Rufus Hound Explains the Nintendo Wii U Difference in UK Campain

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.08.2013 10

Rufus Hound Explains the Nintendo Wii U Difference in UK Campain on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

British comedian and presenter Rufus Hound recently filmed a short promotion explaining the Wii U difference.

Nintendo are still struggling to differentiate the Wii U hardware from other gaming consoles, in particular the original Wii. Enter Hound as he brainstorms the reasons why the hardware differs - including off-TV play and inventory management on the controller.

The clincher? "Do great games require a GamePad... nah, not really".


Does Rufus do a good job at promoting the WIi U Difference?

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That line about the great games not necessarily requiring a Wii U GamePad somewhat reminds me of the shift they did with the 3DS marketing. 3D was pushed to the side in favour of games and I think it would be a good idea to do this with the Wii U GamePad as well. No matter how well the GamePad is utilised, in the end it's all about the it's been since ages.

The menu of a generic RPG was the highlight for me, though! Brilliant.

( Edited 06.08.2013 19:13 by SirLink )

Did Nintendo commission this? It's pretty good if so, or at least explains the console better than past ads had. I hope it gets exposure.

( Edited 06.08.2013 19:52 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Did Nintendo commission this? It's pretty good if so, or at least explains the console better than past ads had. I hope it gets exposure.

Yes, it is an official video.

I've seen other videos like this with different celebrities. Unless you go to one of Nintendo's YouTube pages you usually don't see them though.

This video was pretty simple, yet very effective.

( Edited 06.08.2013 20:11 by Sonic_13 )

Sonic_13 said:
I've seen other videos like this with different celebrities. Unless you go to one of Nintendo's YouTube pages you usually don't see them though.

Shame :/ it's pretty much useless if it's not on TV, only Nintendo fans visit Nintendo's YouTube page.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Sonic_13 said:
I've seen other videos like this with different celebrities. Unless you go to one of Nintendo's YouTube pages you usually don't see them though.

Shame :/ it's pretty much useless if it's not on TV, only Nintendo fans visit Nintendo's YouTube page.

Exactly...just like the world misses out on Nintendo Direct's as well...but at least that is better than nothing and notable things get picked up in the press as well i guess.

Is that GTA he's playing? 

Our member of the week

Gibdo88 said:
Is that GTA he's playing? 

It's Lego City Undercover from the looks of it.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Gibdo88 said:
Is that GTA he's playing? 

It's Lego City Undercover from the looks of it.
Yep, LEGO City Undercover. So weird seeing Rufus without the beard.

That's a bit shit, although I suppose it's quite informative.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Rufus Hound (guest) 07.08.2013#10

Lmao, GTA.

I don't get it. Instead of having a menu on screen, I have a menu on my controller? Did they just explain how the other consoles work, then neglect to show how their own console works? JRPGs and many other games are still going to need to use menus.

Its like this... a shopping list is a list because the best way to list things is in a list. A menu is a menu because the best way to list options is in a list, which is to say, a menu is a list of options. Listed.

Writing English left to right is OK, but writing English right to left is the flaming bacon cherry of 21st Century interface design.

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