Dynasty Feud (PC) Review

By Renan Fontes 29.05.2017

Review for Dynasty Feud on PC

Arena fighters, more so than traditional fighting games, have the liberty to really experiment with their gameplay. Having access to a dynamic stage naturally makes it easier for developers to offer engaging combat that doesn't have to rely entirely on innate skill. Dynasty Feud experiments by splitting its roster of forty into eight different teams and making almost every character die in one hit. As creative as arena fighters can be, however, they can also suffer from under-designed stages and balance issues. With five characters to play as per battle and the prospect of death looming around every corner of the battlefield, Dynasty Feud will be a feud to remember, for better or worse.

In an attempt to differentiate itself from its competitors, Dynasty Feud forgoes the standard one-on-one battles found in most fighters in favour of five-on-five battles. Instead of selecting a character, players select dynasties.

Each dynasty features five characters tied around a theme. Clan Yngling is comprised of Vikings, The Cartwrongs are an American Wild West family, and the House of Arthur is, appropriately, made up entirely of knights.

It would be easy for each dynasty to have one member of the team fulfil one purpose: someone is a tank, another is ranged, one specialises in close-up combat, and so on. Thankfully, Kaia Studios opts for a more personalised approach, with each dynasty having a unique focus to coincide with their team.

Screenshot for Dynasty Feud on PC

Fancier's Crew, a clan composed of pirates, primarily focuses on attacking from across the stage and setting up explosive traps. Conversely, Nekoyama Shi, a team made up of cosplayers, exclusively uses melee attacks.

With the inclusion of stats for each character, Kaia Studios insures that there's a natural balance to the roster. Most of the cast will die in one hit, but slower characters that focus primarily on melee are given added health to offset their natural disadvantage.

Unfortunately, while the cast is generally well balanced, the same cannot be said for the rest of Dynasty Feud. Underneath the excellent character design and charismatic art style lies a near broken arena fighter.

Screenshot for Dynasty Feud on PC

Attacking and moving should be smooth and natural, but it seldom feels immediate here, thanks to input delay plaguing most of the combatants. The lack of any sort of combos also means characters are stuck doing the same one to two moves repeatedly until death.

Upon dying, the respawning dynasty can choose exactly where they want to spawn and, due to an invulnerability period that lasts far too long upon reviving, can then kill their opponent with incredible ease.

Most arena fighters get around this problem by having characters spawn in one specific location, but choosing where a character respawns puts the opponent at an incredibly unfair disadvantage while risking the chance of the fight boiling down into a back and forth of spawn kills.

Stages are also lacking in any sort of balance. Ranked and private matches disallow the option to pick stages, so it's impossible to pick the less active ones for competitive play. This becomes a huge problem when the same few stages keep rotating as some levels have far more hazards than others.

Screenshot for Dynasty Feud on PC

Hazards wouldn't be a problem if they were consistently designed and if stages could be manually picked, but, as is, they're too sporadic and too random to be enjoyable. A stage breaking away as a fight goes on is a novel idea, but only in moderation. In excess, it kills what could have otherwise been an enjoyable fight.

Dynasty Feud's roster and general concept is innovating and endearing, but it feels as if not enough time was spent on the other aspects of the game. Combat isn't fluid, the mechanics are broken while awarding cheap tactics, and stages have no design consistency to make them enjoyable.

With more time, Dynasty Feud could have ended up as one of the best original fighting games on Steam. As is, it's just another great idea rushed out to the masses before it could be fully realised and perfected.

Screenshot for Dynasty Feud on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 5 out of 10


Dynasty Feud has everything it needs to be one of the most original takes on the arena fighter genre yet, which makes it all the more disappointing when it somehow manages to drop the ball in nearly every regard. The roster is whimsical and each team of five is fleshed out with their own quirks, but the combat itself feels wholly unbalanced. A slight delay to characters' actions and a lack of fluid mobility makes battles stiff and unnatural, combined with too many stage hazards to count. Deciding exactly where the next combatant in the roster spawns after a death is simply too easy to take advantage of and too difficult to counter. There's a fantastic game hiding inside of Dynasty Feud, but it's going to take a lot of digging before it fully comes out.




Kaia Studios





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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