Hue (PC) Review

By Thom Compton 29.08.2016

Review for Hue on PC

Puzzle-platformers are the new online multiplayer. Everywhere you look, another game that plays with physics or teleportation or something else gimmicky is coming out, pleading for space in every gamer's backlog. For a while, Hue (also on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) looked like it was going to join the flock, but then it did something subtle and unexpected: it became just short of perfect.

Hue starts off, like many modern Metroidvanias, with a story and a cataclysm. The staunch black and… whatever colour the background is at the time… is absolutely fascinating. Almost like the paintings on a Grecian urn, each piece of the environment is composed of black chunks expertly compiled into very precise shapes. In its own way, Hue uses minimalism to paint a very thorough picture, and it's a constant treat for the eyes.

The gameplay is comprised of swapping the background colour and, by association, everything in the scene that is the corresponding colour. Change the background colour to purple and everything in the scene that's purple will disappear. This affects platforms and obstacles alike, and makes up the puzzle-platforming element.

Screenshot for Hue on PC

Fortunately, the gameplay manages to excel even beyond how pleasant Hue is to look at. While the keyboard and mouse controls could use some refinement, traversing this colourful landscape is still incredibly enjoyable. The hang-ups with the keyboard result from clunky colour swapping. Still, without a controller, it's easy to get used to navigating the world.

The story, which is obviously not meant to be the focal point, is actually beautiful. Almost like the narration from a silent student film, it is quietly observant, explaining the finer details of the surrounding environment. It remains ambiguous, much like the rest of the world, and is truly beautiful.

The awkward controls are really the only major drawback, and even those can be overcome by doing some basic planning once it is understood how each level works. Back tracking is also, for a Metroidvania, kept to a minimum. While backtracking can be expected, it never feels like a cumbersome walk to the past. Instead, it feels like a brilliant way to make the player realise that past obstacles could actually be overcome with a justifiably short amount of patience and exploration.

Screenshot for Hue on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 9 out of 10

Exceptional - Gold Award

Rated 9 out of 10

Hue has gotten plenty of press, but it manages to be an absolute indie juggernaut that far exceeds its hype. It's a haunting accomplishment, and manages to be just short of a perfect title. Any gamer, whether a fan of puzzle-platformers or not, needs to dive into this. With any luck, Hue will become an instant indie classic.




Curve Digital


2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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