Tales of Symphonia Wii Confirmed for Europe (Again)

By Adam Riley 22.04.2009 10

Tales of Symphonia Wii Confirmed for Europe (Again) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite everyone and his dog knowing that Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World on Wii was coming to Europe, Namco Bandai has made it official. But why the wait, you may ask. Well, it seems the European arm has decided to add some extras for us loyal fans!

NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe today announced that role-playing title Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World is heading to Europe and PAL regions this Autumn 2009 with exclusive new content. Only on Wii, the game continues the story of the best-selling Tales of Symphonia for Nintendo GameCube, while introducing a new monster collection system that lets players capture, evolve and do battle with more than 200 monsters alongside a huge cast of new and returning characters.

Set two years after the events of the award-winning Tales of Symphonia, Dawn of the New World introduces two new young heroes, Emil Castagnier and Marta Lualdi, as they journey to find the cause of a catastrophic change in their world. Crossing paths with fan-favourite characters such as Lloyd, Colette and Sheena, the brave adventurers will also encounter a spirit known as Ratatosk, lord of all monsters, who will grant them new and incredible powers over the fearsome creatures that now roam the land.

Debuting a major new gameplay system for the Tales series, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World allows players to capture more than 200 unique monsters that they face in battle. Players can feed these monsters to make them more powerful, and even evolve them into several new fearsome forms. Up to three monsters can be taken into any battle situation, offering unique benefits against enemies and imparting new strategic depth to the Tales series' lauded real-time battle system.

Brand new content exclusive to the PAL version of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World include the Gallery Mode and head accessories. Unlocked once the game is completed, the Gallery Mode includes a Skits Library containing viewable skits of the gameplay, and an Image Library with a wealth of design sketches, illustrations, pack art and more. The game also contains a number of new themed masks and head accessories for Emil and Marta which are exclusive to the PAL version and allow players to customise the characters in battle and will also add new special effects during fights.

Featuring a massive cast of returning playable characters, Dawn of the New World offers complete freedom in creating a custom party that best suits the needs of each enemy encounter. Up to four players can enjoy the full game together cooperatively, working together to strategically complete each battle.

Is the extra content enough to satisfy those that have been waiting patiently?

Box art for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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My god. Namco Bandai are actually enhancing a tales game... that ISN'T on a PS console! Freaking good, waited far too long for this piece of shit already. I'm so pissed at Namco Bandai for the damn PS3 port of Vesperia. Bad enough that PS consoles have the majority of Tales games, which i cant get access to because my numerous PS2's broke. But whenever a Tales game comes to another console, no, it cant just stay there can it. Namco Bandai are having none of that. They eventually port it to a PS and enhance it as the final slap in the face, and i am left with an inferior version of a great game. Vesperia isn't even out here yet (useless Europe), and i already know i'm getting an inferior copy! Damn it all!

Well, at least my waiting for this thing paid off. Additional content? Ty.

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

I missed out on the previous one, this may be good for me Smilie

Oyes. Finally a press release confirmation! OYES.

Crossing paths with fan-favourite characters such as Lloyd, Colette and Sheena

Even if they only get like 10 seconds of screen time, a big OYES from me.

Design sketches will also definitely make it worth the wait. I think every game these days should have galleries.

Looking forward to it! Now I just hope that Vesperia comes out; and then I need to decide whether to get a PS3 to play the better version >>

EDIT: Reply to erv:

I haven\'t heard much good about it. It\'s probably a solid RPG but Symphonia fans will probably mainly enjoy it for the fan service. If you\'re interested in this I definitely suggest trying to find the original first.

( Edited 22.04.2009 14:43 by SuperLink )

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That is all Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

erv said:
I missed out on the previous one, this may be good for me Smilie

No, get the previous one.
This sounds like a watered-down version from all I have seen.
The Gamecube original is massive (80hours worth), and has just about everything you can look for in an RPG.

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Awesome. Smilie
Hurry up though Namco Bandai. Me waaaants it. Hurry up with One Piece Unlimited Cruise too. Smilie

Awesome to hear a proper release from them, can't wait for this to come out Smilie

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Here's hoping the secret talks about Fragile went well...Having Tos: DotNW and Fragile would be fantastic Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Fragile, however, I would totaly buy day1.
Hell, if it had that incredibly disk art I would buy 2 Smilie

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I'd love the possibility to have japanese voices on the european copy Smilie, along with the japanese sung intro please Smilie.

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