Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World is a Real Time RPG game developed by Namco Tales for the Wii video game console. Get the latest news, reviews, videos and screenshots for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.
6/10 (319 Votes)
Did Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World deserve more of a fanfare when it hit Wii in late 2009? We find out... - By Joshua Callum Jeffery
Read more 8 CommentsThe sequel we've all been waiting for? - By Adam Riley
Read more 20 CommentsTitle | Date | |
Wii Tales of Symphonia Sequel Heads to PS3 | 02.06.2013 | 10 |
Namco Bringing Tales, Dragonball to Gamescom + Surprises | 11.08.2009 | 8 |
Tales of Symphonia Wii Confirmed for Europe (Again) | 22.04.2009 | 10 |
Tales of Symphonia - This Year in Europe | 19.02.2009 | 1 |
No Dawn of the New World for Europe | 01.02.2009 | 11 |
Tales of Symphonia Wii Opening Cinematic | 08.11.2008 | 10 |
Tales of Symphonia Wii Tidbits, Treat for GameCube Fans | 01.11.2008 | 3 |
Bandai Namco Finds Sales Success on Nintendo Formats | 07.08.2008 | 3 |
E308 Media | Tales of Symphonia Wii Gameplay Collection | 16.07.2008 | 10 |
Tales of Symphonia Wii Starts Strong in Japan | 29.06.2008 | 9 |
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