New Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Direct - 3pm, 7th August

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.08.2013 3

New Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Direct - 3pm, 7th August on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed that a new Nintendo Direct presentation will be broadcast worldwide from 3pm on Wednesday 7th August.

The show will be hosted by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata and joined by Nintendo of Europe president Satoru Shibata. The main course for the day? A delicious ensemble of what's to come for the remainder of 2013 for both Nintendo Wii U and 3DS.

The Nintendo Direct will be streamed live on the Nintendo Direct website from 3pm.

What are you hoping Nintendo will show during the presentation?

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10am EST / 7 PST for those of us in North America

Sonic_13 said:
10am EST / 7 PST for those of us in North America

Thanks Sonic_13!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Arghhh! Nintendo, I am not going to have internet access tomorrow! Why must you do this to me! 

Although i doubt there will be any reveals in there, probs more info about Mario Kart 7, Pokemon X/Y, Wonderful 101, DK, Zelda WW and LttP2 and SM3D Wii U. 

Be nice if they could throw in a Starfox reveal Smilie

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