First Sonic Unleashed Wii Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.06.2008 42

The first shots from the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed have emerged as the blue wonder returns to Nintendo.

Sonic Unleashed is the next-generation installment of the all-out speed franchise seeing versions for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PS2. Dimps will be handling development for the Wii and PS2 versions, having had previous success with Sonic Advance and Rush.

A pair of scanned screens from Nintendo Power recently emerged on GoNintendo complete with comparision shots to the Xbox 360 version:

Image for First Sonic Unleashed Wii Screens
Image for First Sonic Unleashed Wii Screens

Visually it does seem to have a fair bit of similarity between the versions, though appears to be far less shiny and far more murky/grainy.

Thanks to Superlink for the tip.

Box art for Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



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Lol at the people who thought the original screens were Wii quality Smilie Anyway looks like an alright job.....but still the 360/PS3 version is miles ahead.

Notice lack of shadows just like I said for the Wii version.

( Edited 11.10.2012 08:46 by Guest )

Now the big question is... Will there be any differences OTHER than graphics? I don't wanna have to buy what is essentially the same game twice...

Looks alright for a Wii game though. To be fair they do sort of look like crappy magazine scans or something

( Edited 11.10.2012 08:46 by Guest )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Urgh. Sorry but urgh. They could have done more with Sonic's model - looks worse than Secret Rings imo.

That said, only a pair of screens.

Hopeful for more shots though. They need to up the Wii effort - Sonic looks a bit pants compared to his SR model.

( Edited 11.10.2012 08:46 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I think that looks pretty great for Wii actually. Sonic's model could be better (they should just nick the one from Smash Bros), but the backgrounds are lovely.

( Edited 11.10.2012 08:46 by Guest )

The skybox (or cylinder? O_o 2nd picture) looks fucking terrible on the Wii version.

Now the big question is... Will there be any differences OTHER than graphics? I don't wanna have to buy what is essentially the same game twice...

But thats what people want, they want the exact same game but you know... with worse graphics.

Dimps are only doing the day stages for the Wii/PS2 ones arn't they?

Mm, I'll probably get the Xbox version. If it isn't crap. Didn't think much to Secret Rings.

I know it's way to early to judge, may not even be the same level, but Sonic looks so muddy and nasty looking!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Oh good lord. How can anyone look at that first Wii screen of Sonic and NOT instantky see the Dreamcast, game: Sonic Adventure 2?

Dimps do a fantastic job at Rush, but why the f**k don't you actually TAKE CARE with the main versions of your biggest franchise Sega?

Oh, that's right. Wii versions are always the last gen versions.

Looks worse than secret rings. There's a bit of grainyness in the scans which doesn't help.

The lack of enviroment shadows is sloopy.
Burning shadows in does not take cpu power.
The prince of persia games had it fine.

That aside, the wii version looks good enough.
In fact, I prefer sonic in the wii shots.
Sure, its not as AA\'ised as much, but Sonic also dosnt look nearly so plasticy.

Oh, also, I just noticed there isnt any shadows on the wii version yet.
That part of the engine might not be made yet.
At the very least you would have pre-rendered bitmap based shadows. The lack of any shadows means they are probably working on some psydo-projected type.

( Edited 28.06.2008 15:12 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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The scans do look like they are well not that great.
Although the graphics look like that of the gamecube era.

Another thing we should look at though, is this could be a incomplete level, with incomplete textures and such.

But hopefully more screens will show it isn't as bad as this looks.

To everyone saying it looks worse than Secret Rings, whaddyou expect? It\'s probably the same as the PS2 version!

And I\'m a bit disappointed by the brownness... Otherwise it doesn\'t look too bad.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and apparantly both versions will be pretty different.

( Edited 28.06.2008 17:33 by SuperLink )

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So now we are judging graphical quality on a 2 month (magazine lead-time) old batch of screens scaned from NP against recent direct feed 360 screens?

knighty said:
Lol at the people who thought the original screens were Wii quality Smilie Anyway looks like an alright job.....but still the 360/PS3 version is miles ahead.

Notice lack of shadows just like I said for the Wii version.

Of course, lot of people like graphic to look like realistic

Sifu Avenger said: Hey, as long as you know all my shadow attacks! (Laughing) Hero Natliusx said: I once died, I also once was reborn to give all my souls to live. (Clenched his hands)

Does anyone remember the opening for MGS2 on PS2?

How amazing did that look back in 2001? Looks alot better than this bullshit.

none the less its a finally well done sonic game so graphics won't matter as long as the gameplay is awsomeSmilie

oh i hatedSmilie sonic rpg games after adventure2 on the GC i played it till i blowed my GC.

Wii code:

Yeah this is obviously ported PS2 junk. Secret Rings looked much better than this mess. That sky is just hideous. Smilie

Simpsons quote:

Lisa: Not brown, brown, browwwwn!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

oh my god...looks like my 360 will hold its first Sonic game then.

jb said:
Simpsons quote:

Lisa: Not brown, brown, browwwwn!

Smilie I think developers like to use alot of brown for some strange reason.

I don't see why it has to look almost exactly like Sonic Adventure 2 though, they could've added some shine to itSmilie

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On second thought, Sonic Unleashed seem to be good game for me, i just checked it out on it website. Curious anyway...

Sifu Avenger said: Hey, as long as you know all my shadow attacks! (Laughing) Hero Natliusx said: I once died, I also once was reborn to give all my souls to live. (Clenched his hands)

Visually it does seem to have a fair bit of similarity between the versions, though appears to be far less shiny and far more murky/grainy.

Ehhh, you do what you can. As long as the gameplay's good I'm happy.

Yeah and chances are the Wii version could have better gameplay.

Dimps are working on it. Even if it's not the whole thing, that still makes it MILLIONS better than anything Sonic Team could make. Smilie

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