Wii Tales of Symphonia Sequel Heads to PS3

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.06.2013 10

Wii Tales of Symphonia Sequel Heads to PS3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Namco Bandai has announced that the once Wii exclusive Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World will head to PS3 this year.

The original last-generation, highly praised RPG Tales of Symphonia and its Wii sequel, Dawn of the New World, will be bundled together this year as part of the Unisonant Pack or Tales of Symphonia Chronicles in the West.

Currently slated for release on PS3 only for the moment, it's another Tales entry crossed off the Nintendo roster, but could well change if the Wii U audience picks up according to Tales producer Hideo Baba.

The upcoming bundle will use the PlayStation 2 version of Symphonia and include new artwork and music. Unisonant Pack is due for release in Japan this year, with a Western release expected in early 2014.


What do you think of the move, would you want a Tales of Symphonia dual game pack for Wii U?

Box art for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



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Sooo hyped, ToS was one of my favourite GC games, and I never got to play DotNW. ^_^

Guest 03.06.2013#2

If the audience needs to pick up then why the hell did the 3ds get a game early in its life!?!?!?!?!?!??! >Smilie the series will NEVER hit wii u & will only be on 3ds sadly.

( Edited 03.06.2013 01:44 by Brando67854321 )

Brando67854321 said:
If the audience needs to pick up then why the hell did the 3ds get a game early in its life!?!?!?!?!?!??! >Smilie the series will NEVER hit wii u & will only be on 3ds sadly.

Being so damn melodramatic are you?  TALES may not be hitting WiiU at the moment, but that doesn't mean it never will.

Guest 05.06.2013#4

Jon Turner said:
Brando67854321 said:
If the audience needs to pick up then why the hell did the 3ds get a game early in its life!?!?!?!?!?!??! >Smilie the series will NEVER hit wii u & will only be on 3ds sadly.

Being so damn melodramatic are you?  TALES may not be hitting WiiU ever.

fixed It won't come to wii u because tales of graces on wii was a failure.

Brando67854321 said:
Jon Turner said:
Brando67854321 said:
If the audience needs to pick up then why the hell did the 3ds get a game early in its life!?!?!?!?!?!??! >Smilie the series will NEVER hit wii u & will only be on 3ds sadly.

Being so damn melodramatic are you?  TALES may not be hitting WiiU ever.

fixed It won't come to wii u because tales of graces on wii was a failure.

The fact that you are changing my posts proves to me that you are just trolling.

Guest 05.06.2013#6

Jon Turner said:
Brando67854321 said:
Jon Turner said:
Brando67854321 said:
If the audience needs to pick up then why the hell did the 3ds get a game early in its life!?!?!?!?!?!??! >Smilie the series will NEVER hit wii u & will only be on 3ds sadly.

Being so damn melodramatic are you?  TALES may not be hitting WiiU ever.

fixed It won't come to wii u because tales of graces on wii was a failure.

The fact that you are changing my posts proves to me that you are just trolling.

No I'm not! the series is dead because of graces!

( Edited 05.06.2013 03:51 by Brando67854321 )

If Graces signaled the end of the Tales series on Nintendo systems, then why would Namco allow a port of Abyss 3DS to be released some time after Graces?  Never mind that many Tales games actually did poorly on the handhelds in Japan, too.

Guest 05.06.2013#8

Jon Turner said:
If Graces signaled the end of the Tales series on Nintendo systems, then why would Namco allow a port of Abyss 3DS to be released some time after Graces?  Never mind that many Tales games actually did poorly on the handhelds in Japan, too.
For nintendo HOME CONSOLES NOT HANDHELDS! the userbase is no excuse considering tales of the abyss had no fanbase on 3ds.

( Edited 05.06.2013 12:11 by Brando67854321 )

If you're so determined to totally write off a TALES game possibility for WiiU go right ahead, but don't try to tell anybody else who still wants to give the benefit of the doubt to do otherwise if you don't mind.  The last thing we need is negative nancies like you.

Guest 13.10.2013#10

Jon Turner said:
If you're so determined to totally write off a TALES game possibility for WiiU go right ahead, but don't try to tell anybody else who still wants to give the benefit of the doubt to do otherwise if you don't mind.  The last thing we need is negative nancies like you.

negative nacies!? the last thing I need is mr positve's like YOU Jturner! >=(

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