Nintendo Wii Media | Tales of Symphonia Wii Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.10.2007 33

Namco Bandai has released a slick new trailer of the upcoming Tales of Symphonia adventure for Wii, Knight of Ratatosk.

Thanks to NeoGAF's Creamsugar for the tip.

Box art for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



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I really like the look of the new battle system, it looks really improved, especially the aerial attacks.

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Omgz the graphx are carp!!1

I really liked Tales of Symphonia. This'll definitely be one for me to pick up asap! XD

I hope the overworlds improved.
That was ToS's weekpoint, imho. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Gibdo, I was about to say I hope this video shuts up all those that moaned about the early screens looking terrible. This video looks much better and the game looks just as much fun as before.

I like the little teaser at the end, I wonder if it will be just a cameo role, though?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Hopefully it won't feature some shitty "change class"-system. It's the worst system I've heard of. Unless it's like change class in the manner: soldier->gladiator->barbarian or something like that... job/class selection is just idiotic in my view. The characters should be bound to their profession.

The battle system has definitely been improved, great to see! The game looks fabulous in motion. Can't wait!

Why did they get rid of the cel-shading/outline or whatever it was? I can't even remember.

And how can anyone say the battle system looks 'improved'. it looks the same, but without the single 2D plane that made the original game, and the whole tales series, stand out. If the original had an appalling battle system, which it certainly didn't, maybe you could say it looks improved, but you can't tell ANYTHING from that video about whether what they've done to it is any good or not.

( Edited on 11.10.2007 14:18 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Where did I see that trailer before?

Oh well.

I hope the overworlds improved.
That was ToS's weekpoint, imho.
Well... the overworld is completely gone, but if you call that an improvement then whatever rocks your boat. ^^;

If you ask me, the battle system looks the same. Just more arial attacks.

( Edited on 11.10.2007 15:50 by SuperLink )

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What do you mean gone :?

My complaint about the overworld was it was incredibly mind-numbly bland.
No mater where you were it looked the same! (same textures, generic enemy sprites, ect. )

What did you mean by overworld gone?
is it just village sections link together?
some sort of "jump to" style map screen?

I dont mind overworlds if they are interest (GoldenSun), but if it was the same as before I guess its better to have none.

( Edited on 11.10.2007 15:24 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Well, dungeons, mountains & towns of course will still be playable.

But the overworld is no more. It's a map screen with a pointer & town/dungeon icons. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yup, it's like the Tales of the World games, where there's no wandering on the overworld, just pointing to an area and going straight there...which isn't a big problem at all if the towns and dungeons are good enough in terms of quality.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

..and large enough.

I'm a bit sad to hear this though, as a good overworld really exhances the feeling of exploring.

But its absence of not a game killer by any means. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I found Golden Sun's overworld quite boring to be honest.

I love everything about Golden Sun. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

overworld u dont see alot of any more and idk why not Smilie i love the running around a map try to find area

I agree, & a world map makes finding the next town area just that much more rewarding too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Jump_button said:
overworld u dont see alot of any more and idk why not Smilie i love the running around a map try to find area

But, yeah, the overworld needs to return, but just with upgraded graphics. It looked crap, but at least you felt like you were exploring a world..
I HATE how they put Lloyd at the end of the trailer like that.. I so want this game Smilie

( Edited on 11.10.2007 19:10 by Suckman )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

"I agree, & a world map makes finding the next town area just that much more rewarding too."

Well, its the principle of a lot of games.
You see something you cant get too, then antipication builds for when you can get it.
Metroid is built on this.

But so is a lot of RPG's overworlds. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Looks quite nice, but I'm not so sure of the modified battle system from this video. I don't think I can judge until we've heard some hands-on reports.

Yeah I think the lack of map screen was one of the worst decisions ever to be honest... It's the best place to train. Then again, you never really had to do any training in ToS thankfully, and one of the things I liked about ToS' map was the fact that you could see and avoid all the enemies if you didn't want to fight them anyway...

I don't get how they're gonna prevent you from getting to the later towns right at the beginning of the game though... With no map screen and really strong enemies to prevent you from going too far ahead you could just go to any town right at the beginning of the game and buy the best weapons and stuff (provided you have the monies of course)

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Yeah I think the lack of map screen was one of the worst decisions ever to be honest... Its the best place to train. Then again, you never really had to do any training in ToS thankfully, and one of the things I liked about ToS map was the fact that you could see and avoid all the enemies if you didnt want to fight them anyway...I dont get how theyre gonna prevent you from getting to the later towns right at the beginning of the game though... With no map screen and really strong enemies to prevent you from going too far ahead you could just go to any town right at the beginning of the game and buy the best weapons and stuff (provided you have the monies of course)

unless you are not allowed to access the towns for some stupid reason

Well, I assume the towns you're meant to go to next will be revealed... maybe each town or dungeon you travel you, you're supposed to find someone or something that can add a new location to your map.

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Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Hmmm, I hate to once again be the barer of cynicism, but graphically, that looked no better than the GC original. Also, that trailer just sucked. My enthusiasm for RPGs (especially JRPGs) is at an all-time low. They're all the fucking same.

I luv theh JRPGs :3

I don't like WRPGs almost at all. So I guess it's just a matter of opinion.

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