Animal Crossing Plaza Announced for Wii U, Available Today

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.08.2013 4

Animal Crossing Plaza Announced for Wii U, Available Today on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During Nintendo Direct today, the company revealed a new free Animal Crossing-themed plaza app for Wii U.

Nintendo announced a new Animal Crossing series community for the Miiverse service today for fans to post drawings, requests and ask for advice on the various different games, in particular New Leaf. However, it's not just a community on Miiverse, but a fully fledged app that brings a stunning Animal Crossing HD hub that runs on the TV/GamePad screen.


Players can upload screens from Animal Crossing: New Leaf, by way of an SD card, share messages and generally bask in what looks rather stunning in HD.

Oddly it will only be available to the end of 2014.

Image for Animal Crossing Plaza Announced for Wii U, Available Today

Will you download the Animal Crossing Plaza on the WIi U eShop?

Box art for Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Also known as

Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Only thing is it's not in the eshop like they said, so everyone's looking for it.

This looks really awesome!

I hope they do more game themed plazas for Wii U.

I wonder if they would ever consider letting a game themed plaza be swapped in as the default plaza.

It's probably only available until 2014 as it requires Nintendo employees in the background to actively manage the app.

Was blown away by how just jumping to HD makes AC look actually, would really love a Wii U version at some point!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

AC looks gorgeous in HD mostly thanks to the lighting and vibrancy, I'd be tempted to buy a Wii U version which I'm sure they'll make.

If Nintendo advertised this on telly, it might actually shift some Wii Us despite being a cheap little app. People love AC.

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