Tales of Symphonia Wii Opening Cinematic

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.11.2008 10

Tales of Symphonia Wii Opening Cinematic on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Namco Bandai have posted up the fantastic opening sequence from the upcoming Tales of Symphonia sequel.

The Wii game, Dawn of the New World, follows on from the original outing on the GameCube. We see a cast of familiar lads and ladies, alongside new heroes trying to win over fans. The video may contain spoilers, but is well worth a watch for fans of the Tales series.

Box art for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (319 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I'll probably order this, I can't be bothered waiting for a PAL release.

"alongside new heroes trying to win over fans"
Tsk, try me!

Can't wait, don't even own the first game but I loved it when I borrowed it from a friend. Dunno why I never got it myself.Smilie

I wish I brought the original too, my friends did at school, and they all said it was great back then. I'll get this if it gets good reviews, there's something about it that appeals to me.

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It's never going to live up to original, (that's partly Namco's fault), but it's still a must buy. I'll probably wait till a PAL release, though.

Looks great, defo one to get on Wii. Hopefully NB will include the original as part of Nintendo's Wii-releases!

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I prefer the Japanese opening.

I'm not going to watch it. If a PAL release isn't announced by December or next year, I'll probably import it.

Similarly if I have to wait more than 6 months I'm not waiting.

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I played the Gamecube one until I got stuck!

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

KrownsK said:
I played the Gamecube one until I got stuck!

Stuck where? Maybe we can help. Smilie

Also, am not watching for the same reason I didn\'t peek at the Sonic Unleashed opening. Smilie

( Edited 10.11.2008 09:15 by Phoenixus )

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