Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise (PC) Review

By Athanasios 19.12.2019

Review for Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise on PC

Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise is a very approachable package of a variety of puzzles, wrapped up in a very… groovy, suave, swinging '60s art style, that has you chasing a sexy femme fatale, enemy spy, who is severely hurting your organisation. With its casual-friendly nature being its biggest strength, Yak & Co's creation is a highly recommended indie gem for all puzzle-lovers, veterans and - especially - not. Initially available only on iOS devices, this has finally reached the shores of multiple platforms due to its success, including the PC.

The simple, placeholder plot of Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise follows you, as the titular, faceless/genderless protagonist, on your quest to stop the cloak-and-dagger gal known as Ruby La Rouge, before she… does bad things, or something. The story, which is divided between five chapters (and is predictable as hell), is obviously not the game's strongest point, but it achieves giving you the required incentive to keep on playing until you catch this sneaky spy, one puzzle at a time - and there are plenty of them to solve in here. Varied? Not exactly. Yak & Co's little bundle of fun keeps things simple - and that's not necessarily a complaint.

Screenshot for Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise on PC

Pretty much all puzzles fall under four categories: memory puzzles, like hitting the right notes on a piano after listening to the tune; trial-and-error puzzles, like finding the correct number sequence to unlock a door; "traditional" puzzles that require tinkering with a machine in a certain way; and, finally, investigation puzzles that revolve around searching around for clues in the environment, which will help you with finding a passcode. The last category is the best of the bunch (with memory puzzles being the worst) and it encompasses what's the most enjoyable thing here.

Agent A plays a lot like an 'escape room' puzzler, as the basic gameplay loop has you seeking clues and items hidden in all sorts of imaginative ways, both of which will be required to solve a puzzle. Doing so will lead to the next one in line, which will in turn force you to keep on searching for clues and items. Yes, there's plenty of running back and forth between locations, but it's all fast, with most areas being five or so mouse clicks away. Generally, this has a pleasantly simple, point-and-click control scheme that's easy to learn no matter how little experience with computers one has.

Screenshot for Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise on PC

So, you push a button on the wall, which opens a panel, where you input a code, which activates a laser that you must point at a spot that unlocks a door, where one amongst four keys can be obtained, and so on and forth. One could call this title repetitive, as this is exactly what happens for the four to six hours that this mission will take you. It isn't though. The puzzles are definitely simple, and not exactly as tough as some would want them too. The developer, however, mostly focused on the fun factor, and provided a level of challenge that will need some thinking, but won't have you staring at a puzzle for too long. In other words you'll feel smart… without trying too hard.

Screenshot for Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise on PC

While the gameplay is the most important thing in here, the available audio-visuals certainly help in immersing you into it all. This is a part of the game's DNA. Without it, this would simply be just another bundle of puzzles that you could find on a free mobile game. Being a spy adventure, the art style used here feels as if taken straight from a '60s fashion, or minimalist interior design magazine, and the music follows suit. It's also neat how the world changes in a very… James Bond way, with retro-futuristic gadgets found behind simple walls, and ordinary pieces of decoration.

Agent A is fun, relatively cheap, and beautiful. It's also great when played along with a friend… or a smartass, know-it-all, significant other (true story). Flawless? Not really. The last two chapters tend to need a bit more back-and-forth running than what's possibly acceptable, and the puzzles won't really satisfy "hardcore" puzzlers, especially since, while varied they aren't as varied as some would them to. Finally, once completed, this doesn't provide any reason to go back to it. These are nit-picks, however. Unless looking for something meatier, this is actually a very big recommendation.

Screenshot for Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

No. Agent A isn't the next big adventure classic. The puzzles aren't as imaginative or challenging, the world not as captivating, and the journey not exactly that long or replayable. Classic or not, though, this is undoubtedly a very entertaining ride; a series of puzzles that are quite fun, especially if in search for something that is casual friendly, but also respects your intellect - and is cheap. As the cherry on top, it features a flawless and very pretty, '60s spy film style, with plenty of areas being wallpaper-worthy.


Yak & Co


Yak & Co





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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