Bethesda Declines Nintendo Wii U Support Due to Hardware | 07.08.2013, 18:45 | 7 | 12598 |
Mario & Luigi Costumes in Rayman Legends Wii U | 07.08.2013, 16:47 | 3 | 12606 |
New Wii U Indie Games Revealed in Latest eShop Showcase | 07.08.2013, 16:18 | 0 | 10072 |
Luigi Returns to Super Smash Bros on Nintendo Wii U and 3DS | 07.08.2013, 16:00 | 1 | 14516 |
Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney Heading to Europe, North America in 2014 | 07.08.2013, 15:49 | 16 | 11009 |
Animal Crossing Plaza Announced for Wii U, Available Today | 07.08.2013, 15:37 | 4 | 15449 |
Iwata Teases Second Triforce in Zelda: A Link Between Worlds | 07.08.2013, 15:23 | 0 | 11075 |
Beyond the Cube | Runner 2: Good Friends DLC Pack | 07.08.2013, 14:58 | 0 | 12958 |
Nintendo Star Plok Sees Long Awaited Revival | 07.08.2013, 14:19 | 0 | 13451 |
Bravely Default Twitter Says 2013 for Europe | 06.08.2013, 20:14 | 1 | 10934 |
Senran Kagura Burst 3DS Heading to North America - Watch the Debut Trailer | 06.08.2013, 19:47 | 2 | 12995 |
Rufus Hound Explains the Nintendo Wii U Difference in UK Campain | 06.08.2013, 19:02 | 10 | 11795 |
Pilotwings Glides into Super Smash Bros. Wii U | 06.08.2013, 18:43 | 4 | 11452 |
New Gameplay Trailer Sonic Lost World Wii U Reveals Desert and Forest Action | 06.08.2013, 18:23 | 1 | 11785 |
Review | Cloudberry Kingdom (Nintendo Wii U eShop) | 06.08.2013, 17:07 | 4 | 13916 |
New Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Direct - 3pm, 7th August | 06.08.2013, 15:27 | 3 | 10954 |
StreetPass Relay Implemented in Latest Nintendo 3DS Firmware Update | 06.08.2013, 08:32 | 2 | 14468 |
Nintendo Games Grew with you - Nintendo Releases Annual Report in English | 06.08.2013, 08:25 | 2 | 11334 |
A Look at a Real Legend of Zelda Master Sword | 05.08.2013, 22:05 | 3 | 11791 |
Crypt Run Approved for Wii U Development, Gains Kickstarter Stretch Goal | 05.08.2013, 21:56 | 0 | 10602 |
New Trailer and Toys for Gaist Crusher Nintendo 3DS | 05.08.2013, 20:17 | 1 | 13725 |
Mario Golf, Wario Lead Club Nintendo North America Rewards | 05.08.2013, 20:13 | 1 | 10634 |
Ubisoft Have Plans for Assassin's Creed Ending | 05.08.2013, 20:05 | 1 | 10080 |
Nintendo Euro eShop Updates 05/08: SteamWorld Dig, Galaga, Romance of the Three Kingdoms | 05.08.2013, 13:36 | 5 | 9744 |
The Legend of Zelda CGI Movie that Never Made it | 05.08.2013, 08:06 | 5 | 70544 |