Bandai Namco Confirms Tales of Symphonia Wii US-Bound

By Adam Riley 27.02.2008 11

Update - More screens have been added to the game's folder.

Bandai Namco has officially confirmed a US release for Tales on Wii, but sadly there is no word on whether or not the excellent Tales of Innocence on DS will arrive as well.

NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. today announced Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World for Wii. Marking the 10th anniversary of the Tales franchise in North America, this new game expands the series' winning combination of real-time combat, captivating storylines and remarkable graphics while introducing original elements that set a new standard for role-playing gameplay and interactive storytelling.

Set two years after the events of the award-winning Tales of Symphonia for the Nintendo GameCube, Dawn of the New World follows the journey of two new young heroes, Emil Castagnier and Marta Lualdi, as they seek to uncover the mystery of why their world has fallen into ruin. In their quest, their paths will cross with the original cast of Tales of Symphonia including Lloyd and Colette, as well as a summon spirit known as Ratatosk who claims to be the lord of all monsters.

Advancing the combination of story, characters and real-time battles that made Tales of Symphonia one of the best-selling and highest-rated role-playing games for the Nintendo GameCube, Dawn of the New World introduces a new monster recruitment feature in which players can capture more than 200 unique enemies and train them to actively participate in battle. Players can then feed these monsters to make them more effective, and even evolve them into several new fearsome forms. The game also features an updated real-time battle system that lets players move freely in all directions around the battlefield, execute powerful unison attacks and take advantage of a new elemental alignment system for even more strategic depth. Dawn of the New World gives players complete control over a full roster of Tales of Symphonia characters and ally monsters, letting them customize their adventure party into hundreds of unique combinations.

"The Tales series is one of our most successful and well-regarded franchises, and we're celebrating its 10th anniversary in a big way with two new games that redefine role-playing on the Xbox 360 and Wii. Not only can gamers look forward to playing these two incredible titles later this year, but we'll be supporting special anniversary-themed programmes throughout the year to thank all the fans of the series for their dedication and enthusiasm."
- Todd Thorson, Director of Marketing and Public Relations for NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World for Wii will be available in stores later this year.

More details on Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World can be found in this preview, whilst a hands-on with Tales of Innocence on DS (which will hopefully also get translated) can be found here.

Box art for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



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and what about us? in uk

Q2 2009.

If we're lucky.

Smilie Well how many Tales games have EVER come out in EU? Being a sequel to the original Tales of Symphonia is the only hope this game has. I still doubt we'll see Tales of Innocence in the west. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I wonder if that Tales game for the 360 will be released here?

curoi said:
I wonder if that Tales game for the 360 will be released here?

Almost definitely in the US I'd say, since the 360 has an audience for it. Personally I'm surprised to see a main Tales entry on the 360, I'd think they'd port it to PS3 aswell. Maybe just in Japan though.

I wonder if the Wii will get a "proper" Tales game? Since this is just a "Spin-off sequel" Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'd import and chip for this. ToS FTW.

(I'm being vague so I don't upset the mods)

YAY TOS2 IN US......too bad i live in australia, but i agree with the points made above, since it's a sequel to TOS i think it will be released world-wide for that simple fact

There was no doubt that DotNW would arrive to Western shores but I was hoping for some ToI news as well...

What? Nintendo Power confirmed this ages ago.

Never really liked those games... nyway one recommned? A little brief about it?

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Oh god...more reason to be excited about the Wii Freeloader. Smilie

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