Ubisoft Have Plans for Assassin's Creed Ending

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.08.2013 1

Ubisoft Have Plans for Assassin

Assassin's Creed may seem as if it'll continue forever but Ubisoft has revealed that there are plans for an ending.

Speaking with Eurogamer today, Ubisoft highlighted that despite the annual approach to Assassin's Creed, there is an over-arching plot with an end in sight. "There is an overall arc, and each iteration has its place inside this", Assassin's Creed 4 game director Ashraf Ismail highlighted, noting how there are multiple teams working on each of the Assassin's Creed iterations.

What are your thoughts on Assassin's Creed eventually coming to an end one day?

Box art for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag








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To be honest, as with most mass-media, the chances of it just going on and on until people get sick of it and they just suddenly stop making it is far more likely than it ever actually reaching that conclusion.

Realistically I think the general public will never get to see how Assassin's Creed ends. If it's too unpopular to get another game in the series, there won't be another game at all. Simple as.

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