah? Well my Wii has Exclusive Game Y!"

It's beyond pathetic. If a game can be done on another format - it should be. Well, unless it's a bad game, then it should stay exclusive so that as few people as possible actually play it.

I'ma have to agree with Martin here. Be thankful that it isn't leaving your console entirely. The only reason I could fathom you hate having a game going multi-platform is if it did so well that it wouldn't come back to your console as a sequel? Even then I could hardly see that happening.

EDIT: I still look forward to seeing upcoming developments. I never usually followed Mickey until the KH series. It'll be interesting to see what happens Smilie

( Edited 19.02.2010 08:03 by Teetrab )

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

It would be a lot easier to truly achive the visual flair they seemed to be aiming for with the concept drawings.

Would like to see it on the HD consoles even though I dont have one. Just to see how they envisioned it without compromise.

I think next year this will come out on the other consoles.

Wow, really? This is really a polarizing issue here... and I think we should all agree that THAT is pretty sad.

To start, this is part of Disney's intended re-introduction of Mickey Mouse to the world, because seriously he has been a bit pants since the 40s. So he looks different and that is a good thing. Post 40s Mickey looks lame and is a pussy.

Secondly, exclusivity tends to be a double edged sword. Especially these days. Before we had video juggernauts that resembled world banks, these guys had to duke it out for our hard earned dosch and to do so meant putting out the best damn product you could. Exclusivity promotes that concept even in today's market...
exclusivity also promotes hard feeling to what are later refered to as lazy ass developers because not EVERYBODY owns the system they made the game for.

God I need a drink.

Yea Martin, I know your stance on exclusives, and that would be fine and dandy if the Wii got 360 and PS3 games more often, but it doesn't.

I know it seems juvenile to say "that's unfair", but really if you are one of those that only owns one console, it is a bit unfair to lose all your exclusives and get nothing in return.

For example; if Epic Mickey was remade or ported to the other systems, it would be nice for Kingdom Hearts III to be ported or remade on Wii. Just having it one way increases the amount of "Wii sucks/has no point" utterings around the gaming community, and noone likes that to be said about their favourite console, especially in such large numbers.

The only insult anyone has about the PS3 is that it has no games, and noone even takes that seriously anymore.

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Now that hope has been brought to those who don't own only a Wii as home console, and wanted this game, you can be sure it will be a flop on Wii because potential buyers will just wait and see if it isn't released on the other platforms in a superior version. I guarantee that.

And because it will be a flop on Wii, it will INDEED be ported to the other consoles.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
Now that hope has been brought to those who don't own only a Wii as home console, and wanted this game, you can be sure it will be a flop on Wii because potential buyers will just wait and see if it isn't released on the other platforms in a superior version. I guarantee that.

And because it will be a flop on Wii, it will INDEED be ported to the other consoles.

Exactly, now that there's hope for a version on other systems the game won't do nearly as well as it could have done. Like RE4. Gz Disney.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Woah now, you can't predict the future. It might not flop on the Wii and might sell extremely well. Mickey Mouse has a similar reputation to kids and often equates to family as much as Mario does. Don't doubt Mickey's clout. In fact, he's coming out on the right system that fits to his personality like a glove.

If what you say is true this may be a bad thing for Nintendo's sales if it went over on other consoles, but not necessarily. I believe it depends on when they decide to port it over. If they do decide to port when the Wii version starts to fizzle out in sales then it shouldn't hurt the Wii. All this is even if they decide to port it in the first place which doesn't look like it.

( Edited 19.02.2010 15:42 by Teetrab )

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

I prefer the old style Mickey, personally.

I do think the game looks a bit bland though, judging from what I've seen from the in-game screenshots. I initially thought the game was going to look similar to the original artwork shown, which I thought looked fantastic.

Hopefully it will turn out good.

@ Lyra

Judging by what I've seen SO FAR (as of now) ...Jealous of what?

Simez said:
Judging by what I've seen SO FAR (as of now) ...Jealous of what?

Come on, last year you were pretty hyped about it, what sounds so bad about it to you? Graphically it's not amazing, but what you can do sounds awesome.

Have you already forgotten the things we know about it?
Besides, this is Warren Spector, when has he ever made something "average"?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Lyra said:
Yea Martin, I know your stance on exclusives, and that would be fine and dandy if the Wii got 360 and PS3 games more often, but it doesn't.

That is a point, and more 360/PS3 games should get Wii ports. I'm all for that. They'll be watered-down etc, but the majority of the time I don't see how it "couldn't be done". Downgrade the polygon models, downgrade the resolution, downgrade the post-processing, etc. If PS2 can have a grand port of RE4, I see no reason why RE5 couldn't have come to Wii just using the RE4 engine. Certain games like BioShock couldn't really make the move over to Wii. It only just about runs on PS3!

So yes, I see your point. Still though, you're extremely naive if you think 'fairness' comes into big business at all. It does not. Developers and publishers do whatever they feel will gain them the most money. Simple as that. You can't expect 'fairness' from any corporation, at all, ever. If any business does seem to be acting fairly, it's really only a public-relations thing.

Nintendo do it loads with their repairs. There's loads of stories about how Nintendo are awesome with warranties etc. They sell the Wii for way more than it's worth, so they can afford to drop money on customer care because it helps their business, not because it helps the customer.

Lyra said:
I know it seems juvenile to say "that's unfair", but really if you are one of those that only owns one console, it is a bit unfair to lose all your exclusives and get nothing in return.

They aren't your exclusives, you have zero ownership over them. They can and will release the game on any platform they desire, if they think it will make them many. Again, it's just business. You shouldn't let the loss of an exclusive for your console bother you so much. It's still definitely coming out on your machine (and even probably isn't going to lose exclusivity anyway). Who cares what other platforms it may be available for?

Lyra said:
For example; if Epic Mickey was remade or ported to the other systems, it would be nice for Kingdom Hearts III to be ported or remade on Wii. Just having it one way increases the amount of "Wii sucks/has no point" utterings around the gaming community, and noone likes that to be said about their favourite console, especially in such large numbers.

Then simply put, you need to have less of an emotional-attachment to your games console. Simply ignore anyone who's trying to annoy you by dissing your console, because anyone who does that is just a fag.

Fag: "Wii sucks and has no games!"

You: "Yeah? Well you're a fag, so whatever."


Lyra said:
The only insult anyone has about the PS3 is that it has no games, and noone even takes that seriously anymore.

What about the graphics? Some PS3 ports of games look absolutely horrendous. The quarter-resolution alpha transparencies in PS3 BioShock 2 look pretty lame, for instance.

My overall point as that all the console rivalry and vying for playground brownie point by way of exclusives is really all quite pathetic stuff. What's more, you acknowledge that it's pathetic, but you still get involved anyway? I don't understand that. If something isn't available for your machine, it's either just a business decision, or it can't be done on your machine. It's never anything personal.

If you find yourself wanting a lot of games that aren't for the Wii, maybe you should man-up and just get one of the others?

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