Hey my FC is 5112-3543-7921Pm me your FC and i'll add you back
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Hey my FC is 5112-3543-7921Pm me your FC and i'll add you back
added you plz add in return
feel free to add , 0748-2246-7149
3351-4554-0100 Billy
Will add anybody who adds me
added u billy
2552-2083-1860 Drac
Feel free to add me, It would be grateful if you tell me what pokemon I have in the friend safari!!!!!!
Added you, Drac
Sup? everybody add me
Hey guys please add me and let me know when you do so i can add back.
Added u
added lazz and phil
Added you guys
Add me 4270-1711-6076
Hi everyone! Penguin here with a request and FC.
My little sister is getting Pokemon X, her first one! On her 10th birthday, how appropriate.
I want to help her out, and boy do I need help! If you want to help, here's how:
Think of a Pokemon you would like to have when starting out, such as:
Starters you did not choose, rares/safari abilities
She likes cute pokemon, fairy types and purple.
If you would like to help, add me and I'll add tou if yoy
tell me. I'll trade for the donations. Thank you in advance, Penguin.
FC: 1907-8549-9249
Add me 0748-2810-9499
I'm looking for a hidden ability Raltz/Kirlia/Gardevoir. If anyone has friend safari please add. I have Dark type Sneasle, Inkay, and Mightyena.
( Edited 10.04.2014 22:23 by TankerCyclone )
Does any have sableye with prankster
I've got a steel type Safari:
Chuck me a PM and I'll do my best to add back!
does anyone have clauncher or clawitzer or a safari does have one? please add me or just add me for safari and send me a pm when you do please. heres my FC and IGN
FC: 3625-9781-3959
IGN: Shinji
does anyone have clauncher or clawitzer or a safari does have one? please add me or just add me for safari and send me a pm when you do please. heres my FC and IGNFC: 3625-9781-3959
IGN: Shinji
anyone with vivillon safari please pm your friends code and ill add you back.
FC 5112-3543-7921
Pm me if you add me and i'll add you back :3
Added Aymei. My FC is 1993-8530-5428
added you
(42 Votes)