No Dawn of the New World for Europe

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 01.02.2009 11

No Dawn of the New World for Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In some frustrating but downright typical news, Atari, the publisher in charge of Bandai Namco's European releases, has said there are currently no plans to release Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World in Europe.

Reported by various websites, including LiveWii, this is by no means a direct denial of European release, but it is certainly disappointing news for fans of the series.

It is also worth noting that Namco Bandai's Klonoa: Door to Phantomile may not see a European release for the same reasons.

While many European and Australian gamers have already imported the new Symphonia title, will any more of you be more likely to make that decision now? Express your thoughts on the situation below...

Box art for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Gawd dammit. C'mon Nintendo, RSG, Capcom? Step in and publish pwetty please.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Hell I'd even take Ubisoft at this point... I really have no respect for Atari whatsoever; they just don't know gaming anymore.

If Tales of Vesperia doesn't get a European release I will rage harder than I've ever raged in my life, because I can't import that. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Smilie Bloody hell. I was planning to import it anyway, but I was really expecting an EU release, considering the popularity of ToS...
Yeah, fingers very crossed for Tales of Vesperia. >_<

Bugger that's annoying, well I will import it I guess.

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My question is : is there any kind of connection between the two symphonia game, like through an import a a gamecube save file to unlock features in symphonia 2 ? Cuz' if so, then those of us who have a pal symphonia save file wouldn't be able to import it in the US version of symphonia 2 if we would buy this version...

boring Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
My question is : is there any kind of connection between the two symphonia game, like through an import a a gamecube save file to unlock features in symphonia 2 ? Cuz\' if so, then those of us who have a pal symphonia save file wouldn\'t be able to import it in the US version of symphonia 2 if we would buy this version...

Indeed there is. Save data for Symphonia 1 will unlock stuff for Symphonia 2. Which makes this news all the more infuriating. Smilie

( Edited 01.02.2009 19:33 by Phoenixus )

Are we sure that saves from different regions don't work?

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Phoenixus said:
Kafei2006 said:
My question is : is there any kind of connection between the two symphonia game, like through an import a a gamecube save file to unlock features in symphonia 2 ? Cuz' if so, then those of us who have a pal symphonia save file wouldn't be able to import it in the US version of symphonia 2 if we would buy this version...

Indeed there is. Save data for Symphonia 1 will unlock stuff for Symphonia 2. Which makes this news all the more infuriating. Smilie

Smilie I didn't know that. Right, someone find out whether or not it's compatible with PAL saves. Smilie

Our member of the week

Ikana said:

Smilie I didn\'t know that. Right, someone find out whether or not it\'s compatible with PAL saves. Smilie

I highly doubt it is, games recognize other games save data through Game ID data in the save file. Tales of Symphonia US and Tales of Symphonia PAL are very unlikely to have identical game IDs.

But that doesn\'t mean there\'s absolutely no way of making a copy of your PAL save file compatible with the US version of Symphonia 2 Smilie but it might be tricky. A good way to do this would be to download a US save file from, say ... they have those. Then use a homebrew app for the Wii to extract a PAL Symphonia save file and dump it to a SD card.

Then copy the file on your computer, and hex edit both the US and Pal Ones to spot where game data is within the file, and where\'s the game ID data. Then edit the PAL file to make it bear the US game ID. and send it back into a gamecube memory card using the aforementionned homebrew app. This might work ! The only condition for this would be that both save files have the same inner structure, which might not be the case... If i was to import Symphonia 2 (and i\'m surely going to, since we now have confirmation that it may never hit EU), i would give it a try.

( Edited 01.02.2009 21:21 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I was on the fence with this game anyway.

I loved ToS, but this game felt explortable overworld..not much signs of puzzles, and the charecters of the first game are only secondarys in this one.
(Not bad in itself, but it dosnt give much motive to grab it purely from a story perspective)

I wont mind skipping this as long as we get the next "flagship" Tales Of game. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
I wont mind skipping this as long as we get the next "flagship" Tales Of game.

That being Vesperia, and it's not looking good. Neither is it for Hearts, and therefore Ten.

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