SkyScrappers (PC) Review

By Tomas Barry 06.08.2017

Review for SkyScrappers on PC

British developer Ground Shatter looks to create something truly unique for its first ever project, with this fighting game with a rather significant twist, which is that each skirmish takes place amidst a collapsing skyscraper. Stylistically influenced by the likes of Street Fighter, and perhaps mechanically by series such as Super Smash Bros. and Power Stone, which also feature unique elements of platforming, SkyScrappers seems well-placed to make itself a distinct classic. The game supports up to four players in a local environment and, for those who want it, also features a quite typical arcade mode for single players to work through. The only question remaining is: do the adrenaline levels keep on surging throughout, or does it level out all too soon for this ambitious 2D vertical fighter?

SkyScrappers feels a bit like a passionate love letter to early 90s fighting games, and the cartoons that influenced their aesthetic. The big pitch, that each encounter takes place as the fighters climb collapsing buildings with climbable debris, presumably lit up the eyes of every developer present instantly, since they were probably born and bred on Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and an abundance of other arcade fighter series, but also, likely influenced by shows like Dragon Ball Z, which found grandiose stages for encounters and gamers would have loved to have seen in a series. Should SkyScrappers have been a title back in those days, it surely would have been immensely popular, even though it explores just one concept, rather than running with the general idea of crazy fight stages.

To win, the player must either KO all their opponents or make it to the top of the building first. It's a simple concept, but very chaotic in practice, since everyone needs to dodge and jump from debris, keep up the rate of vertical climb, as well as fight and defend. It's even possible to strike objects towards opponents, so when the scale starts shifting, on top of all the above-described elements, things really do get intense, and feel truly coin-op arcade spirited. Some people will find this to be an appealing quality, though in the current climate of fighting games, it's also going to mean this is automatically not some other people's cup of tea.

Screenshot for SkyScrappers on PC

At least SkyScrappers leaves those people on the pavement very quickly. It's easy to know whether you'll get on with the game within a few minutes of playing. While there's hardly any deep underlying combat or platforming mechanics to uncover, it's still a significant challenge, and it does take some time to perfect a decent understanding. Just like those 2D arcade classics, the emphasis is on fast reflexes and being as reactive as possible to the fast-paced environmental changes. This means that there's an intensity to each game, and even though the combat is so simple that button mashing is more than likely to occur, there is still a sense of skill overall, since these phases are intertwined by jumping, dodging and throwing oneself about.

Aesthetically, this seems more Street Fighter-derived than anything else. It ends up seeming more indistinct than anything else, too, not striking up any particularly distinct tone or sense of character, with a weak range of fighters to choose from, in fact - just four. The arcade mode sees the player traverse a game map, and after each battle, they are shown a somewhat uninteresting cut-scene, which hardly feels like much of a reward. In this sense, SkyScrappers is far too barebones, not offering anything beyond local multiplayer and the single-player arcade experience.

There's a case for adding significant online multiplayer components to the follow-up, but it should have been there in the original. The fact it isn't there works much to its detriment, since there's hardly any replay value regardless. Simply a time attack mode, survival mode, or anything else that would have added something to the experience would have helped, but without that it's hard to see anyone getting much mileage out of such a cool and promising concept.

Screenshot for SkyScrappers on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 5 out of 10


SkyScrappers is a fun game that taps into the spirit of 2D classic fighters well, whilst also being truly unique. Unfortunately, while many of the concepts work, there's just not enough content or character to discover, so once you've gotten over the dynamic setting for the fighter, plus its rather specific challenges, you realise that there's not much to invest in. This is a shame, since, had the series been given more resources and a more pronounced sense of identity, it could have been a real classic. Perhaps a second instalment might fix a lot of these grievances, but for now, this is a fun title that lets itself down because there's not much to pick at.


Ground Shatter


Ground Shatter





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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