Nintendo Euro eShop Updates 05/08: SteamWorld Dig, Galaga, Romance of the Three Kingdoms

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.08.2013 5

Nintendo Euro eShop Updates 05/08: SteamWorld Dig, Galaga, Romance of the Three Kingdoms on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo Europe have detailed this week's eShop releases including Spin the Bottle, Galaga and SteamWorld Dig.

There are a selection of new handheld experiences and classic console memories to experience in the latest batch of eShop releases. These games will be available to download and play from Thursday 8th August.

Nintendo Wii U Releases

  • Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party (Wii U eShop) - €6.99 (£5.99)
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV (Wii U VC - SNES) - €7.99 (£5.49)
  • Galaga (Wii U VC - NES) - €4.99 (£3.49)

Nintendo 3DS Releases

  • SteamWorld Dig (3DS eShop) - €8.99 (£7.99)
  • Tangram Style (3DS eShop) - €5.99 (£5.39)
  • Deer Drive Legends (3DS eShop) - €4.99 (£4.49)

Special Offers

  • escapeVektor (3DS eSHop) - €5.00 (£4.49) until 22/8/13
  • Crash City Mayhem (3DS eSHop) - €9.99 (£8.99) until 22/8/13
  • Rising Board 3D (3DS eShop) - €1.49 (£1.29) until 22/8/13
Which of these games will you be downloading this week?

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What I wanna know is how the fuck does it take so long to release Cave Story eShop in Europe.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
What I wanna know is how the fuck does it take so long to release Cave Story eShop in Europe.
That's Nicalis for you... :/

Our member of the week

SuperLink said:
What I wanna know is how the fuck does it take so long to release Cave Story eShop in Europe.

As much as I wanted that one months ago, I totally lost interest by now.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
SuperLink said:
What I wanna know is how the fuck does it take so long to release Cave Story eShop in Europe.

As much as I wanted that one months ago, I totally lost interest by now.
Same, pretty much. No idea why Nicalis can't just give us what we want. I'm sure NoE is not to blame. Unless they are?

Three kingdoms player (guest) 06.08.2013#5

saw some three kingdoms games here and
yes i also still like the three kingdoms arcade games, i found some here in this rtk website below as well, thought i share this here as well. enjoy!

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