Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (Nintendo DS) Review

By Adam Riley 21.09.2006

To be honest, this particular version of Lego Star Wars is not done by Traveller's Tales, so the lambasting that is about to be forthcoming is not directly aimed at the UK team. In this case, unfortunately, it is Amaze Entertainment that has converted the story and action of the first three Star Wars movies into what at first appears to be a pretty solid little brother to the home console editions. So the finger pointing definitely has to be in its direction, as well as the quality control department.

But why am I starting off in such a negative manner, you may wonder? Well, I will go into those details later; first I will briefly go over some of the presentational elements that help redeem matters to a certain degree. You see, Amaze has actually done a damn fine job of emulating the graphical quality of the home versions, with all characters having a hearty 3D feel to them, locations being extremely well created and vast, as well as the odd special effect thrown in for good measure. In fact, even the audio aspects of LSWII impress, with the usual Star Wars themes pumping out of the DS speakers with some verve.

Screenshot for Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy on Nintendo DS

The problem comes when you get down to the nitty-gritty, the actual game itself. Straight off I have to admit that this is the most outrageously bug-ridden console/portable title I have ever had the 'pleasure' of laying my hands on. How on Earth this managed to slink its way past quality control is a question that haunts me in my sleep. Perhaps, donning my cynical hat for a moment, given the resounding success of the first set of games someone 'upstairs' knew it would sell no matter what was wrong with it...(and with the recent news of its rapid sales so far, they were indeed correct).

Anyway, let me quickly run you through the first fifteen minutes of my experience. It all kicks off with impressive graphical prowess that is not normally expected from Third Parties, and a soundtrack that wows you when heard through an external set of speakers hooked up to a DS. Then you start wandering around and realise that controls via the D-pad are certainly not favourable after coming off the back of smooth analogue precision (no touch-screen controls for you, good sir/madam!). The camera also causes a major headache as it seems far too slow for the majority of the time, and even ends up becoming confused, normally at crucial points where you have to either jump over a small gap or as you turn a corner and are let upon by a horde of Storm Troopers. And the minimal touch-screen camera control is basically a joke (and I mean the sort your drunkard Uncle tells on your wedding day about how on his special day he found out his wife-to-be was in fact a man and would it not be hilarious if your spouse were to be a Steve, not Eve...*cue tumble-weed*).

Screenshot for Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy on Nintendo DS

This means that death has a habit of not so much creeping up on you, but wagging its derriere in your face and sticking its tongue out on a far too frequent basis. But that is by no means the worst of it all. Oh no...You see, when controlling specific characters (yes, there are multiple ones to play with - Leia, C3PO, R2-D2, and so on, with the party sometimes expanding to as many as four

Screenshot for Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy on Nintendo DS

So, whilst reviews may say these are 'minor' faults that can be overlooked, I have to say I do not concur at all, as (after my first fifteen minutes of hell) trying to trudge my way through all three episodes, via the Mos Eisley cantina hub, was a tiresome chore. You can see the game has charm underneath the mire of bugs, but I know I certainly do not want to feel like I have wasted a good

Screenshot for Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy on Nintendo DS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 5 out of 10


This truly is unbelievable. For a game that I wanted so much to fall in love with, I came away with a taste of bile lingering in my throat. Another couple of months to iron out its crippling bugs would have gone a long way. I sincerely warn you









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (4 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   


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