The official Bravely Default Twitter account states that the game is still on track for a 2013 release.
Earlier today the account responded to a question asked by a fan, highlighting how the game is still expected to hit European shores this year. The change in plans became apparent in Nintendo's fiscal results last week, with Bravely Default listed simply as "2014".
The release of the edition in Europe is 2013. RT @tkr1102: BDFFのEU版が発売日延期になるかもと聞いて悲しい。私の英語読み間違いだったらいいのに。
— ブレイブリーデフォルト (@BDFF_OFFICIAL) August 6, 2013
With the official Bravely Default account contradicting the Nintendo documents; could the much anticipated RPG be arriving this side of the New Year?