New Tales of Symphonia Nintendo Wii Screens [ Update ]

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.03.2008 17

Update - Even more screens have now been added.

Namco Bandai have released a handful of new screens from the upcoming Tales of Symphonia outing on Wii, Dawn of the New World.

The game sees players venture back into the world of Tales of Symphonia, taking place two years after the original. Dengenki Online reveal various cut-scenes, characters and battles.

Box art for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (319 Votes)

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Can't wait to import this! (I'm still hyped over the wii freeloader. Smilie ) Loved the 'Cube ToS, and I bet this'll take years to be released in least it's getting an English translation. Smilie

Those screens look awesome. Smilie

Looking good!

This looks pretty good!

Still haven't played the first game!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Seems okay. Will probably look better in motion no doubt, but the background textures seem shoddy, char models look decent though.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

To be honest, doesn't look any better than a 'decent' looking Gamecube title. I guess we'll have to wait and see it in full motion, as Jb said, but not really that impressed at the moment.

To be honest, I\'m not too bothered about the graphics. The \'Cube ToS was hardly stunning. :p So long as the gameplay and story is as good, I\'ll be happy. Smilie

( Edited 29.02.2008 19:44 by Ikana )

The first game was a bland overworld with a flaky, needlessly messy battle system. Can't really expect much from this.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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Meh. Got the first one on my GC. It's typical generic JRPG bollocks. It's rubbish. Not looking forward to this. It's not even on my radar.

shiptoncraig said:
The first game was a bland overworld with a flaky, needlessly messy battle system. Can't really expect much from this.

Smilie The battle system was awesome! Best battle system of any RPG ever, IMO. Stamps all over FF. And I'm struggling to think of a JRPG that DOESN'T have a bland overworld. :p

Oni-Ninja said:
Meh. Got the first one on my GC. It's typical generic JRPG bollocks. It's rubbish. Not looking forward to this. It's not even on my radar.

Well, if you don't like JRPGs, that's understandable, I guess. :p

To be honest, no Wii game will ever look much better than a GC game, except for big titles like Galaxy or Brawl among few others.

Oni-Ninja said:
Meh. Got the first one on my GC. It\'s typical generic JRPG bollocks. I think It\'s rubbish. Not looking forward to this. It\'s not even on my radar.

Fixed. Smilie Just saving you from the flaming there, because I\'ve been flamed for saying Metroid Prime is rubbish. Lots of people disagree (as do the reviews).

( Edited 03.03.2008 10:03 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I can understand how some may hate the JRPG genre, even I (who love it personally), sometimes question the flaws of it such as cliche storyline, exaggerated things, guys that look like girls and many others. Despite that though I have grew to love the genre. My only real complaint is random battles, o how much I hate it.

I only hate random battles that happen every few steps and are immensely hard enemies. That tend to happen later on in Final Fantasy games Smilie

But I mostly love JRPGs. Quite simply, I love RPGs, I just don't like western ones, that's more like it. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The first game had much more,much nicer puzzles then most Jrpgs. (or well, rpgs in general).

Also, technicaly ToS dosnt have random battles. You see them on the map first and can avoid them mostly if you wish.

"The 'Cube ToS was hardly stunning."

Better then most 3rd party Wii efforts, however.
Charecter models and towns looked great. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Man I can't wait for this! Tales of Symphonia was my favorite RPG from the last generation!

looks damn good. can't wait for this one Smilie

sell me the old Tales of Symphonia for Gamecube

Oh cool I loved the GC one and this one should be good looks awesome. Also the random battle can be very annoying when your trying to get to a certain place, kinda like what happens in the megaman battle networks game cause there are loads of random battles every like 5 steps lol

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