Combat Of Giants: Dragons (Bronze Edition) (Hands-On) (Nintendo DS) Preview

By Mike Mason 25.09.2009

Review for Combat Of Giants: Dragons (Bronze Edition) (Hands-On) on Nintendo DS

Combat of Giants: Dragons puts you in the strange position from a story perspective. You take control of the last noble dragon on a mission to knock rogue dragons back into shape so that you might reunite the dragon kingdom. After that? Well, it's not mentioned explicitly in the press release, but presumably the next step is to go and rip apart all the humans, seeing as they're the ones who have somehow bested the dragons and caused this entire mess.

Ignoring the possible taboo subject of mass human slaughter, Combat of Giants: Dragons (Bronze Edition) is a DSiWare entry into the Ubisoft series that previously allowed gamers to take charge of dinosaurs. Whether dragons are a step up over dinosaurs or not is debatable, but you have to ask yourself - which one is it that can breathe fire and fly again? The game's entirely touch screen controlled, with Animal Crossing-style movement, and is split into two distinct gameplay elements: exploration and combat.

Exploration has you stomping around the world, your screen shaking with every step, looking for gems to help unite the kingdoms and solving simple objectives such as 'stomp on big stone'. Naturally, being a dragon, your wings come into play; a double tap anywhere on the screen allows you to take to the air and soar over the land, which is both faster and more satisfying than walking. Of course, you can only go up there when there's not something to obstruct your flight, and to land with a nasty stomp you need only double tap where you want to go to activate an impressive descent. Both in air and on ground you can roar out fire by rubbing on the screen to build up the outburst and then tap in any direction to direct the assault. The flames are needed to torch trees that are obstructing you, or just for fun even if they're not. You usually get some gems out of it, either way.

Screenshot for Combat Of Giants: Dragons (Bronze Edition) (Hands-On) on Nintendo DS

As you investigate your surroundings you will come across rival dragons; touch them either physically or with fire breath and you enter the combat mode. Each dragon is placed on separate 'boards' opposite each other and moved to different positions around it with the stylus. Where you stand dictates what attack you can use at a particular time, so if you stay in one place you will use claws, others tail, others head, etc.. You can also still double tap to fly and open further attacks. To block against an attack you swipe backwards towards your dragon, but to go on the offensive you slash towards the enemy.

You are then asked to select the level of power for your attack - how powerful it can be depends upon how many gems you have accumulated - and carry out your strike by joining dots that appear on the screen. Connect at least two and your attack will be effective, but the more you manage the higher the damage will be. When enemies strike at you the process is similar, only you must scribble out the lines that they draw between dots to try to lessen their damage. The less line they have remaining on the screen, the better you're going to come out of it. In the multiplayer mode this is going to lead to people drawing ever more elaborate lines to hurt opponents as much as possible, but you only have a limited amount of 'ink' to use each round - so be careful.

Screenshot for Combat Of Giants: Dragons (Bronze Edition) (Hands-On) on Nintendo DS

Final Thoughts

Combat of Giants: Dragons is out in October. I'm told it contains a good few hours of single player mode, and on top of that the multiplayer should keep people busy for a bit. It looks great and controls well - plus you're put in charge of some giant beasts of wrath. What's not to like?

Also known as

Battle of Giants: Dragons - Bronze Edition






Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   


I missed out on trying this one, but from watching over your shoulder on the day it certainly looked visually impressive - definitely one of the stronger looking DSiWare games on terms of aesthetic merit.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Nixi xxx (guest) 12.05.2012#2

I downloaded this game as a demo on the DS. I'm really having fun playing but I don't know why but sometimes it doesn't let me attack the opponent.Smilie


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