Official E3 2011 thread

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I'm silently shivering in excitement for Nintendo's conference, just waiting for them to spill the beans tomorrow. There's really not much of a point in getting excited about rumours at this point because the conference is so close. (and yet so far Smilie)

I'm quite sure that there'll be a lot more excitement once we're really close to it, during and of course after it. Smilie

Marzy said:
The lack of excitement on C3 for E3 this year disappoints me. Hopefully the IRC will pick up later, like previous years. Smilie

Do you mean by lack of posts/members, or just getting the impression we don't sound excited? I know every single one of us is dying to see Nintendo's conference. But I wonder if it's also because we don't know what will be shown. On one hand, I'm excited at what surprises we could see. But on the other, I don't want to think "oh, they'll definitely announce this", only for it to never happen. There's really only one Square game I'm excited for that I know will appear, and that's FFXIII-2.

So don't get me wrong, I'm extremely excited, but I just don't want to think too much about it incase I get disappointed.

Hmm... Guys...

What do you think the chance of 'Child of eden' appearing on the new Nintendo console will be?

I think its going to be ONE HECK OF A GAME.. plus I love Genki Rockets - as well as the Lumi (girl who appears in the video - she is in one word 'AWESOME') - I could look at her all day Smilie

( Edited 06.06.2011 13:57 by Sherwiinator )

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

My lack of excitement is simple - I'm 25 and computer games just aren't important. I've got better things to do than sit around watching live feeds of video game conferences which are on at the most random times in the morning in my country. The only ones this year on at reasonable times in the UK are MS, EA, and Nintendo.

I'll be happy reading summaries over the next couple of days, to be honest. The one scenario0 where I will regret not staying up to watch them all live is if Shenmue III gets announced (which it won't). Beyond that, I really don't give a fuck.

^ It's a valid point. As exciting as it is, it's not like we're 15 anymore. Doesn't have quite the same effect as it used to. But this is definitely one of the better E3 events to look forward to for sure.

I guess I'm still childish then?

The one thing I know that is going to be present at the show and that I am going to be very intrigued by is Nintendo's new home console. I think portable gaming devices are mostly shit and useless (unpopular opinion, I know!), but I do like consoles.

I used to bum Nintendo, loved N64 to bits (joined this site when GameCube was new and I had high-hopes for it). In theory they could win me back tomorrow. It all depends what they show. Bottom-line; It must be powerful. Loose definition, I know. Put it this way, it must be more than just a lick or two above PS3/360. It must have a HDD. If it does not, the alternative MUST be just as good in my eyes, and not be some cost-cutting cop-out. Lastly, varied third-party support.

If Nintendo gives me these things, they may very well win me back.

Edit: I will also require a sane online platform. The way Nintendo currently do things is the opposite of sane.

( Edited 06.06.2011 14:22 by Martin_ )

It could also be the fact that there isnt as much exciting as there used to be back in the N64/gamecube days.

Everything after just seemed an imitation of things already done. At least the Wii tried to be different - but in the end it could have done better if it was in HD I reckon.

However.. no one has considered my GENKI ROCKETS / Child of Eden post!!Smilie

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

I was one of those Nintendo bum boys too. Looking back, it was such a child thing to do, slating all the other consoles (despite owning a PS1 and Dreamcast anyway). I skipped the Wii until very late on, but I still paid over the odds for it. Finally, Nintendo look to be getting with the times, and I hope to hell they really make a point tomorrow. If it really is everything we've heard (1080p games, better online than PS360), then I can see myself getting it day one. That inner fanboy in me will find it too hard to resist.

Just read something about Skyward Sword and thought I'd throw it in here since it's likely going to be one of the bigger showings at Nintendo's conference tomorrow.

Zelda Universe has been contacted by someone who claims to know something very interesting that's going to happen during Skyward Sword's presentation tomorrow. Here's the exact quote:

Greetings ZU Staff,

I wanted to let you in on some info on Nintendo’s press conference. My classmate at a southern California university CSUF will be performing with his choir at E3. Today is a rehearsal at the university. Monday night is his dress rehearsal. He has informed me that the music is for Skyward Sword. That’s all I have. Enjoy the choir and E3.

Best wishes,

If that's true, that would be pretty damn awesome. Smilie They certainly owe us an awesome presentation of Skyward Sword after the one at last year's E3, which was purely focused on the gameplay with Motion Plus.

( Edited 06.06.2011 15:01 by SirLink )

What's everyone expecting from the Microsoft conference?

I really can't think of anything exciting they could show. I think they'll be mainly focusing on Kinect software and pushing the social aspects of the 360 further. I guess there's a chance they could show their next console too, considering the 360 is the oldest out of the current gen systems.

Wouldn't surprise me if they did announce a new console, despite them wanting to push the 360's life span. With Nintendo looming, they might feel inclined to announce it today, even if we don't get to see anything of it.

Apart from that, more Kinect, and other shit that doesn't interest me.

Edit: Halo 4 confirmed.

( Edited 06.06.2011 15:16 by Azuardo )

I'd like to see something of Project Draco but I don't expect it to reappear before TGS. Some release dates on the heaps of amazing upcoming XBLA games would be good. Apart from that I'm expecting shitloads of waggle and the usual Gears/Halo/CoD snoozefest and a good half hour of US-specific TV/sports and film shite.

( Edited 06.06.2011 15:16 by Raff )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Half an hour till Microsoft's, I expect a lot of software since Michael Pachter mentioned it on the Gametrailers Invisible walls thing, but that's about it.

So the only interesting part of Microsofts conference was the Halo 4 trailer. Too much Kinect Bullshit for my liking. Oh and the Ryse trailer.

What a load of shit. Only interesting things was Halo remake/4, Tomb Raider and Gears 3. Nintendo's is going to be freaking awesome Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

An horrific hour and a half of my life wasted. Way too much Kinect and it was pretty much all pointless and looked bad.

The actors were cringe worthy.


So much fail: Disneyland, Sesame street, fps Fable etc

I just wasted 1.5 hours of my life.. Rating for microsoft's show : D-

Looks like they are trying to capture the Wii audience.


Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3



Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

That's old news, and it's still just a rumour, the only reason they're saying it's confirmed is because it's a Japanese newspaper. There might be a touchscreen, but one that big with it's own battery?

Nothing there appealed to me apart from Tomb Raider.

Will watch Sony later. FFXIII-2 no doubt. Hopefully FFXHD for PS3 and Vita.

Then roll on Nintendo.

Looks like they are trying to capture the Wii audience.

Yep, and Nintendo doing the opposite.

( Edited 06.06.2011 19:31 by Azuardo )

Looking forward to the EA one. BF3 and SSX (which I gaurantee you is the last Kinect EA sports game) Mass Effect Smilie

For me, MS' conference was like.

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