Poisoft Thud Card (Nintendo Switch) Review

By Coller Entragian 08.03.2018

Review for Poisoft Thud Card on Nintendo Switch

Card games with simple rules can be quite enjoyable. Classics like Blackjack or Poker are easy to pick up and learn, sometimes even appearing as mini-games in something like God Hand on PlayStation 2. Some games like The Witcher 3 or Final Fantasy VIII create original card games. There is limitless possibility when it comes to creating rules for a card game and Poisoft sought to make its mark with its own with Poisoft Thud Card on Nintendo Switch, following on from its rather weak launch window release, Vroom in the Night Sky.

What makes a good card game? Some would hope that there is an element of skill involved. Gwent from The Witcher 3 was an involving mini-game that required strategy, as well as a decent deck to win. Even something as simple as Poker had an element of cunning to it where players could bluff themselves to victory in spite of what their hand was. Thud does not have much going on in it, despite the fact that it has some complexity to its rules. Poisoft's card game is extremely reliant on luck and the only skill required is basic addition and knowing what all the extra symbols mean on a standard playing deck.

Screenshot for Poisoft Thud Card on Nintendo Switch

The best thing about Thud is that the stock and generic assets are not offensive. At best, this is the kind of game that might be seen in nursing homes for people on death's door. Even the score is a droll and plain tune that sounds like elevator music with no personality. There is nothing to say about Thud's graphics because it is obvious that the developer made this very quickly and put all its effort into programming the rules.

To win Thud Card, one must declare "thud." In order to get a "thud," players must draw cards until their hand is the sum of the opponent's hand. There are other technicalities, like matching suits and symbols with various effects, but none of that matters at all because Thud is so boring that the most satisfying part from this turkey is deleting it off the console. The only way to enjoy Thud in any capacity, beyond deleting it, would be to forget it ever existed. The reliance on luck can make this impossible to have any skill in it since on more than one occasion the AI wins instantly by getting a Thud right as the game begins. Not only is this insufferably boring, the RNG is stacked against the player for artificial challenge. The only way to play fair is to go online and wait for an eternity for nobody to join because it's unlikely anyone will play Thud.

Screenshot for Poisoft Thud Card on Nintendo Switch

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 1 out of 10


Poisoft Thud Card is one of those kinds of terrible games that is bad in a way because it's boring and that it requires others to suffer in order to get any mileage out of it. Just looking at it is enough for eyes to glaze over into a comatose state as drool begins to ooze from the corners of the mouth and for a second that person will forget that they are even alive. It isn't buggy or glitchy, but if it was it would have been more entertaining and maybe there would be something to talk about. Sometimes a broken game can be a worthwhile experience because they can create really amusing moments. Poisoft Thud Card goes past the standard for being bad; it becomes anti-entertainment.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  1/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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